Mission 2✨

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(y/n) sighed as she looked at the door. She knew when she steps in she's gonna hear a lot from Dlairë. Holding the handle, she took a deep breath and opened the door. And right when she entered she felt eyes on her.
"Good morning"she said as she quickly walked to the coffee stand.
She heard whispers as she frowned.

"So you were with my daughter..."
"I-I didn't know she was your kid-"
"She has my hair!"
"Her hair is pink..-"
"It still came from me!"
"Sorry...but to lose sight of your daughter...that easily..." Dlaire tensed as she tears up.
"You have NO idea how hard it is to be a mother.."she said crying. (y/n) tensed.

I didn't know how triggering that would be

"I'm sorry, okay I just wanted to watch her until someone came to get her,"(y/n) said honestly. "I didn't know you were married, especially to that man?!"
"You calling me ugly!?
"No you just never talked about your family"
"Cause I didn't want girls like you to be a homewrecker-"

(y/n) slaps her.

The room was silent. As (y/n) sighed shaking the sting off of her hand.

"Sorry...there was a mosquito, " (y/n) mumbled. "Anyways I'm not a homewrecker...I would never do anything to bother you more than exist in my workplace...you're already a pain as an individual so stop being a bitch and leave me alone"she said as (y/n) made the coffee and left the room. When the door closed (y/n) collapsed.


(y/n) shook her head as she groans.

Get over it you said what she needed to here just do your job.

She stood tall and kept walking towards the office to give the coffee.

While walking though she saw a man being thrown on the ground. He looks worried.
"I-I told you I'm not a spy!"he said, scared. A Man with black hair grabs him by his arm and tight as he lifts him up.
"Stop fighting"he snapped as the man tried to swing a punch. The black haired male caught it and slammed him to the ground.

(Y/n)'a face became nervous.

Another one...

Coming out of the man's office was a tall Male with dirty blond hair and a strong build.
"Don't make this any more difficult than I have too..."he said. His voice was deep and monotone as he had a cold look in his eyes. (Y/n)'s gaze lowered as she sighed.
The other clerks and file techs came out.
"It's him Jaymin king-"
"From the secret police!!"said a girl. The Male turns as his eyes land on (y/n). She tensed and turned to leave.

The Male named Jaymin narrows his eyes as he looks at his partner.
"You can take care of him...I'll be out in a second"

(Y/n) placed down some fresh paper as she smiled. Suddenly she felt two hands on her waist as she tensed.

When did he...

"Awe you're still so soft~"he said with a chuckle. (y/n) turned to elbow him but he caught it with ease.
"Get your hands off"(y/n) said as she then tried to move away. Jaymin sighed as he clicked his tongue.
"Still so violent-"
"I said off!"she snaps as she slams her foot on his boot Jaymin didn't flinch. (y/n) looked to see that his boots were now steel toe.
"I learn from my mistakes but you should know that"he said as he lowered his tone. He moved his head to her shoulder before he smelled her neck and sighed.
(y/n) groans uncomfortably, still trying to pull away.
"I'm off at 5 let's have something to eat I'll pick you up-"
"I work late tonight-"
"I'll pick you up at 5"he repeats. (y/n) glared as she snatched herself away from him. Jaymin moved away as (y/n) stumbled forward and away from him. Jaymin gave her an adoring smile. He reached to cup her face but she slapped his hand away.
"I'll be waiting till then," he said before leaving the room.

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