Chapter 26

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'Fuck!' Seungcheol turned his body to let himself fall to the floor before rushing towards the bathroom and splash his face with the warm water. Throwing his clothes around, he grabbed a pair of fresh ones and wore it. A quick search for his bag and ensuring his notebook and utensils were inside, he ran towards his department building. He might be late for a few minutes, or more, but hopefully the attendance sheet would still be passed around the back. Perfect attendance meant a free pass, he couldn't screw this.

...shit, better asked his friends to write his name for him.

Argh!! He forgot his phone!! He should run faster!

Slowly making his way towards the person currently writing their names, the sheet almost back to the front, he quickly sat before the professor turned her head. He gestured towards the person to pass the attendance towards him, thankful that he made it seconds before he was out. Owh, how he hates morning classes.

Finally done jotting his name, Seungcheol sighed, relieved. He must have forgotten to set his alarm last night. Even though he would usually open his eyes early enough without the help of the clock due to the brightness of summer, he did sleep pretty late last night. Worrying. And feeling offended and hurt.

Another long breath and the student decided to focus on the complicated subject taught in front of him instead of wallowing in despair. He needed to be able to answer the question if he was chosen today anyways. And focusing might help him move on from that matter.


Seungcheol stared on the road in front of him, choosing to walk alone instead of mingling with his classmates towards the next class. He could go with his usual group of friends but got a feeling that something was a bit odd today. Everyone was looking at him like before, back when the rumor of his dating first broke out, but unlike back then, now they seemed so eager to say something to him. Their stares were obvious, but the hesitance in their expression when their eyes interlocked instead of the usual avoidance somehow worried the young alpha. And that made him want to avoid interaction all together, not wanting to know, concerned that it would be bad news.

How he wished he brought his phone so he could pretend to be busy and ignore these people.

Hopefully they keep their mouths shut until he got back to his room.



Alone on his bed, no disturbing stares or mutterings. So relaxing.

Seungcheol squiggled towards the top of his bed, too lazy to move properly. Turning his body around, he was about to grab his forgotten phone before a knock on the door stole his attention. The voice sounded familiar so he invited the man in, giving him a friendly smile while he adjusted himself to sit properly. It had been a while since he last talked to Taeyong, his sudden visit was really curious.

He was about to ask about the man's intention but the latter's concerned face stopped him. Giving the man a few moments, he proceeded to take his phone on the bedside table and pull the charger out. 'You okay man?'

'Hrmm?' Seungcheol hummed, confused at the sudden question. Was he supposed to be hurt? Was it the rumor spreading around which he has yet to know? Guess it was a bit serious, now he really didn't want to know. 'I'm good? Why?'

'That- I thought...' Taeyong stopped mid-sentence before his eyes widened, seemingly out of a sudden realization. 'No man. I didn't know you two broke up. Just, nothing.'

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