Misson 25

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Loid rushed out of the building as guns where fired he ducked behind a car as franky stumbled nearby.
"Holy crud! There where more of them"he said. Loid sighed as he thre a Granade and ran into a car with franky and zoomed off.
"You got it right?"franky said. Loid revealed a enlvelope.
"Yup"he said.
"How's the mrs?"franky said. Loid pulled out a missle launcher and shot it at the truck following them. Causing it to explode.
"We signed our marriage certificate yesterday so she is now my wife,"he said.
"Oh congrats man,"Franky said with a smile. Loid hums.
"You're a lucky man"
"I know"

(y/n) finished up and finally her bakery was ready to be opened.

She dusted her hands off as she looked at the watch.
"Oh I'll be late to seeing anya If I stay any longer-"

Suddenly a crash came from outside as (y/n) turned. She grabbed a pan out of defense. Glaring at the exit door.

Crying was heard as she frowned and walked over. Dropping her guard a bit as she hears the cries. She was a softie after all.
Exiting the house as she turns as her eyes widen.

Loid raced home.

I'm late I'm late I promised to make a special dinner! I just HAD to agree on one more mission!
DANM it!!

Loid opened the door to hear a squeal.
"Awee!! She's so cute!!"anya beams. Loid paused as he walked into the living room as he paused.

(y/n) held a sleepy baby as he looked at the two girls that fawned over him. Bond laid next to (y/n) his tail wagging.
Loid stood absolutely flabbergasted at the entrance, only able to close the door.
He opens his mouth to speak but went silent as he watched the three.

How would he bring up the intruder in his home.

"Good evening ladies,"he said after clearing his throat. Anya's head popped up with a bright smile.
(y/n) turned and gave loid more of an awkward grin.
"PAPA! MAMA FOUND A BABY!"anya said as she ran and hugged loid.
"Ah did she?"he said rubbing her head. (y/n) looked at him shyly. She then stood up and walked over to reveale the baby. Loid paused.

The baby had skin like Ivy. Her hair was like his own.
Her eyes were like Anya's.

What kind of....

Loid didn't want to cause issues. Besides, the infant looked rather adorable as Loid didn't even notice himself reaching to hold the baby. (y/n) smiled and put the infant in his arms as she picked up Anya making sure she was included in this moment.
"Did she have a name?"
"No I couldn't find anything about her"(y/n) said as the baby stared up at Loid who finally looked back at his two girls.
"Just crying,"she said softly. Anya nods. Loid sighed as the baby chewed on his tie.
"I'll turn her in-"
Bond finally lifted his head and  tan to the door to block it growling.

Loid turns looking shocked at bonds actions  as he looks at his wife and child but only to her, an upset mother and angry child.

"You can't,"Anya said seriously. Loid was taken back at her stern tone.
"We're just going to leave her...?"(y/n) mumbled. Loid tensed. The infant not knowing the situation lets out a happy squeal as loid looks back at the baby.

He remembered a time when he was left alone.

He sighed as he closed his eyes.
"Okay...okay we can-"
"YAAAAAY!!"Anya cheered suddenly. The infant flinched and began to cry. Loid tensed as he rocked the baby nervously as Anya covered her mouth.
"Oops"she mumbled. (y/n) giggled and kissed her cheek.
"It's okay...loid honey let's switch"she said. Loid nods as (y/n) hands Anya and Loid gives her the baby.
(y/n) made sure to place the baby more on her skin as she rubbed her back in circles as the baby calmed down.

"So she needs a name, '' Loid said as he moved closer to his wife and now his second daughger.
(y/n) looked up and smiled.
"Anya already has a name for her"(y/n) said as Anya reached and pats her sisters head carefully.
"Did you know?"Loid said.
"What is it?"he asked as Bond sat and looked at the baby. Content to have saved a family member.

"Amy! Amy forger!"Anya smiles.

That night Franky conveniently had a cradle.

"I know everything!"

So Anya agreed to share her room with her sister. She was excited and happy.

However Anya woke up that night as she needed water. But when she got up she realized that maybe Amy isn't just a baby.

Short chapter I know I'm sorry


I'll make it up with this next one
I just wanted to introduce the new installment. Can't have it be an exact copy of the story now can I :3

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