Chapter 29

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'Jeonghan?' Seungcheol whispered, holding his breath. The familiar lavender scent confirmed his suspicion, though, deep inside, he wished this was all an illusion.

Because the rough-looking man standing in front of him was not his Jeonghan.

Because there was no way someone could ever hurt his Jeonghan this bad.

No. He didn't want to believe that.

That someone would ever dare to hurt Jeonghan.

'C-can I come in?' The timid voice broke him from his own thoughts, and Seungcheol relaxed his jaw he didn't notice was tensed. Shifting his position just a bit to make room, the alpha took a deep breath to digest what was happening. He switched the lights on and after a few seconds, seeing the omega sitting quietly on his bed, started to gasp for air.

Fuck, what the hell happened? Why was Jeonghan covered in bruises he was hardly recognizable? Who the fuck hurt him?

'Jeonghan?' He again asked to get the other's attention, somehow still trying to convince himself that the man was not actually there. Or that he was mistaken. Secretly wishing the man would act confused being called a different name than his own. Or even, he would start laughing and pull a mask to reveal the pretty, naughty grin he always bore and yell, 'gotcha!'. But the answer snatched him off his hope. 'Can I stay here? I-I can't be alo- I-... C-can I?'

Seungcheol gulped.

Jeonghan was afraid. And he was not hiding it. Fuck, he looked so sad right now. He never showed this side of himself to anyone. The last time he heard such weak voice from the man was during their holiday together, and even then, it was not this... broken. Clenching his fists, Seungcheol tried his best to open his shaky mouth. Nothing managed to come out as he found himself too overwhelmed by the sight and presence of the other. He stared at Jeonghan again, noticing that the man had started to pull his knees to his chest, albeit his pained expression.

Seungcheol frowned. He wanted to do something. He wanted to make the man feel better. He wanted to erase all the bad memories so Jeonghan would stop crying. He wished he could so something...

'I...' He struggled to find the right words, 'I'll... stay with you.' He looked back at the omega who nodded softly at the suggestion. Forcing a smile, he was about to sit before remembering where they were – the alpha/beta dorm. Omegas are not allowed except for orientation. Of course, he could let Jeonghan stay the night, but obviously, he would not allow the man to leave his sight until he is better. Which meant, he wouldn't let Jeonghan leave until he was sure the man would be okay. And considering how his friends would visit his room at random times, it would only be a matter of time until someone discover the omega in his room.

The situation was not ideal. If they are caught, especially with Jeonghan looking like he was, things would turn really ugly with the management office.

'We'll go to the Welfare Center?' He suggested and Jeonghan only nodded yet again. Without the usual argument, even a playful start of a banter. It was clear that he didn't really care as long as he was not left alone. Seungcheol nodded to himself, keeping his distance. He didn't want to come close, afraid it would be a bit much for Jeonghan. After all, they were, in a huge fight just a day ago. Even though Jeonghan was here now, it didn't mean he was willing to let Seungcheol close. For all he knew, he was chosen because he was the closest acquaintance the man had, considering Joshua lives outside campus.

Taking his phone out, he started to search for any information on the center, especially opening time. It was so early in the morning he doubts they would even be able to enter. And just as he thought, the place wouldn't open until another six hours. By then, all his dormmates would be walking around. It would be impossible to sneak Jeonghan out without alerting someone.

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