Mission 15

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(y/n) sat by Anya who looked at her assignments.

This is the work they have a 6 year old doing...man when she's in the fifth grade she might be smarter than me...

Anya turned and looked excited.

That will mean her father will have to tutor her...

Anya's face falters

"Oh okay honey so if there is one bullet in the bondman's pistol and two empty ones what does that make?"she said. Anya smiled .
"One-Third bullets!"
"That's right!"(y/n) squeals and claps happily. Anya beams.
"So that means I'm all done!"Anya said happily. (y/n) smiled and nodded excitedly. Loid arrived as they cheered.
"What's all this about?"loid said as Anya and (y/n) turns.
"Welcome home-"
"LOOOOOK!"she said running over. She showed her work. Loid looks at the paper and hums.

Most of these are correct.

"(y/n) did you tell her the answer-"
"No! She needs to learn in Order to be an imperial scholar,"she said with a small smile .
Loid smiled.

It can't be 100 percent because it would look suspicious. I'll have her slowly increase her IQ.

"Good job Anya I'm proud of you"he said as he ruffled her hair. Anya smiled at him as (y/n) looked at Anya proudly.

"Well this calls for a celebration!"Loid said. "I'll make us a nice meal!"

The phone rang as loid walked over.
"I got it,"he said as he answered.
"Forger household"
"Oh sorry I was told this is the household of (y/n) Gracelyn"said a woman.
"Yes she lives here, I'm her fiancé "
"Oh really May I please talk to her?!"the woman said excitedly. Loid hums as he nods and hands the phone. (y/n) takes it and begins to speak.
"Hello (y/n) forger...yes this is she,....my grandmother? Oh? Sure! Of course when? Today? I'll see you then!"she said, hanging up. Loid walks over.
"What is today"he said. (y/n) was silent as she trembled. Loid tensed.
(y/n) jumps and squeals as she laughs. Loid backed up.

What did I marry....

(y/n) takes a deep breath before smiling brightly.
"I...."she giggled. "I...I have...". Loid walks over as he holds her face to make her look at him.
"(y/n)...say it slowly"he said. (y/n)'s face became flustered before she giggled.
"I have a cousin!"she said. Loid eyes widen.

I thought they...no wait...her grandmother's youngest sibling.  How did they find her...

Anya ran over.
"More family!?"
"Yup, a great aunt, a great cousin and my cousin!"she said.
"Oh wow!"
"Yeah but they can be your aunt and they are all girls!"
"Oh wow!"
"You'll meet them today!"
"Now hold on..."Loid said. The two turns. "We still need to be careful about this...they can be con artist"
"What do you mean I have nothing to offer"
"Your grandmother cookbook and the building of the bakery"
(y/n) frowns at him.
"I'm not going to let that happen I'll know when I see them-"
"You need to think rationally (y/n)-"
"I am-"
"You just invited strangers into our home and didn't even bother asking if that was okay?"
"Can they-"
"No, let's go out to eat and make sure they are your family," Loid said. (y/n) gave him an upset look. She sighed and crossed her arms.
"Fine..." she huffed. Loid sighed.

Loid and (y/n) look in the closet.
"What do you plan on wearing?"
"Purple and gold,"she said. "Those are one of the main colors of the bakery"
"I see...I'll wear my purple and black suit"he said as he went to the closet.

Loid then began to take his shirt off. (y/n)'s eyes widen as she turns away. Loid looked at her confused.
"What's wrong?"he said.
"I-it's nothing I...just never seen anyone without a shirt..."she said as she looked at him, he was completely shirtless. Her face became flustered. Loid laughed it off.
"You are my wife...you would eventually see me like this"he said. (y/n) fiddled with her fingers and nods looking at the floor. Loid gently grabbed her chin.
"Look at me"he said. (y/n) blushed as loid leans in.

"Papa! Mama I'm ready!!"anya called. The two froze. Loid pecks her lips.
"We'll finish this later"her said.


They arrived at the restaurant.
"Hello we are a party of six the name is under Dawn"loid said. The woman nods.
"Table 12 right over there"she said. The three looked to see a older lady, a woman in her mid thirties and a young woman"(y/n) smiled nervously as loid held her hand and Anya held her other.
"Hello I'm (y/n)..."she said. The yougest stood up and smiled.
"Good evening it's so nice to meet you! I'm Emily"she said sweetly. Emily had dark brown hair and tan skin with blue eyes.  She was a bit taller and have a lovely hourglass form and a kind smile.

Oh wow! She's a total model
I don't see any resemblance...

"Hi Emily where you the one I talked to?"(y/n) said.
"No that was me hi I'm your cousin Dawn"said an older woman she had dark brown hair and brown eyes and lighter skin. "And this is your great aunt Gloria"
(y/n) looked at the older woman who smiled.
"Hi there"she said "you must be (y/n)...I've heard so much about you"
"Hi Aunt gloria..."she said sweetly.
"And who are these two"said Emily as she twirls her hair.
"I'm loid forget pleasure to meet you this is Anya...my daughter I'm (y/n)'s fiancé "he said.

The three then had a seat.

She managed to pull a hot man like that!?

"Nice to meet you loid"dawn said "what do you"
"I'm a psychiatrist"

He's successful too!? Big cousin is amazing

"That's a feelings doctor!"anya chimes in.
"Oh land and anya"
"It's loid"loid said.
"You two are simply adorable but is Anya adopted she looks nothing like (y/n)"
"Oh no (y/n) is my second wife, my first one passed away two years ago,"Loid said.
"Oh I'm sorry for your loss,"Dawn said.
"It's alright, I try not to dwell on it too much"he said.

The evening was swell and pleasant. They planned to meet again once more next week.

They stood in front of the building and smiled.
"Until next time"loid said as he shook Emily's hand with a smile. Emily blushed.

This is amazing I want to be like my big cousin!
Gain good family bonds...but I'll exploit your plans

(y/n) smiled holding a sleepy Anya.
"I'll see you guys later,"(y/n) smiled as they left.

They arrived home as (y/n) and loid cuddled in bed.
"You still think they are fake-"
"Yes...be careful"he said. (y/n) sighed and gave him a kiss.
"If I'm right you owe me"(y/n) said
"If I'm right you do as I say for a week"Loid responded. 

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