Chapter 40

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Seungcheol leaned against the backrest, already tired after listening to the orientation staff leader explain about the event flow for an hour. Despite already experiencing it last year as a freshman himself, he was actually surprised that there were more to the planning than just simply bringing the new guys around campus. They actually needed to coordinate the tour with other dorms, ensure that there were no other events to be held at the hall that they would be using, prepare the party and ice-breaking gamed and also security and emergency. Everyone was now briefed on what to do in case of trouble, which was complicated and really boring. He could not help but wonder if everything was going to be alright once the new students come next week.

'Okay guys, it's a lot but this was really important so I need you guys to at least be aware of stuffs like these. Obviously we don't expect you to remember everything so take the printed manual back to review,' the dorm president – a position he never knew existed before volunteering for the orientation, reminded. Seungcheol received the few pieces of paper and went over it once before shifting his attention back to the 3rd year beta standing in front of them. 'Tomorrow's meeting for the ice-breaking games' at nine, also here. See you guys.'

With that, the young alpha stood up and left the hall, just like his other dorm mates. There were a few people that he remembered from his own orientation week but never saw again, there were those whom he met for the first time. And there were also a few of his friends volunteering. Everyone had their own reason for joining, from wanting to bully the newcomers to wanting to make them feel welcomed. Seungcheol was just excited to see who would be joining their dormitory.

Returning to his room, the young student looked over his phone to see if his lover was done with his own meeting. Jeonghan was the reason why the alpha wanted to join the orientation staff in the first place. His omega had been active in planning for the omega dorm's events and was volunteering to be a part of the fellowship program. This caused Jeonghan to be busy in the weeks leading to the new academic year hence why Seungcheol volunteered as well - so they could exchange note and so he could be a part of Jeonghan's personal activity. Because lately, he had been finding volunteer works to be fairly rewarding.

Done :) – Hannie

Breakfast? – Hannie

Lunch? - Hannie

Seungcheol stretched his whole body, feeling a bit stiff from the lack of exercise lately. Looking outside to see the sun shining brightly, he looks at the time which shows a few minutes pass 11. Maybe he should run before meeting his boyfriend.

Let's do lunch

I'm gonna go for a run

Wanna join? :D

Seungcheol waited for a while, wondering why Jeonghan was taking a long time to reply to him. The three dots have been appearing for quite some time...

I'll take a nap first – Hannie

Good luck! – Hannie

He could not help but chuckle from how lazy his lover is. The only thing that would get the man to use his energy was the thought of sex, and sex itself. Other than that, there was no way to get Jeonghan to exercise. Well, besides when Seungcheol bribed him in which Jeonghan would join excitedly, there was no way the omega would be caught sweating in his own free would.

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