Chapter 21

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Already done putting everything in place, Seungcheol decided to walk around his dormitory, just because. Class would start in less than two weeks so there were not so many people on campus. He saw a few familiar faces belonging to different floors, but his own had no other students except himself. The usually noisy hallways seemed so silent, it was a bit eerie. He wondered how Jeonghan managed to live alone in his own for the last month...

Looking at the clock, Seungcheol decided it was time for lunch. He brought out his phone and chose a comfortable space on the couch before beginning to type –

You free? Let's have lunch :)

He waited for a while but there was no reply, making him wondered what Jeonghan was doing. Was he still sleeping? He might be, considering there were nothing to do, and he is not the type to go out in the afternoon either. Should he call the man instead? It was already one, if in half an hour Jeonghan still hadn't reply, he should call him just to check. Owh, speak of the devil.

What to do? I have lunch plan – Jeonghan-ie

'Heol. Must be lying.' Seungcheol muttered to himself, biting his lower lip as he thought about what to reply. Sending a judging husky pic, he waited for the other.

It's true. – Jeonghan-ie

I'm odw to the shelter. – Jeonghan-ie

Yah. Why do I have to explain myself to you? – Jeonghan-ie

Who do you think you are? – Jeonghan-ie

Seungcheol laughed at the passive-aggressive tone of the message. It seemed, he found the omega's new favourite phrase. Also, he didn't ask, the omega was the one who told him. Sighing, accepting the fact that his lunch partner was not available, he decided to walk around campus to see which restaurant was opened. He was sure the main cafeteria was, considering the fourth-year students and the graduate students do not have holidays like the freshmen. Opting to go there, he started to feel a bit awkward eating alone without his usual companions.

Well, at least Jeonghan was not as lonely as he thought the man was. That was good to know.


Jeonghan stared outside at the familiar gate, wondering why he came here in the first place. That's right, fucking Seungcheol's question about returning to this place kept replaying in his head so he came here to make it stop. His thoughts obviously took longer than he should as the taxi driver started to question whether they were at the right address. Nodding and apologizing for taking his time, Jeonghan quickly brought out his money and pay the old driver before he would change his mind. Because he was starting to. He wanted to ask the man to drive him back to the dorm.

But, he was already here. He should go inside.

It was not as if he was planning to stay or anything. He just wanted to say hi. Just a few minutes and he would leave.

Yeah, it was not as if he didn't bring anything with him. He brought some fruits. A box of fruits.

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