Mission 19

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Loid's Pov

My wife and daughter have been kidnapped.

Luckily it's by the people who I have been trying to track down. Unsurprisingly the boss was the baker.

It started this morning. I had woken up to seeing (y/n) on top of me with a smile.
"Good morning handsome"she smiled and kissed my lips. I hummed as I sat up holding the kiss.

"Good morning beautiful"

Anya ran in the room with a bright smile as she jumped on the bed and crawled towards where we are.

No pov.

"Mama made fat waddles "Anya smiled.
"It's waffles and they are actually pancakes"Loid said as he held (y/n) and kissed her shoulder resting his head on her. (y/n) rubs his head as loid sighed resting against her.
"Loid, you should rest. I'll bring you your good anya and I will head over to the lake nearby"she said. Loid squeezed her slightly.
"We'll be back it won't be for long. I brought our swim gear" she says as she slips out of his grip. Loid groans and flops on his back,
"Do you want mama to stay?" Anya teased. Loid grabs a pillow and tossed it at her as Anya laughed,

(y/n) came back as Loid sat up. (y/n) hands it to loid who began to eat.
"Anya go change and we'll head out" (y/n) said as she grabs her swimsuit and goes to the restroom.
Anya smiled and rushed out the room.
Loid ate his food as the door opened and (y/n) wore a one piece swimsuit. Loid turned as he tensed and coughed on his food. His face red.

Was not ready.

(y/n) turns.
"Oh are you okay?!"she asked as she grabbed a napkin and handed it to him. Loid takes it and wipes his mouth.
"Yes thank you I was just taken aback...that swimsuit of yours compliments you"he said. (y/n) smiled as Anya walks over her swimsuit over her clothes.
"I'm ready!"she said. (y/n) and loid turned as the two laughed. Anya frowns.
"Go to your room I'll help you get dressed"she said and walked out of the room. Loid sat back and sighed looking at the ceiling.

"Where leaving loid if you feel better you know where we are!"(y/n) called.
Loid stood up and rushed downstairs.
"You forgot something he said. (y/n) turns wearing a Shaw and a black floppy hat.

Loid grabs her waist and kissed her.

"Have fun"he said. (y/n) became flustered and smiled.
"You too"she said.
"Ooooooh"Anya laughed as loid looked over and (y/n) hid her face.

(y/n) and Anya where out of site as loid walked to a floor board  and stomped on it.
"Follow my wife and daughter"loid said as he goes to the room to work on the mission.

(y/n) helped anya swim as they giggled loudly.
"I'm doing it!"Anya said as she swam in a circle. (y/n) smiled.
"Yeah...kind of...try a straight line"she called as Anya turned.
"Okay!"she called and swam in a faster circle. (y/n) giggled as she swam nearby. The lake was rather clean as a creature swam over. (y/n)'s eyes widen as a friendly manatee swims over. (y/n) smiles. As Anya manages to swim to (y/n) and hold her.
"What is it?!"she said nervously. (y/n) giggled as she picked up Anya.
"This is a manatee, very friendly and curious,"she explained. Anya turns as (y/n) places Anya on the shore. "See look"
(y/n) walks and swims over as the manatee gently bumps her as she laughs. Anya saw as she slowly step In the water. She walks over and the manatee turns as it slowly swims and makes a happy nose as Anya smiles and hugs it.
(y/n) looked foundly at Anya as she remembered when she first met one.

Soon the sun began to set as (y/n) and Anya headed home.

Loid looked at his watch and stood up putting everything away.

They should be home soon.

He walks to the door since he heard them coming as he opens the door and smiles.
"Hello, welcome home. How was the trip?"
"Oh it was absolutely wonderful,"Frankie said dramatically. Loid tensed.
"What...why are you-"
"(y/n) and Anya have been kidnapped! While
You where doing whoopy doo who knows what-"
Loid grabs his shirt and pulled him to his level.

(y/n) held Anya close who was unconscious as she tried to cover up the child to the men looking down at the two women.
"The boss is going to be so happy"said the first man as the four men walked out of the room.
(y/n) looks around and sees a window as she shakes Anya.
She groaned and began to wake up as (y/n) used her arm to help her up. She broke the window with her elbow. Some blood comes as she lifts up Anya who is now awake.
"Go get some help I'll be right behind you"she said as Anya crawled out dodging some glass. (y/n) began to crawl out as Anya ran she slowled and turned.
"Keep going!"she said as half was out. Suddenly she felt her waist grabbed as she was pulled down as her neck was grabbed and head slammed against the wall.
Anya's eyes widen.
"RUN!"(y/n) screams. Anya tears up she puffing her chest.

Papa knows what to do!

loid was running with Frankie as he sees familiar pink hair running his direction.
"Anya!"loid called as Anya turns and ran faster crying.
"Papa!"she wails as loid hugged her.

Thank god she's alive...

"Where's your mother?"
"Some people have her! She tried to escape but they got her! She was too fat!"she cried. Loid groans as he ran back and placed Anya near a tree.
"Do NOT move,"he said seriously. He glanced at Frankie and he nodded. Frankie stood nearby as loud raced over to the base.
He sees broken glass as he looks to see the basement window. He slid inside as he saw blood.

(y/n) must have done that...she's so reckless...

He headed screaming as he hid behind a wall and a man fell out of a room as he groaned.
"You bitch-"
"Don't touch me!"(y/n) shouts as more crashing was heard. Loid ran over as he was about to knock him out. (y/n) swung a wooden chair at the man as it broke in impact as yeh man fell back hitting the wall unconscious. She pants she was a mess as her elbow was bleeding.
She was trembling as tears brimmed from her face. She held a leg of the chair with a sharp end.
"Woah,"Loid said. (y/n) tensed and turned, raising the leg-chair as loid raised his hand.
"It's me, it's okay,"Loid said. (y/n) sighed as she dropped the leg and wobbled over as she grabbed his face and kissed him.
She parts as the loid was left in a daze .
"You have no idea how happy I am..."she said as loid hums. His face was red.
"Are you okay?"he said, giving her a kind smile. (y/n) sighed.
"Never better"she smiled as she kissed his cheek. She grabs his gun.
"Can I borrow this?"she said. Loid blinks confused.
"You can shoot?"
"Grandma taught me,"she said as she cocked the gun. Loid chuckled and pulled out another one.
"So what are we dealing with?"Loid said.
"Human traffickers,"(y/n) said seriously.

(y/n) and Loid stopped the traffickers as the police arrived. The leader was the baker. Loid wasn't surprised as he crossed his arms. He held a card that had direct contact to the enemy that wanted to start the war.
(y/n) held Anya as loid turns.
"How come you never told me you could shot?"
"Well it's not something I brag about and I can't even own a gun till I'm 25 or if I'm  married and I didn't want to ask you so I just stayed quiet"she said. Loid hums.
"I'm getting you a gun (y/n)"he said.

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