Mission 16

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Sorry I took so long to make a new chapter but I lost interest for a second but I've bounced back!!
I'd rather write a story and be excited then write a story with lack of character!!



(Y/n) hums happily as she walks home from the store. She held three bags of goods as she thought about the possibilities of dinner she could make.
"I'll be home first which means I can make dinner!"she said as she giggled.
Suddenly a hand grabbed her mouth as she was pulled into an alleyway and pinned against the wall.
(Y/n) groans and attempts to struggle before pausing when she recognizes the cologne.
"Awe...you recognize me, that's so cute..."
Jaymin smiled down at (Y/n) who looked up at him in horror.
"Remember what I said... next time I see you I'll-"he stops himself as a small flash of light catches him off guard. He looks down at her hand as his eyes widen.

Loid stood near the window as he narrowed his eyes. Anya was watching spy wars but was looking at loid due to the fact she was also worried.


"Where is (Y/n)...she should have been here if she doesn't come soon I might have to loo-" Loid tensed as he rushed outside, Anya stood as she tried to follow but he closed the door on her.
"Stay here!"he demanded. Anya froze. The way he said this was different from last time.
Anya stays put as she looks at the door.

Loid exits the building as he glares. (Y/n) stood nervously as Jaymin held her neck.
"(Y/n)!" He called. (Y/n) looks at him as she smiles trying to move towards him but is pulled back as she groans in pain. Loid stops and glares.
"Who the hell are you?" he said. Jaymin narrows his eyes.
"I should be asking the same thing about you...how in the world are you engaged to her In less than three months" he demands.
"We've been seeing each other for about a year-"
"Bull shit I would have known,"Jaymin said, tightening his grip as she whimpered. Loid glared as he charged, grabbed his collar and punched him square in the face.

Jaymin stumbled back letting (Y/n) go as she gasped. Her footing was off as loid grabs her waist and pulls her close as he checks her neck already seeing it bruise. He sighed as (Y/n) hid her face.
"Fine you want the truth, I love (Y/n) and when she told me about you I asked her to Marry me in order to protect her from you, so in a way thank you for getting us together sooner"he said. Jaymin glared. 
"I think you're a spy! This is outrageous. I'm coming next week for an investigation!"
"Fine but (Y/n) won't-"
"I will report you!"

This man is insane...I can't risk blowing my cover. I could shoot him...

Loid sighed annoyed.
"See you then,"he said. He scooped up (Y/n) as he walked inside.

That was close he works for the police so I need to watch myself

(Y/n) rested her head against him as loid looked at her.
"The groceries were destroyed...I'll buy some tomorrow"she said. Loid glanced at her.
"If you do, let me know I'm coming with you. It's too dangerous to go out alone,"he said. He enters as Anya rushes over.
"Mama! Oh you're okay!!"anya beams as (Y/n) smiled while she was placed on the couch.
"Yes I am,"she said. Anya hugged her and (Y/n) returned the hug.
Loid looked at the two and sighed.
"Anya you got to be on your best behavior for the next two weeks we have a guest"Loid said. He looks at (Y/n). "Stay by me at all times"
(Y/n) nods as she takes a deep breath.
"I'm going to make us some dinner (Y/n) get in the shower, clean up and relax"he said as he cups her face. She nods and sighs before she stands and sighed. Loid holds her face.
"Look at me,"he said. (Y/n) was hesitant but did so. "Nothing will happen to you, you're staying right here whether you like it or not"he said. (Y/n) smiles.
"Okay, I believe you,"she said.
"Good,"he said. "Now go get cleaned up"

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