Mission 9

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The day before

(y/n) sat across from Loid as he finished explaining.

"Is...this why you married me-"
"NO!"Loid said quickly as he chuckled awkwardly. "Uh no...it's not, but I wanted to let you know what you will be dealing with..."he said. (y/n) nods.
"My grandmother went there. So I'm really proud of Anya. She was smart enough to make it through the exams,"she said with a sympathetic smile. Anya beams.
"Thanks mama!"she says happily. (y/n) hums.
"I'll do my best to help with anything,"(y/n) said.
"Good we need to practice the interview"
"Practice?"(y/n) said.
"(y/n), I'm going to be honest you crumble under pressure..."he said honestly with a soft smile. (y/n) tensed.
"I do not,"she huffed. Loid narrowed his eyes.
"Fine, let's test that"he said, his voice not as cheerful.

He was being twilight

(y/n) shivers as her lips quiver.

That look is back...

"Have a seat"he said in a tone that wasn't demanding but had enough assertiveness to get her and Anya to sit.

Papa is being real...

"Now (y/n) what do you view Anya as"he said he's serious gaze not moving from (y/n)'s shakey one.
"I uh...see her as my own...a-always have always wi-"
"Wrong answer, what are your parenting methods"
"I-i just became a parent -"
"Wrong answer, what are your thought on your husband"
"L-loid...you're very...well I mean he's very...handsome".
"Wrong answer,"Loid said. He interrogated her the way he usually did with enemies.
(y/n) looked defeated.

Loid narrowed eyes became soft as he smiled.
"See you're still learning, did you like my acting?"he said. (y/n) blinks confused.
"I...uh yes..."

I want him to use it my way
What's your way...

"Anya, we already know what you need to do..." Loid said as Anya pouts.
(y/n) smiled softly.
"Hey where in this together...it's for your mom"she said as Anya smiled.
"It's for both my mommies,"Anya said with a smile.
(y/n) smiles softly.
"You're so sweet Anya..."she said as Anya hugged (y/n). Loid sighed as he walked away before returning with a stack of papers. Loid gave Anya three pages while (y/n) had a pile enough to be a book.
"L-loid what is this?"
"If you don't mind...please study it. It's about me and Anya in case they suspect a fake family,"Loid said.

Even though we are...

"I want to back out-"
"(y/n) please don't say that"
"Okay okay...sorry"(y/n) mumbled as she picks up the first page.

Age: 6
Height: 3'2 (99'2cm)
Hair: pink
Eyes: green
Favorite snack: peanuts.

Oh easy...

Loid smiled seeing (y/n) grasp the situation as Anya began to repeat the address of their home address.

I have faith in us...

Loid walked into his room as (y/n) was in bed already reading over the papers he gave her. She looks up at loid.

That's right, we're sleeping together.

"Oh hi,"(y/n) smiled, placing the papers down. Loid gave her a small smile.
"Hello (y/n), I recommend getting some rest tomorrow is the big day"he said as he walked around to his side of the bed. He enters next to her as (y/n) looks at him.

This is kinda my first night where I'm actually sleeping with him...I've been falling asleep on the couch and waking up in the bed alone...

"I know but I really don't wanna mess this up for us...Anya has a great opportunity here..."she said with a small smile. "I want her to grow up and be proud of herself"
Loid hums as he laid down looking up at her.
"You don't have to worry, I know you'll Be perfect tomorrow..."he said. (y/n) looks at him.
Loid closed his eyes before he sat up quickly making (y/n) jump.
Loid turns.
"Oh sorry...I forgot we need at least three pairs of clothes"he said. (y/n) blinks.
"Three? Loid I think your over thinking-"
"Three is the perfect amount, it's not too much, not too little,"he said.
"Loid it's not like a horde of farm animals are going to attack us, it's just an interview '' (y/n) jokes as Loid laughs at her comment.
"You never know what may happen, (y/n)" he said as he gave her a small smile.

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