Mission 14

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Anya was accepted. She now needed to get her outfit tailored. Loid walked in with Anya as she smiled excitedly.
"Oniform oniform!"She cheers. (Y/n) paused.
"Oh let me grab something,"she said as she turned back into the house. "Go ahead without me!"
Loid hums as he chuckles and looks at Anya.
"Let's go, I trust she will be fine,"he said.

Arriving loid watched Anya got excited.
"Mama will love this!"
"Yes she will"
"Sorry!"said a voice. Loid tensed and turns as a woman with black hair was there as they turned to look at her.
"You're staring"
"Uh-sorry you caught me off guard"loid said quickly

Is he married?!
She was silent...how come I didn't notice her

"Um I'm yor!"
"I'm loid nice to meet you"
"And I'm Anya!"

He has a daughter so he must be married...I could be murdered by his wife...though I would probably kill her first
Anya tensed.
Kill mama!?

"I'm here!"(y/n) said. Loid turned and smiled at mal.
"There you are dear"he said. (Y/n) paused and smiled at yor who turns and also smiles.
"(Y/n)!"yor smiled and ran over as she hugged her.
Loid and Anya watched.
"You look good, how are you?"
"I'm good, I'm engaged actually"she giggled.
"Really! Awee I'm so happy I have to tell
Yuri he'd love to meet him!"yor smiled "who is it?"
"That would be me"loid said as yor turns.

Awe I can't kill (Y/n)...I'll have to find someone else

Anya sighs.

"Oh I see, you seem like a good man to take care of  (Y/n)?"she said.
"Yes she's in good hands"he said. Yor then paused looking at Anya.
(Y/n)'s face became flustered as Loid's face became red.
"N-no no no! I promise we haven't done anything!! Anya isn't my blood relatives!"she said flustered. Anya frowns. "But she is my daughter and I love her just as my own...but at the moment I don't think I can handle doing anything like that with loid!"she squeals. Loid chuckled awkwardly.
"Yes plus we don't exactly have the time"he said.  (Y/n) nods quickly.

Oh my gosh I haven't even thought about doing that let alone seeing loid without his...
Mama is weird

"Anyways maybe we should have a dinner when yuri is back in town"yor beams
"That's wonderful!"(y/n) smiled. Loid walks over.
"(Y/n) it's time to go"he said as he held her waist. (Y/n) looks at loid and smiles.
"Oh okay"she said. "It was nice seeing you yor"
"Of course call me when you're open to hang out okay!"
"I will!"

Loid, (Y/n) and Anya left as Anya held (y/n)'s hand.
"My oniform will be sooo cute!"
"Yes it will!"she smiles as loid chuckled.
"You never told me about your friend back there"he said.
"Oh yor I don't see her often...so it kinda slips my mind "she said "and there's her brother yuri he's always traveling, we don't talk as often as we used too I miss them"
"I see,"he said.
"You guys made my life a whole lot better though...and i don't feel alone anymore"(Y/n) smiled at him. Loid looks at her with a shocked look.
"To be honest I hope this feeling lasts forever," (Y/n) said. Loid smiled and kissed her forehead.
"Me too,"he said.

The next day loid saw he got a message.

It's a meeting. I'll probably be late, I can't get the uniform...

He sighed as he looked at (Y/n) and Anya watching spy wars. Anya sitting on (Y/n)'s lap while they shared some treats.
"Hey (Y/n) can you go get Anya's uniform when you're able to?"loid asked. (Y/n) turns
"Oh sure you're not coming?"
"No unfortunately I have a patient that in need to care for I was called in"
"Oh um okay here I made this you can have some to enjoy throughout your day"

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