Chapter 1

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'Can I take a selfie with you?'

Jeonghan pushed his hair back behind his left ear, looking at the man in front of him. He could see the glimmer in his eyes as the omega closed his eyes slowly, teasing before giving the man his typical smile. 'Sure.' He replied, waiting for the excited beta to prepare his phone for a snapshot. In the corner of his eyes he could see a group of males sitting on a nearby table, out-of-place, eyeing him. As the young author bid his goodbye to his satisfied fan, Jeonghan finally gave the pack his brief attention.

Bunch of fuckboys, that was for sure. And based on their aura, alphas.

It was obvious why they were waiting there; for him. No, not like the rest of the people in this small bookstore here for his meet-and-greet cum book-signing session. They were here hoping to get his attention and fuck him. Just look at the pathetic lustful face that one guy was making. Jeonghan almost laugh at his terrible attempt to be sexy by biting his lips. Too young to even try. Which was the exact reason he chose to be with older alphas instead of those his age. They are too desperate it almost seem pathetic.

Shifting his attention towards another person in line, Jeonghan continued socializing with his readers. He really wanted to ignore those alphas but he knew they wouldn't leave any time soon. He was, famous among their circle for being good in bed and 'easy' anyway. He wouldn't deny it, he sleeps with alpha almost every time he had a chance. It was an open secret. Heck, he even wrote it in his book, confessing about it being his way to cope with his past. Naturally, people started calling him easy but on the contrary, he was very picky. Alphas were the ones who would gather around him desperate for a taste, not the other way around. He was the one in control, not the other way around.

'I read it in two days. You're so brave to write about it...' Jeonghan thanked the middle-aged woman who started to tear. He wanted to sigh loudly but held it in. Sensitive people really irk him, 'I'll always support you.' She continued, now crying. Almost at his limit, the omega eyed his manager, signaling him to take her away. He could tolerate reasonable tears but fake tears and weak emotional tears, in other words, undeserving tears really annoy him.

Well, a lot of things annoys him but tears especially. Tears are for the weak.

Okay, obviously he was at his limit right now. He really need a break but the line was still long. Eyeing the clock which indicated another hour before he could be free, Jeonghan requested for a toilet break. He could see one of the desperate alphas standing up, probably planning to follow him to the washroom. He smirked, pitying the guy. Despite Jeonghan being a normal omega with a 'bad' reputation, his book was a best-seller which meant, in this small bookstore, he was somewhat a celebrity. Obviously he would have a manager and a bodyguard taking care of him while he was attending his own signing event. There was no way the James Dean-wannabe would be able to touch him right now.

...and just like he expected, the guard pushed the alpha away as he tried to force his way to the toilet, following Jeonghan. Feeling a bit better at the amusing scene, the young author made his way inside, expecting an empty space to clear his mind. Which was why seeing a figure moved at the corner of his eyes caught him off-guard he almost cursed loudly. At one of the sink, an alpha was washing his hand, not really paying any attention towards the pretty omega behind him.

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