Mission 33

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The deal.


Quick notice:
I skipped over the cruise as much as I enjoyed it I couldn't find a way to write around it and I didn't want to stress over it and then give up and leave the book discontinued for a while so please forgive me.

It was the first day back. Loid held (Y/n) in his arms his head tucked in her neck. (Y/n) turns and combed his hair.
"Loid...I know you're awake-"
Loid nips (Y/n) neck as she yelps and giggles while loid groans.
"Why didn't you ask for a day off after we came home"
"I can't do that...I have a duty to commit to"
"Well...Anya goes to school and Yor was going to watch Amy...it could have been just us"she said softly playing with his hair.

Loid paused.

Even if I could change it I probably still wouldn't have been allowed.

He groans to himself as he looked at the clock.
"I need to get Anya up"he said as he sat up. (Y/n) hums and kissed his cheek. "I'll get some breakfast going"she said standing up. She puts on a large shirt to wear as a gown.

(Before I get those. "I'm too big to wear that" shush it's a shirt gown you are all Beautiful stop hating yourselves!!)

Anya stumbled out tiredly but hums at the smell of breakfast. Loid came out with a half awake Amy who laid against him.

(Y/n) turns as she placed down a bowl of oatmeal and a plate of eggs bacons and ham slices with orange juice.

Loid was given an omelette with bacon, eggs and turkey.

(Y/n) had given herself oatmeal with eggs with cheese on it ham and bacon.

Amy was too tired to eat and loid didn't want her to choke.
So loid brought the portable crib near the table in case she gets fussy.

Bond had dog made waffles with eggs and steak from last night.

Anya smiled at the food.
"Ooh mama made extra good"
"Well I wanted to start our day back on a good note"(Y/n) said sitting down.
Before loid sat down he carefully grabbed her face and kissed her cheek.
"You did amazing "he said before he sat down.

Anya looked at ivys plate.
"Mama...you put cheese on your eggs"she said suspiciously.
"Oh yeah I think it's tasty would you like to try?"she said. Anya hums.
"Yes please"she said. (Y/n) gave Anya some as she took a bit as her eyes widen.
"Keep it down your sister is sleeping"
"Mama is a food genius"anys whispers in awe. "From now own Anya declares that her eggs are made with cheese!"
"Yes ma'am"(Y/n) smiled before the phone rings.

Loid gets up an answer.
"Hello? Forger household loid forger speaking"
"Is (Y/n) Forger present?"said a man. Loid narrows his eyes.

This voices doesn't match anyone from her job or any man she's had contact with for the past four months. Who is this?

"Yes she is"
"May she come to the phone?"
"Why may I ask"
"Unfortunately that is classified information until further notice."
Loid hums and turns to (Y/n) who looked confused.
"Who is that honey?"she asks.

She seems unaware as well...

"Not sure maybe you can figure this out?"he said.
(Y/n) stood up and walks over answering.

"Hello?"she said before she smiled. "Hello Mr. Jasmine it's great to hear from you"(Y/n) beams.
"Oh it's such short notice...n-no no! I can figure something out...something nice to wear got it. Sure...okay lunch is a good time I'm off today a I'll have time to get ready"

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