Mission 6✨

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(y/n) woke up and smiled today. She rushed over to her phone as she looked at the calendar. She dials the number and smiled.

The phone rang once
It ran twice

"Hi na-"
"Nana you're not answering the phone it's a voice message"

(y/n) paused and smiled sadly thinking about the time she made her voice mail.


"So now I'm talking to no one?"her grandmother said. Her grandmother looked a lot like (y/n). Her hair was curlier and she was also around the height of her granddaughter. She had dark blue eyes as she had a confused look on her face.
(y/n) was shorter and had much longer hair. She looked around the age of 13.
"Yes nana,"(y/n) said.
"So why am I on the phone!?"
"For the voice mail?"
"There's mail?"
"No it's for the phone"
"No one is on the phone darling, I think you need to rest,"her grandmother said. (y/n) groans as she throws herself on the couch.
"Nana....". Her grandmother laughs.
"I know I'm messaging with you...hello welcome to the home of kinderman's neither me or my granddaughter are available to take your call...leave a message or call in 25 minutes that's how long it takes for her to get out of the shower"her grandmother said with a giggle. (y/n) sat up, her face flustered.
"Bye now"her grandmother said as she hung up. (y/n) walks over as her grandmother laughs.
"That's so embarrassing we need to start over"she said as she leaned against her grandmother who laughed while hugging her.
"Actually darling...let's leave it alone...I like it this way..."

*Flashback end*

(y/n) smiled looking at the photo of her and her grandmother.

"Happy birthday...nana"

She then got a call as she jumps looked at the phone and went to answer it.
"Hello Gracelyn household"
"Hello (y/n),"Loid said. "Do you have any plans for today?"

First thing in the morning and he wants to be with me?

"Um i have some plans later today it's just a me day...you're welcome to join you and anya"(y/n) beams "if you want you guys can come now and i can make some breakfast"
"I wouldn't mind that in fact I would love it,"he said. (y/n) smiled.

I could use some company today.
Excellent a whole day with (y/n)...it's only been a week but she's perfect and we're losing time.

Loid walked to his room as anya followed but didn't enter. Loid pulled out a black box.

I need to seal the deal

Loid looked at anya.
"Anya do you want (y/n) to be your mom?"Loid said. Anya looks at him and smiles.
"Yes! I love ms.(y/n)!"anya beams. "Can I call her mama?"
"Not yet,"Loid said.

This is good. Anya likes (y/n) which leads to a good relationship between them and us...this is just fine

Loid smiled as he looked at Anya.
"Come on, let's go. "


(y/n) stood awkwardly as she saw Loid and Anya nicely dressed.

I forgot that other people don't come in pj's to hang out at other people's houses...that's just a friend thing...I need to go out more.

"I-I'm uh...I'm going to change breakfast to be ready and on the table."she said with an awkward smile. Loid smiled.
"We came pretty soon. I'm sorry I was just excited to see you..." he said "and is that the shirt I gave you when you stayed the night?"

(y/n) felt her face warm as she looked at the oversized shirt.
"I uh yeah...do you want it back?"
"Keep it Its too small for me it will be too tight"
"Are you sure?"

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