Mission 11

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Loid and (y/n): bold and slanted

Loid, (y/n) and Anya sat silently as a family came out as the boy cried. (y/n) frowns and stands up.
"If you want you can come by my shop it's not open but I'll make something for you, to help"she said giving the wife the card. The woman smiled sadly.
"Thank you..."

Loid looked at (y/n) and sighed.

For the first time in over a decade as a spy...I'm actually nervous!?
I can't mess this up...I think I'm gonna puke!
I've infiltrated the world's vilest terrorist
I've been locked in a freezer for three hours...
I've stopped a nuclear weapon from launching with only a second to spare
I've been kidnapped by strangers wanting to make me have their heir

None of them Come close to what I'm
Feeling right now...

Anya tensed, becoming even more nervous.
A man walks out.
"Forger family this way"he said. The three stood up.
"Mama, can I hold your hand?"
"Sure honey..."she said as (y/n) took it.

This is the crucial moment of operation strix...the forger family will not fail

"We meet again forgers,"Henry said.
"Thank you for having us"Loid responds as they all take their seats.

"Well the lets start with questions for the parents"said a kind older gentleman.

Walter evans 59 years old English teacher and housemaster of dormitory 5, Malcolm hall. Often regarded as gentle, reliable and conservative. He's well liked by his student...

"Before we start"(y/n) said. loid looks over. As well as everyone else.

(y/n)...what are you doing...

(y/n) stared hard at Henry before she smiles.
"You're Henry Henderson!"(y/n) beams.
"Uh yes I am-"
"You dated my grandmother back when she came here"(y/n) smiled. Loid turns.
"That's right your grandmother is a alumni"loid said as (y/n) nods.
"You haven't changed from the pictures at all you're just as handsome as ever"
"Why thank you..."

Such elegant words.

"Might I ask who your grandmother was?"
"Elsa Kinderman"(y/n) smiled. Henry's eyes widen.
"Elsa?"he said with shock. "It's been a while since I've seen her she was a true woman and pure elegance she was an imperial scholar like me I met her my 4th year"
"She told me you caught her when she fell from a tree she was climbing"(y/n) said as Henry laughs. Walter smiles.
"That is simply lovely"Walter said.
"Yes yes how is she you must bring her we can have tea"he said. (y/n)'s smile faded as she looked at her hand.
"Unfortunately, she passed away a month ago, "she said. Henry frowns.
"I see...did she ever recover from...the incident?"he asked.
"Yes she ran the bakery it's closed now but I'm going to reopen soon"
"I'll be the first to go there,"Henry said. (y/n) smiles sadly as loid placed a hand on hers.
(y/n) smiles at him.

Good job we may have gained some points from Henderson.

"Yea anyways from this unnecessary conversation..."sighed the man in the middle.  "Walters you may continue"
"Oh yes, I understand this will be your second wife...how did the two of you meet?"he asked, looking at loid.

Cutting straight to the point. Eden's core values are family.

"When I met my fiancé...it was rather difficult to get to talk to her...we would cross paths but due to the circumstances never talk... but when we first met my patient got out and I was on the chase...he had pushed (y/n). I couldn't let her fall, especially with a heavy box. When I saved her I was mesmerized by her beauty...but i couldn't stay long to ask for her time. After crossing paths day after day...we finally had time to talk at a party we were both not Wanting to go to. I asked her out that very night we dated for a year and I proposed to her on her grandmother birthday, i-it sounds bad but it was in the moment"he said

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