Chapter 32

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Seungcheol stared at the ringing phone vibrating on the side table, wondering if he should answer it or wake the sleeping omega instead. Turning his head back and forth, the alpha grabbed the phone and answered, 'Yoon Jeonghan's phone. This is his friend speaking.'

'Good evening. Is Yoon Jeonghan available?'

'He's sleeping.' Seungcheol answered, almost whispering, looking to his right at the omega who had started to move. The sound of his voice might have bothered him slightly. Lowering it, he continued, 'Is there anything important? I can let him know.'

'It's... regarding Jung Myungseok.' The operator conveyed. Seungcheol recognized the name immediately, having been searching for the man online almost every waking hour since last night - the bastard who hurt Jeonghan. Getting worked up from the mere mention of the name, he got up from the bed and walked towards the sofa, just to lose his energy. 'What about him? Did you get him?'

'We have him in custody.' Seungcheol made a fist, turning his head left and right, too happy he couldn't keep still. Smiling widely at the good news, he thanked the lady for the information and told her he would let the omega know but it seemed she had something else in mind. 'He'll be transferred to the prison soon. We're wondering if Mr. Yoon wants to see him for the last time.'

'Huh?' he wondered why that was even a question. Why would Jeonghan even want to see the man? He would rather the man be sent to the prison as soon as possible. And he wanted to say that to the lady but it was not his decision.

'Is that the police?' He jumped a bit, surprised by the voice. Jeonghan was now sitting up, facing him. His excitement earlier must have woken the omega up. Nodding, Seungcheol walked back towards the bed and put the phone into loudspeaker, telling the operator to repeat what she told him earlier. He felt Jeonghan rest his head on his shoulder, and held him closer, supporting his back.

'Do you wanna see him? They have enough evidence and your statement, right? You don't have to go.' Seungcheol urged, not wanting the omega to be near the damned bastard. It felt wrong, even if the man would be in cuffs. But Jeonghan didn't think so. He was set to see him. Giving up, Seungcheol hung up and looked over at the injured man, trying to figure him out. 'Why?'

'So I can believe this is actually over.'

He frowned. It was over, the cops would not lie to them. The news will report it later if he needed more convincing. Why go see him? 'So everytime I close my eyes and remember last night, I can recall seeing him locked up. I don't work like you, my brain needs more than just words.'

Seungcheol gently caressed Jeonghan's hair, trying to understand. The decision did irk him a lot, feeling overly protective and wary for the man's sake but like he said, their wires aren't connected the same. He wouldn't fully understand Jeonghan as is, he has to learn how to. Noticing the hand on his waist, Seungcheol asked, 'Wanna take care of your heat first?'

Jeonghan nodded.

'Then we can go to the clinic or somewhere for suppressant. In case, you know...' to prevent his omega from having another wave in front of the damned monster. He didn't want to grant the man the pleasure.

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