Chapter 39

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Seungcheol looked at the empty chair in front of him, sighing before glancing at his watch. It was already 20 minutes pass the agreed time and yet, there was no sign of the female omega. There were not even any messages which explains her lateness, nor any notification. Well, what did he expect anyways? She was always like this, never caring about other people's time except herself.

The vibration of his phone could be felt and the alpha looked over to see a message from his beloved, asking him whether it was over. He scoffed to himself, noting that it should have, had Woo Ri been punctual. Replying the truth to Jeonghan, he waited for a few second to see the man's reply and put it back down, now feeling agitated. Seungcheol saw that his coffee was already half empty, and contemplated on whether to buy a new one since he did not plan on drinking in the first place. But he had nothing to do here except drink or play games on his phone, and he was not in the mood to do the latter.

Yes, he should buy a new one.

Just as the waiter came to take his order, Woo Ri appeared, her smile wide as if she had nothing to be apologetic for. She greeted him as she should, and without even looking at the menu, ordered a typical iced milk tea. It was as if she knew that they would not be here long.

'You're late.' Seungcheol stated, just because. No, he was not angry, but he just wanted to put it out there that he did not like this character of hers. Now that they have nothing to do with each other, he figured he was allowed to say that, which did not even make up for all the time he wasted waiting for her all these years. Without even a sliver of guilt, she answered, 'fashionably late.'

The alpha sighed, not amused. If she had told him she was nearby, he wouldn't have ordered another coffee. This was really annoying. Thank god he had no plan to stay. Seungcheol glanced at the omega, only now noticing the expensive clothing and handbag she had with her. It was not really his business but Woo Ri's family is just like his own, they can't afford that kind of luxurious items. Which meant, she either has a really good-paying part-time job, or someone who paid for them. Whatever it was, it rationalized what he was going to ask her.

'So, how was your new year?' Woo Ri asked him, as if she didn't see the stories he posted a few days ago. She even commented on it, acting like the incident on Christmas day never happened. Or maybe, this was just her way of a small talk. Seungcheol didn't care. 'It's great. Jeonghan spent the holidays with us.'

'Oh. Cool. The whole week?' She tried, not even a slight annoyance in her voice. If Seungcheol didn't hear it from Jeonghan himself, he would have thought Woo Ri was sincere in her words. But he knew better, so this whole act only amazed him, how much the woman improved on her manipulation skills in the time they were apart. 'Yup.'

'He didn't go back to his- oh. Yeah. Sorry.' There it was, that attempt to belittle his lover hidden behind her so-called innocent question. God, Jeonghan was right. He was so blind. He thought she changed because he was more aware and yet didn't find anything weird about her but he was wrong. She didn't change, she got better.

'Yeah, he has no family.' Seungcheol answered bluntly, making sure to let her know that he didn't care. 'And he also had a breakdown from being followed. The date ended well by the way.'

'Omo, who-' the waiter let them know that he was placing their orders on the table, cutting the female omega halfway. After thanking the man, Woo Ri lowered her voice, 'He's being followed?'

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