Chapter 15

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His phone just alerted him of a message. Taking it out of his pocket, Jeonghan casually swiped through while still eating his sandwich. It was from Seungcheol, asking him whether he was done with exams. He was, days ago, but he didn't care to notify the other because it shouldn't matter. Putting his phone back down without replying, it vibrated again, and again, stealing the attention of the alpha in front of him.

'Wow, you're gonna leave the person hanging?' Jeonghan glared at the stranger whose name he already forgotten, not liking the interest in his personal life. He really hate this kind of people, thinking they can judge his actions and control him which was exactly what the guy was trying to do, no matter how playful he was making it seem. As if telling him that would make him consider replying. Ignoring the alpha and eating the last of his sandwich, Jeonghan grabbed his stuff and went out the door, not caring about the whine from the alpha as he exited the apartment.

Sitting on the bench, waiting for the bus, Jeonghan looked at the time; it was already afternoon. It didn't really matter though because he started his summer holiday so time ceased to be of importance anymore. Not like he had anywhere to be at any time.

Bored of waiting, the young omega finally clicked on the notifications he got from Seungcheol.

Just done with mine :) – Coups

Wanna celebrate? – Coups

Not karaoke. Shua's gonna cry – Coups

Food? – Coups

Jeonghan stared at the messages, not finding the usual excitement he usually would. This was the first time the man messaged him since the examination season began, their first contact after his misadventure at the bar. It felt weird, how unbothered he was with the messages when he used to look forward to them a few weeks ago. Maybe, somewhere along the way, his friends lost their magic on him. No, they felt like a curse. They make him feel even worse than last night when his childhood memories haunted him again. Because at least he knew some alpha would be able to make him forget about his nightmares but this, this feeling his 'friends' left him with, was incurable.

Something felt missing.

He felt...alone. And not the kind he was used to. This was new. This was worse. No matter how much he tried, he couldn't find an escape.

This was suffocating.

Swallowing hard while reading the texts over and over again, Jeonghan placed his thumbs on the screen. He should reply. Just for the sake of whatever.

Last one's tomorrow

He lied, hoping Seungcheol would lose interest. He knew the man was suggesting they meet, but he didn't want to see the alpha right now.

He knew it might be due to the stress of the exams which changed his alpha friend's usual demeanor to a slight aggression, but he always believe that moments of stress would reveal the true character of a person. And he did not think he could handle Seungcheol. How the man looked the night he warned Jeonghan about his cousin, it made the latter feel so small. It made him feel ashamed. And he was tired those feelings. So, so tired.

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