Mission 18

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(y/n) and loid sat across from each other on the bed. It was raining hard. Anya was asleep and loid asked (y/n) to meet him in the bedroom.

(y/n) fiddled in her night gown while loid observed her

I genuinely thought (y/n) wanted children...though we never spoke on the subject
Does he want another child now!? It's a bit soon we haven't even got married....
Have I gone about this wrong?

"(y/n)"Loid said. (y/n) tensed and looked up.
"Yes"she squeaks.
"We never talked about that, did we?"he said with a small smile. (y/n) shook her head.
"No we didn't,"she said. It was silent once more.
"Do you actually want children?"Loid asked. (y/n)'s face became flustered and looked away.
"Yes...I was nervous and since we didn't talk and you already have Anya...I assumed you were okay as is"she said looking up at him. Loid sighed and smiled.
"Yes Anya is a lot...I care about her and I care about you"he said as he cups her face. "I both love and lust for you every single day"he said seriously. (y/n) tried to hide her face but loid made sure she couldn't do So.

In order to maintain a perfect family...

(y/n) looks shyly at Loid's determined face.

I have to maintain the role of a husband

"(y/n), do you want to have a baby?"he asked seriously. (y/n)'s lips quiver.
"Yes..."she said. Loid smiled and gently kissed her. As (y/n) kissed back, closing her eyes. Loid parts as (y/n) opens her eyes.
Loid gently caressed her thigh through her dress.
"Is this okay?"he said as he kissed the side of her lips. (Consent is key)

(y/n) nods as loid slips under her dress and grips her thigh carefully. She placed her hand on his shoulder as he leans forward and pins her against the headboard of the bed. He moved her neck and gently bit her as she let out a gasp. He pressed himself against her chest. Holding her head while he moved upward but the dress had a corset waistline. He sighed and parted.
"Excuse my behavior,"he said. He grabs the top of the dress as he pulls the dress off her. (y/n) went up with the dress slightly before she landed on his lap when it slid off. Loid tossed her dress before he held her waist and pulled off his own shirt.
"Is this still okay?"he said as he dropped his shirt on the floor. (y/n) nods as Loid kisses her once more.

Suddenly there was a loud crash from outside of their bedroom. Loid parts as (y/n) opened her eyes worried. Loid looked at (y/n).


Loid hands (y/n) his shirt as the two ran out into the hallway. A figure turns as he runs out of the broken window. (y/n) rushed into Anya's room to find her still knocked out. She sighed as she looked back to see loid jump out of the window. Her eyes widened.

We're on the second floor?!

Loid chased after the man as he tackled him into the ground. He called for backup.

The way he ran as soon as we'd arrived means he's a thief. I don't think he has Any connections but I can't be sure.

Soon agents arrived as some of the lady agents appreciated the sight of a shirtless twilight. Frankie rushes over angrily and grabs Loid and shook him.
"Get off!"he said.
"(y/n) is out there looking for you!"Frankie snaps. Loid froze as he looked towards his house and rushed towards the direction.

(y/n) only wearing his shirt called for loid in the woods.
"Loid!" She shouts ignoring the cold winds of the rain and the uncomfortable feeling of the wet ground. The rain silenced her calls.
"Please! Don't leave...please come back!"she called, tears filling her out. Did the man get him because he was hurt and she couldn't find him? She started to cry.
"LOID!"she said.
"(y/n)!"a voice faintly called. (y/n) froze. Listening for directions.
"(y/n)!"the voice was clear as (y/n) turned and ran in the direction, soon seeing a familiar silhouette. Loid rushed over as he hugs (y/n).
"Why are you out here?!"
"I saw you run and I got worried your jumped out of a window on the second floor"she said, hiding her face. Loid looked at her as he picked her up.
"Let's get washed up,"he said. (y/n) leans against him as they walk in the rain.

"Did you get him?"
"No he was too quick"he said as they arrived and he walked upstairs to the bathroom as he placed her down.
"Instead of a baby right now, how about a bath we can get to bed and sleep in afterwards?"he said. (y/n) looked at him.
"I can settle for that,"she said as she smiled.

After the shower, Loid and (y/n) didn't go to bed right away, seeming they needed to close up the window. Afterwards loid kissed her and laid down. Anya knocked on the door as the two looked to see Anya open it.
She looked tired.
"Hey honey what's up?"
"Can I sleep with you?"she said. (y/n) smiled as Loid flops on his back.
"Come on"she said as Anya crawled on the bed with her stuffed lion.
"I had a dream...''Anya yawned as she snuggled (y/n) as Loid hugged the both.
"What was it about?"
"Daddy was loidman and he jumped out a window to chase a bad guy"she yawns before falling asleep. Loid and (y/n) looked at each other as Loid sighed and kissed her head.
"She's a special one,"Loid said with a chuckle.

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