Mission 20

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Loid sighed annoyed as (y/n) and Anya cleaned the house.

(y/n)'s family was coming over.

He obviously helped clean up the house but he genuinely didn't trust them at all.
(y/n) and Anya were ecstatic, especially (y/n).

As much as it would be nice for her to have more family I can't help but be suspicious.

(y/n) who was happily humming a song skips to the kitchen and pulls out a batch of mini cakes. Loid walks over and hums impressed.
"It's your first time?"
"Alone yes"she said as she began to design the cake. There was a call as loid walked over and answered.
"Hello? This is the forger household loid forger speaking"
"Hello! It's me! Emily,"she giggled. Loid hums.
"Yes, I remember you, hello Emily,"he said.
"Hello loid" she said in a flustered giggle "We will be there in an hour and a half! I just wanted to let you know"
"Thank you and we will see you soon," Loid said.
He hung up as Anya hugged his leg.
"Are they coming?!"anya said exited.
"Yes they are on the way"loid said. (y/n) smiled.
"Oh okay I'm almost done and then I'll get dressed, wait is it casual, formal, casual-formal formal casual-"
"(y/n)..."Loid said as he walked over and cups her face. (y/n) became quiet.
"Wear your white dress with your dark blue cardigan and a dark blue hair wrap" he said as he kissed her nose. (y/n) closed her eyes and nodded.
"That's a pretty good outfit"
"Don't worry I'll match your outfit and so will Anya"
"Yay! Family matching!"


The doorbell rang as Anya and (y/n) raced to the door.
"Coming!"(y/n) said as she opened the door.
She paused seeing Jaymin.
"All dressed up for me I see-"
(y/n) slammed the door as she raced to loid who hurried over when he heard the door slam.
"I-it's him I didn't know he was coming today?!"she said in fear. Loid narrows his eyes and he walks around (y/n).
He opens the door and pushes Jaymin back so he can enter the hallway before closing the door.
"Why are you here, we agreed on tomorrow"
"Well i was nearby the sooner I come the sooner I discover you're a spy and the sooner I leave with (y/n)-"
"For the last time I'm not a spy, I'm a psychiatrist"he said seriously.

(I just looked up how much they make homie making 460k in the US)

"Well whatever you are..."he said "(y/n) will be leaving with me-"
"Loid?"said a new voice. The two turn as Emily, Dawn and Gloria stood there as Loid Sighed annoyed.
"Ladies I'm sorry you have to see this how-"
"Hello you guys must be his family "Jaymin said as he shook Dawn's hand.
"Um we're (y/n)'s family we just figured that out so we're bonding in hopes to become closer"dawn said. Jaymin smiled.
"Oh wow! I bet she's happy my name is Jaymin. Nice to meet you. I'm very close friends with her,"he said as he began to blush.  The two women noticed as the elderly lady walked by.
"That's lovely Jason, where Floyd?"she said as she walked towards him. Loid sighed as her grabbed her hand.
"That's what I said void"

Loid sighed.

The young women entered as (y/n) greets them with a smile.
"Hello welcome!"
"Hi!"emily said hugging (y/n). (y/n) hugged her as dawn shook her hand.
"Hi (y/n) you're outfit is lovely"
"Thank you"she said softly.
"Ah! there's my princess!"Gloria said as she lets go of loid who was guiding her as she cups (y/n)'s face.
"You're even more beautiful than before"she said. (y/n) smiled as she leans in her touch.
Jaymin steps in as (y/n) took a step back.
Loid walked over as he stood in front of (y/n).
"Keep walking"he said. Jaymin narrowed his eyes and walked passed him. (y/n) turns to loid.
"Loid I thought you would take care of him, why is he still here "she whispered.
"He's threatened to report us and I can't let that happen" he said seriously. (y/n) looked nervous.
"Won't let him hurt you-"
"BAD MAN"Anya shouted as Loid and (y/n) turned, seeing Jaymin holding his shin while Anya glared.

Don't you think about touching mommy again! Only papa can kiss her!!

Loid rushed over.
"Anya we don't kick guest" loid says
"I do," Gloria chuckled. (y/n) and Anya smile.
"I've done it before and I can do it again," she said.

Loid sighed as he looked at his nervous wife.
Loid took a deep breath as he stumbled forward and pretended to collapse. (y/n) rushed over as he struggled to stand. Anya ran and held daddy's hand.

No no I can't lose you too!

"Loid!" She said as Emily rushed over and helped him up pressing her hand against his chest.

Oh wow he's so fit!!
What's wrong with him

"I've just been overwhelmed by work and this...it's just...it's a lot and I...I think i need to sit down"he groans. (y/n) and Emily lead him to the chair as Dawn hands (y/n) water.
"I think we should go..."grace said. "Toy isn't feeling well-"
"It's lo-"loid groans as she (y/n) sat next to him but it didn't seem to work right spilling on his lip. (y/n) groans.
Her face became flustered as she stood up and carefully sat on his lap as loid looked up at her as she placed the glass to his lips.

Emily blushed.

Aweee lucky I want that....

Loid finished the water before he grabs (y/n)'s face and kissed her.

Three people here are trying to gain something from (y/n). Emily has more interest in me than her own aunt, dawn obviously wants the bakery and Jaymin wants (y/n). Anya wants peanuts.

Anya tensed

(y/n) blushed as she sat up her face flustred before seeing everyone's eyes on her. She yelps and hides her face.
"I'm sorry! I think this is all too stressful for loid you guys can take this to go"(y/n) said.
"We can stay while loid rest in the room"Jaymin said as he moved to sit next door. Loid grabs her Waist and pulled her to his chest and glared at Jaymin.
"I think we should go"Gloria said as she began to stand Anya ran over to help her.
"Thank you Anya such a good girl"she said anya smiled.
"Hush goid is not able to host and (y/n) can't handle all of us on her own. You. tall man leave first"Gloria demands. Jaymin sighed and stood before walking out of the room.

Anya guides them out of the house before closing the door. (y/n) smiled at the sudden silence and space she was given. She looks at loid seeing his eyes closed.
She kissed him gently and caressed his cheek.
"Thank you honey..."she said. "For everything"
Loid opens his eyes.
"Anything for you"
"I'm going to make something to eat. You try to change into something comfortable!"(y/n) said, getting off of his lap. Loid watched her leave as he sighed before Anya jumped on the couch next to him.

"I love mama, I want her here forever,"she said softly with a large smile. Loid hums as he looks at his fiancé in the kitchen.
"I do too"

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