Mission 28

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The alternative Marriage

Yor: underline and slanted 
Yuri: bold and underlined
Together: bold and slanted

(Y/n) sighed softly as she pulled out a tray of dog treats and smiled. Bond walked over as he growled as (Y/n) turned with a smile.
"Tada! Your very own dog treats!"she smiled. Bond growls but walks over as (Y/n) grabs one and cools it off. She hands it to Bond who sniffed it suspiciously and took it before he barked happily and licked her hand. (Y/n) beams.
"Yes!"she squeals and reaches to hug him but Bond moves away. (Y/n) frowned but she turned it into a determined smile.

Progress is progress!

Loid watched as Anya ran over.
"Can I try?"
"Um, it's dog treats,"(Y/n) said. Anya's smile was big as (Y/n) looked at Loid. Loid who was bottle feeding Amy turns to Anya.
"Anya it's not made for people-"
"Mama please "she begged as bond huffed. (Y/n) groans and hand handed her one nervously. "Yaaaay!"
"Remember it's for dogs sweetheart"(Y/n) said as Anya took a bite. She tensed and lowered the rest of the treat to bond who ate it happily.
"That was nasty" Anya said. (Y/n) gave her a nervous smiled.
"Your mother warned you"Loid sighed before there was a knock on the door.
(Y/n) turned as she looked at Loid who stood up to answer.

He saw Yor standing there with a bright smile.
"Hello Mr. Forger! Is (Y/n) by any chance inside?"
"Uh yes she is.... (Y/n) you have a guest"he said as he stepped for Yor to come in and smiled. (Y/n) turns and smiled excitedly.
"Oh hi! I completely forgot Loid I was supposed to go out with Yor today!"(Y/n) said as she walked over and kissed his cheek, "I'm going to get ready okay! I'll be right back!"she said. Loid smiled as he turned to Yor and welcomed her inside.
"Awe and whose is this little girl?"Yor asked as Amy reached for Yor giggling. Loid handed her to Yor.
"This is Amy our second child but she's adopted"
"Oh! That makes since I would have been a bit confused if (Y/n) was pregnant before marriage"Yor said as Amy snuggled her. Yor looked around the house and took a deep breath.

It smells like (Y/n)...

Anya looked at Yor before she sniffed the house
I just smell the yucky treats mama made for bond...

""Oh this is such a nice place." Yor smiled as she walks around before her eyes laid on the treats.
"Oh did (Y/n) make something!?"she said as she went to the treats. Loid turned with a nervous expression.
"Uh- those are-"
Yor took a bite and hummed happily.
"Oh wow it's so good! They are shaped like cute little doggy treats! She's such a genius"she said as Loid stared shocked as well as Anya and bond.

Bond was getting upset everyone was eating his food but he couldn't eat everyone else's.
The double standards baffled him. He huffed and walks away.

Yor hands Amy back to Loid who adjusted her in his arms. Amy laid her head ok Loid as she tried to eat his tie but he moved it away and have her a chew toy since she would be teething soon.
Anya walked over and smiled.
"I'm Anya!"she announced as Yor looked down and gave her a smile.

I remember this girl from ghetto tailor shop she was so precious just like her my precious (Y/n)

Anya smiled brighter at the compliment as Yor adores her.

"Hello again Anya! You look cute as always!"she said with a smile. Anya smiled up at her giving a cute small twirl as Yor smiled before she turned to Loid who had just caught the toy  Amy had dropped.
"Oh, can I have a moment to speak with you?"she said with a smile.
Loid turned.
"Oh sure"he said "let me put Amy down real quick".
"Oh of course take your time"she said.
Loid walked over to the play mat as he laid her on her stomach to interact with the toys around her. Anya walks over to play with her sister.
Loid turns.
"Okay let's go"he said.

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