Chapter 5

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Still no new message from Woo Ri. Although a bit disappointed, Seungcheol did not feel as bad as he felt a few weeks ago. It was obvious their break was real, and Woo Ri did not have any plans to stay in contact with each other. After all they went through together as a couple, the omega did not even give them the honour of staying as friends...

Seungcheol was still hurt by it. But he was trying to move on. Sure, he still have hopes of reconciliation, they were together for almost six years. A month was not enough to erase their memories together. And truth be told, he still couldn't accept it completely but at least he did not feel as obsessed over her any more. Apart from the checking her Instagram and Twitter updates every hour, he finally let himself enjoy his new life as a college student. Their parting was not perfect, with lots of unanswered questions, but the alpha learned to let go bit by bit. He realized how pathetic he was becoming once he saw how Taeyong kept obsessing over Jeonghan since that night. Fortunately for him, Woo Ri made her cut clean, and so, unlike his friend who thought he shared something special with the male omega, it was easier for Seungcheol to move on.

Baby steps.

'He finally talked to me!' Taeyong punched him on the shoulder before taking his place on against the door. The owner of the room would be leaving for his part-time job in a few minutes so the man knew well enough not to make himself comfortable on the bed. Turning his head towards his friend, Seungcheol decided to entertain himself with the details. Despite how pathetic he was being, the obsession Taeyong had for this omega was intriguing. It made him wonder what the man wrote in his book, or what people know about the author that made them thirsty for more.

'He's the ideal omega man! You know, I thought he'd never even look at people like us but,' Taeyong smirked, pointing at himself, 'I got him.'

'Really? Is he a young master or something?' Seungcheol decided to ignore the sudden confidence from the other. Albeit his own wonderful background and good looks, his friend is one of the most down-to-earth person he ever knew which was why, this was amusing to hear. Upon hearing that question, the guest, befuddled, stood up straight and stared at him, 'Seriously? You didn't even Google him? Coups! I told you he's a famous author!'

'I... don't read?'

'Abuse, man! He's been looking for an alpha since,' Seungcheol could feel all the blood leaving his body as soon as he heard the first word. He read about a few of those cases in the paper and internet, but he never actually met someone in real life who had actually been through abuse. This had always been one of those things that he knew was real, but felt as like a myth; like kidnapping or, winning a lottery. Until it happens nearby or to people he knew, he basically found it difficult to empathize with it at all. But right now, not only did it did happen, it happened to someone he knew, a man he almost slept with even! All the feeling he should have felt came flooding in – fear, disbelief, sympathy, everything. His brain just suddenly became empty.

'He's weak and helpless and needs protection. He just awakens the alpha in me. He's perfect...'

'Heh,' he tried to laugh it off, hoping his pale face was not too obvious. 'You're messed up man.'

'Yah! I'm not! I don't mean it in a weird way Coups! All I'm saying is, I found someone I wanna protect so badly. That don't happen very often 'kay?' Taeyong placed his hands on both side of his head, showing his distress from the weird implications coming from his friend, who only shrugged his shoulders as he laughed to reveal his gums.

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