Mission 34

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I've noticed a great deal of inelegance when it comes to
Family ties...

I will have to change that

"Bring a parent to work day?"loid said as Anya nodded. (Y/n) smiled.
"Oh wow how amazing loid you can maybe inspire a child to be just like you"she said.

I would hope not. However going in there a small chance that Donavan would show up to her class however there are many other high class men and women who I can gain favors to and-

"I want mama-"


(Y/n) paused.
"Me?"she said Anya nodded.
"Yeah you're a single business lady!"
"You mean entrepreneur?" loid said.
"Yeah you can make make a bunch of girls feel special!"anya said. (Y/n) was taken aback by this.

I haven't really done half of what my grandmother has accomplished....if anything I'm just starting up what she left off...

"Mama is super cool...she makes clothes for us just cause she can...she loves a lot more than the people I've met..."Anya said as she became shy. "a-and I-I just wanna show off!"she said.

(Y/n) stared as tears filled her eyes while she covers her mouth.
"O-okay...I'll go-"
"We gotta bring your pies!"

"When is this again?"loid said. Anya turns.
"Next Tuesday"

I can see why Anya would a want to bring (y/n). And entrepreneur of a famous bakery that was invested by the higher class is more interesting than a psychologist

Papa would get called peasant and I don't want to do that...plus...

"Oh wow Anya your mom is soo cool and I love her food you should totally come over to my house and have my dad try it!"
"Oh yum I love this food-"
Loid swings in a window
"If you end this war you can eat as many as you want"

And then there's world peace!

"I still have work I can try to get off for Amy "
"No bring Amy too"Anya said

"Oh my goodmess your sister is so cute you should bring her to my house and show my dad"
"Oh my goodness your baby is so cute!"
Loid swings in the window
"Stopping this war means more cute babies like my daughter will live"
"I will stop the war!"

It's foolproof!

"I don't think I can can you ask your headmaster tomorrow?"(y/n) asked.
Anya nodded.


Anya walked in proudly to her classroom as she sat next to Becky.
"Hi Anya did you decide who you're bringing to school?"
"I did"she said proudly.
"Oh let me guess your da-"
"Mama!"anya said proudly. Becky turns
"WHAT I COULD HAVE MET LOID BUT YOU BROUGHT IN MY COMPETITION ARE YOU INSANE"she shouted before she paused "what does your mom even do?"
"Oh she's a baker self worker"she said. Becky paused.
"You mean a housewife?"
"N-no!"anya protested as laughter was heard.

"What a peasant thing to be a housewife."Emile snickered.
"Sounds like your mom is too stupid to be anything else right Lord Damien" Ewen said as Damien looked at Anya, his face blank.
"So whether Anya likes her mom or not she's not my mother, why should I care"Damien said.

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