Mission 1✨

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Dlaire: bold and underlined

Ice cream

"Did you hear...the secretary...?"said a woman with red hair. She was filing papers as she placed some of the files in a pile.
"Yeah she got taken in for suspicious behavior"added a woman with dark brown hair. She was stamping papers ''It's getting scary now...glad i have a boyfriend"
"Yeah.." agreed a third woman with black hair. She was leaning against her table sipping tea.
"Unfotunalty me and hans broke up"the red head said in a upset tone.
"Awe what why?"
"He cheated-"
"It's fine he was a horrible kisser, i'll find someone in time for the party next week"
"You move on too quickly" the brunnet teased.
"In this world i have too"the red haired woman sighed as she signed off another seet of paper. The three then laugh it off.

The young lady walked in the room holding a plate with an empty mug. 
They looked at her as she went to the coffee machine as she began to make coffee.
"Speak of the devil..."the jet black haired one said.
"Hey new girl...you're almost 27 right?"said the woman with red hair. The girl turns. She had
(H/c) hair and dark green eyes. (For the plot).
She had (s/c) an skin and freckles.

"Uh no...23-"
"Oh wow you're pretty young"said the red haired woman in a rather annoyed tone. Her name tag said Dlarie.
"Yeah and you're still single?"said the black haired one as she took another sip.
Her tag said penny.
"Yeah...I haven't had time cause-"
"You gotta take care of your grandma yeah yeah...that same old excuse"said the brunette as she sighed annoyed. Her name tag said Morge.
"Isn't she dead now?"said Dlaire unphased at her words. She sips on a cup of coffee before she looked over at the 23 year old. The girl tensed as she looked away.
"Y-yeah...last week"she mumbled. Her heart felt heavy as she looked at the floor"Her funeral was two days ago"

And I was the only one there....

"Well now granny isn't holding you back,Get into the world of men (y/n),'' said Morge encouraged with a smile.
The girl named (y/n) frowns as she pours some milk in the coffee. She frowns and stops placing the milk back
"I'm being honest...I'm not ready to date right now"she said stiring the drink.  Dlaire rolled her eyes as morge frowns.
"Whatever...but sooner or later you're going to be taken to question"penny said rolling her eyes. (y/n) tensed her hand trembling she couldn't be sent away she was innocent she had goals.
"I'm....I'm not suspicious or a spy...I've been busy...and now that I lost Nana...I don't know what to do-"
"Get married start a family you'd make a lovely house wife"Morge said looking at her.
"You know I don't want that"(y/n) sighed and left the room.
Penny huffed
"I might even write a report anyways"
"So weird..."

(y/n) sighed in defeat as she goes to the office. An older male sat in his desk as he looks up and smiled.
"Theres a good girl"he said as (y/n) quickly dropped off the coffee and headed towards the door.
"Hey wait. Your grandmother passed right?"he said. (y/n) took a deep breath not looking back.
"Yes..."she said.
"You have free time come to the party next week, you might even like the people there, you can be my da-"
"I'll go alone thanks..."she said
"Okay...but be careful...it may be suspicious"the male said. (y/n) froze she then nodded before leaving. She took a deep breath.

Disgusting man

(y/n) shivers as she goes to her office and picks up some papers and heads out to the exit. (y/n) grabs a slip of paper and puts it in a machine as it dings. She puts the paper back and exits the building.
(y/n) began to rush out of the building tears filling her eyes.

???? Pov

This is becoming a bother...finding a wife is harder tha expected. I don't feel like waiting too long the interview is coming up...

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