Mission 5✨

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Loid looked up at an old building as (y/n) smiled brightly at the sight of the bakery.

It was a small two story in an older part of town with a wrap around porch with a good amount of land that gated it. A destroyed playground on the side and lots of old broken tables and it seemed that the chairs were stolen to go along with them.

It looks like it's five rain storms away from completely collapsing.

Loid looked over at (y/n) who looked at it proudly.

Well she seems to think otherwise.

"A bakery?"
"Yep, it's been in my family for two generations...I want to continue it"she said with a proud smile. "It was once a very popular bakery but I had to close it"
"Why is that?"he said looking at her.
"Nana was sick"
"Your grandmother right?"
"Yeah I had to cut hours and ended up closing it down...it was work and nana...i enjoyed being with nana till the end"she said. Tears filled her eyes. Loid looked at her as (y/n) wiped her face.

She smiled up at him before she sighed and took a deep breath before she turns away and walks towards the building. Opening the gate as Loid followed looking around.

She owns about 100 acres of land and all she has occupying it is this house...

"Sorry...but i was wondering if you would like to help me clean it up a bit...i would hire professionals...but my wallet would disagree"she said as she grabs a key and unlocks the door. Loid opens the door before she can let her in first.
"I could pay-"
"No no it's fine,"she said, stretching. "Are you ready?"
Loid looks around and hums.

It was old and rusty no food that was molded it seemed as though she cleaned it all out. Everything was just dusty and worn down.

Child's play...

"Wish you told me it would be a bit more physical. I would have worn something more appropriate"he said as he rolled up his sleeves. (y/n) glanced over as she blushed.
"Uh yeah...sorry I just didn't want to scare you off"she said before noticing she was staring as she tensed And quickly looked away.

I saw you.

"You could never"he chuckled. (y/n) hums softly as she begins to pick up some broken pieces of a shelf. She sighed knowing that she was going to replace all of this. Loid also noticed as well.
"How long has it been since it was last opened?"he asked. (y/n) turns.
"Oh um nine years"she said softly. Loid turns shocked.
"You ran a business at fifteen?"he said.


"Kinda...my grandmother baked and I managed the money and bank"she mumbled. "I was only able to learn a few ingredients..."(y/n) trailed off. She walked over to a trap door and lifted it up as she sighed looking inside.
"It's still here..."
"what is-"
"NOTHING!"she shouts as she slams the door shut, Stumbling in the process as she fixed her outfit with a nervous smile.
loid backed away. (y/n) tensed.
"i-its nothing i swear right now i can't trust you...with that"she said not looking at him. Loid narrows his eyes slightly.

(y/n) stood up.
"Okay! Let's keep cleaning shall we?"she said with a smile. Loid hums.
"Right!"he said. (y/n) smiled softly as grabbed a sledgehammer and stumbled. Loid rushes over.
"Careful with that!"he said quickly as he caught her and grabbed the hammer.
(y/n) laughs as she smiled. Loid sighed at her making sure she was fine.

She's such a child...

"I'll be taking this you work on sweeping and get rid of the rodents"
"Got it!"

(y/n) sighed as she flopped on the floor. The bakery was empty and swept. Loid walked over and handed her a water bottle. She smiled and took it.
"This is a really nice place..."he said. (y/n) smiled.
"Yeah my great-grandma built it...took her two years"she said. "She had nothing but the clothes on her back and the money she had after selling house"
"Thats amazing"loid said.
"Yep she was able to do all that by herself..."she said. "Then Nana wrote all of the recipes in a book all by memory while she had to watch all seven siblings. They were almost bankrupt and she saved them"
"You have a strong line of woman in your family"he said.
"Yeah i do"she said mid chuckle. (y/n) paused as she frowns. "And then theres me"she mumbled. Loid looks at her.
"Whats wrong with you?"he said. (y/n) covers her face with her arm as she smiled.
"It's nothing"she said.
Loid hums as he gave her a concerned look.
"Okay..."he said.

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