Mission 29

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*A young Bond whimpers as he backs away from a group of scientists.
"Doctor Uga. They are just puppies,"a woman insisted. A woman with dark green eyes and (h/c) looked down at Bond.

"They are nothing more then test for the greater good"*

Bond woke up in fear as she sat up from (Y/n)'s lap.
"Hey it's okay did you have a nightmare-"
Bond growls and barks at (Y/n) making her scream and back away. Loid rushed over.
"Hey what's the matter with you!"loid said moving in between them.

Bond growls at (Y/n) stopped when he saw loid glaring as he got a clip of the future.

*"Anya this dog tried to hurt your mother I have no choice but to get rid of the dog"
"No papa please!"*

Bond grumbled and looked down.
"It's okay loid I think he had a bad dream that's all"(Y/n) said. Bond walked away as Loid looked at (Y/n).

Loid sighed as he turns to (Y/n).
"I'm sorry we got a dog that doesn't even like you"he said. (Y/n) turns.
"Oh it's fine he's not exactly mine he's for Anya and that's all that matters"
"Still if he bites you, you hav to tell me I can't have my wife scared to be in her own home"loid insisted.


"And so now I'm not sure what to do-"
"Why are you talking to me about it"Dlaire snapped. "I don't want to hear about your happy marriage home wrecker-"
"Cause you have a dog. And I don't know what to do with Bond. I don't want loid to get rid of him cause Anya will be sad."
"Well take him on a walk just you to and maybe get him a new toy or treat. Wait you bake treats anyways don't you"
"It's my first recipe I'm thinking about making a cookbook for dog food-"
"Dont care didn't ask."she sighed. "Just have some bonding time with bond once in a while and I'm sure you'll be fine"she said.

(Y/n) stood in front Bond with a nervous smile.
"Hi bond...do you want to have a little trip with me"she said with a nervous smile.

Please don't growl at me I just want to treat you better...

Bond was about to growl but he was loid walking in with Anya and amy as he grimaced.

*"What bond won't go on a walk with you?! That it straight to the pound no EXECUTION!"
"No papa whyyy!!"*

Bond walked towards (Y/n) and nudged her hand. (Y/n) smiled as she squealed.
Loid smiled

Glad to see bond warming up to her
Its cause bond thinks you're going to get rid of him

(Y/n) walked with bond through your the neighborhood and town as she sees a dog shop and smiled.
"Let's get some toys for you"she smiled leading him inside. "You can pick whatever you like"she smiled at him.
Bond looked at (Y/n) and saw an obscured version of the doctors.

*pick whatever you like....*

Bond turned his nose up as (Y/n) groans.
"W-what you don't want any toys?"she said as bond turned his nose up again.
"How about some treats?"she offered. "I can make you some again or buy you-"

Bond barked as (Y/n) yelps.

This isn't work well at all.

Two women with Yorkies walked by as they snickered

"Why get a dog that hates you so much"
"Probably cause she thought could could change it or heal its trama"

Bond listened as he looked back at (Y/n) who looked defeated.

"Come on bond...let's just head home"she said.
While walking she saw a group boy throwing rocks at a puppy that was tied to a chair. (Y/n)'s eyes widen as she glared and rushed over.
"Hey stop that!"she shouted as she grabbed the boy's shirt and pulled him away while she stood in front of the puppy. Bond watched in shock.
"Hey lady what's the deal?!"
"Yeah it's just a stupid dog"

Bond growls.

"No its not! It's a living being! How dare you treat it that way do you what someone throwing rocks at you?!"(Y/n) said releasing the puppy and  holding it close.

The boys glared.
"You're ruining the fun lady-"
Bond growled as the guys tensed seeing such a big dog angry.
"W-what the where did this beast come from"
"That's bond my dog"(y/n) said. "And I would never treat him that way"she said. The boy threw a rock a bond who stumbled back whimpering as (Y/n) rushed in front of him as well.
"If you know what's best you'll stop harassing these poor things."
"Oh yeah or what?"
"Well I can report you to the police for animal cruelty and there's a camera that caught it all as well as abuse of someone else's animal"she said. The boys looked at the camera.
"Actually I'll be calling them Anyways you boys have a good day"she said to them. The boys in fear of being arrested ran in fear.

(Y/n) sighs as she turns to bond rubbing the spot he was hit.
"I'm sorry bond I should have protected you better"she said. Bond looked at (Y/n) in awe.
The obscured version of the doctor faded as he only saw a young woman who loved her dog.

(Y/n) took the puppy to a hospital which turned out the puppy had gotten out of his yard that very same day and the family would be getting them when he's better.

And after that day Bond followed (Y/n) around the house as loid smiled watching (Y/n) boop Bond's nose as Anya sat on his back.

We look more and more like a family...

(Y/n) did call the police and the boys were arrested and charged that very same night.

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