Chapter 30 [M]

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It didn't matter anymore. It was not as if he ever had a choice to begin with. There was no escaping his fate as an omega – to be dominated by the alphas. The only difference was whether his partner care to tone down their violent behavior or be proud of it.

At least, Sehun only get physical when Jeonghan rejected him. If it weren't for that incident at the café, things would have been great. If only he had accepted the offer, things wouldn't have turned out this way. He would have a mate to take care of him, and the old man wouldn't even get the opportunity of escaping the country. Why was he so stupid? Why did he have to be so egoistic? If only he had submitted to Sehun earlier...

'-are of you...' the soft call from his right caught his attention. Jeonghan glanced at the floor to see a familiar hand being offered to him. Like it had, many times before. And all those times, the hand gripped him so firmly, never letting go, always making sure he was safe. Always making sure no harm could come his way. The hand that is always there no matter how many times he refused to take it. The hand that never turn into fist, no matter how many times he challenged it. The hand that... is always there, gently caressing him, taking care of his wounds.

Can he really take it? Was he allowed to?

He really wanted to. He wanted to grab it. And never let go.

He wanted to be selfish. Just this once.

He needed this.

He wanted this.

He deserved this.

'Can I?' Jeonghan nodded, not really knowing what was asked. All he knew was, everything was going to be okay. The owner of the hand was going to take care of him. The man was going to chase every monster away from him. The man was going to make him forget.

Everything was going to be okay.


Seungcheol felt the grip tightened on his hand. Looking at Jeonghan who kept his gaze down, the alpha quickly got inside the bathroom and held the man, careful not to squeeze too tight. The dazed omega reciprocated his action by placing his own two hands around the other's chest, burying his face as deep as he could between the crook of Seungcheol's neck, and took a deep breath. As the alpha did.

Letting their heartbeats sync...

Letting their scents intertwine...

Seungcheol closed his eyes when he felt himself slowly getting drunk from the enticing call to mate. He was distracted but now that everything was out of the way, his body reacted freely without any bit of refrain.

Shit. This was too fast. Sure he offered to help, but it was not the right moment to get hard. Maybe after a bit of talking, or kissing, or even after he laid Jeonghan on the bed or something. How the fuck does heat work again? He only experienced it once, a few years ago. He forgot everything about it.

Rubbing Jeonghan's back to ease the now teary male, on the verge of crying, Seungcheol slowly stood up, noting the shaky figure in his embrace. He could tell the mere action of standing was too much for Jeonghan. There was quite a distance to the bed, he didn't want the man to have to walk there in his condition. Without thinking, the buffed alpha carried the other and gently placed him on the bed.

Seungcheol stood up, taking a deep breath once he made sure the omega was comfortable. His dick was slowly getting hard the longer he held the omega, and the sheer thought of sharing the bed with the man was too much for his body. Especially with Jeonghan looking so inviting, so lascivious with his moans... He turned his face away, feeling hot all of a sudden. Mirroring the alpha, feeling awkward with the lack of interaction, Jeonghan did the same and turned to look at the other side of the bed. That action, however, revealed his swollen cheek towards the other.

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