Mission 10

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Such elegance

Loid, (y/n) and Anya stood at the front of the school.

I don't have a good feeling but I did the best I could with what I have...

"Are you girls ready?"Loid said. Anya and (y/n) look at Loid as they nod.
"Yep"(y/n) smiled.
"Yes papa"
"Let's go"he said.

Right when they entered Loid narrows his eyes.

Someone is watching us...

He glanced around as (y/n) admired the school.

So this is where my grandmother went to...amazing.

"Both of you stay on your toes the interviewers are watching us"he said as (y/n) glanced over.
"Already?"she said softly.

Wow, they are serious...but now that I think about it...I'm getting that feeling I get when men are staring...

(y/n) looked ahead as she saw a kid with black hair messing with his clothes. He pulled at his tie and scratched his head.
"Mooom I don't like this!!"he pouts. His mother gave him a nervous smile.
"Honey it's okay, it's only for today,"she said softly.

Above in the windows one of the heads of the school looked at them.
Such inelegance

"Son, stop being brat, this is for your own good"the father snaps. The boy looked at his father. He began to tear up as he cried loudly and turned around to leave.
"Your so mean!"he shouts as he shoves Anya hard. (y/n)'s eyes widen as she caught Anya but her heel turns to harshly as she felt her self fall.
Loid was quick as he shifted behind her and caught her. Holding her waist.
"Careful"he said with a gentle gaze. (y/n)
Looks up.

The man's eyes widen.

Such! Elegance! A mother protecting a child as the father protects them both!!!

Loid had them back in their spots as Anya now held (y/n)'s hand. They arrived at the statue as they stopped and saluted. The man's eyes widen.


I am twilight the man of a thousand faces I can be exactly what you want me to be, and I respect tradition.

My grandmother told how much respect she gained from her teachers when she did this...

Bald guy....


"Tell me who is that family!?"
"That's k-212 the forger family, the daughter barely passes with a score of 31... "a man said handing him the papers.
"A certainly inelegant score!?"he huffs looking at the files "The father is recently engaged?"
"It could be a sham marriage for the sake of admission" said another man. The man hums.
"We will have to find out whether they hold true elegance..."

Loid, (y/n), and Anya arrived.
"K-212 correct? Please proceed to this assembly hall A"said The guidance man.

"Where still being watched...stay focused"said Loid.
"Okay"(y/n) said as she squeezed Anya's hand and smiled at her.  "You're doing great sweetheart"
"Thanks mama-"

"Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!!"cries a boy. The family turns to see a chubby boy struggling in a gutter. He was splashing and making more of a mess than necessary.

This is what they test...no one will help him due to the risk of failure however.

Loid placed a hand on anya's back as he gave her a nod.
"Mama papa, that boy needs help!"Anya said. Loid turns and walked over
"Are you okay?"he asked the boy groans.
"Hey can we be of assistance over here?"said a man with his child.
"That would be appreciated,"he said. The boy splashed and the second family backed away.
Loid sighed.
He steps in the water, grabs the boy's hand and pulls him out with ease.
Water splashed on his face and clothes.
Anya walks over with a handkerchief.
"Here you go"she said.

I expected too much...they are just dirty peasants after all...
"Uh sir..."

Awe man I made them fail....

"Oh no it's fine,"(y/n) said. She was still clean. "My husband predicted this.. so we bought an extra pair of clothes!"she said.
Loid and Anya wore a different attire that still matched with (y/n)'s clothes.

They predicted this!?

"Thank you actually this color makes me fit in more with the school"Loid said as the boy stumbled over his words.

They even spared his feelings!

"Such grace! Such refinement is SUCH ELEGANCE!!"he said dramatically.
"Sir...we are supposed to be grading the student-"
"Silence a student reflects their parents so a 31 student must have 31 parents!!"he declared. "I will expose them for the con-artist they are! So keep your eyes open!"

While walking, (y/n) felt the floor shake as screams were heard. (y/n) looks behind her as her eyes widen. Loid turned as well as his eyes widened.


What kind of test do they have us doing!? This is too far Eden!

(y/n) picks up Anya as loid stayed close to the two girls. Many people pushed and shoved.

Are they trying to see how well we handle emergencies.

"Stay close and handle this situation gracefully I'll protect the two of you"loid said looking at (y/n)'s scares face. It calms somewhat as she nods hesitantly.

A boy fell as he turned.
"FATHER WAIT ''he called. His father ran regardless. (y/n) looked at the father in anger and then the boy before she hands Anya to loid.
"I'll be back"

(y/n) runs back; she grabs the boy and dives out of the way. Her dress ripped in the process as she fell protecting the boy. Loid rushes over.
"(y/n) are you alright?" He said as he helped the boy who ran to his parents. (y/n) sits up as she looks at her dress.
"I'm okay..."she said. "My leg..."
Loid looks over. There was blood.

It's opened a bit

"IT'S COMING!" Screamed a woman. Loid groans annoyed and glared before grabbing a gun and shooting at the cow.

The cow made a howl as it fell. His horn drops next to it. The cow looked at Loid  who glared at it. The cow tensed out of fear and fell to its side trembling.

Loid puts the gun away as he looks back at (y/n) holding her leg as he inspects it. He grabbed some water and poured it on her leg as she winced.
"I'm almost done,"Loid said. He rebandaged her leg.
"Thank you..."she said. Anya looks at the cow and walks over. Loid looks over.

Is it scared....

"Anya stay away from it!"loid shouts. He looks at (y/n).
"I can stand"she said. Loid rushed over. Anya pats his head.
"There there...it's otay"she said. "Don't be afraid"

The cow paused, let out a huff and stood. Loid quickly grabs Anya as the cow moos and walks away. The rest of the animals followed after.
"They are going home,"Anya said. (y/n) limps over as Loid holds her waist letting her rest against him.
"I guess so...glad no one was hurt"she said. Loid hums and caresses her cheek.

Suddenly the older man from before rushes over.
"FORGERS!"he shouts. The three tense as loid glanced over.
"You save us...thank you, today you bested me and proved yourself time and time

Is he the one responsible for that test?

"The interviews will be delayed until the situation is under control, I recommend getting cleaned up, you've proven yourself worthy to attend this school,"he said. Loid smiled and bows.

"Thank you but we figured something like this would happen so...."

(y/n) and loid changed as (y/n) now wore her black top and white skirt with yellow jewelry to match loid black white and yellow tux.

"We had an extra pair of clothes"loid said proudly.
The man tensed

This is no longer elegance....this is horrifying

"R-right I will see you then..."he said as he walked away. Loid turns to (y/n).
"Guess you were right about the farm animals raid"Loid said playfully. (y/n) huffs
"Mama saw the future-"
"N-no it was a joke"she huffed
"Right shall we get going? We still have our interview."

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