Mission 3✨

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Loid and (y/n): Bold and slanted

Mrs. Forger?

(y/n) looked at the man in front as she looked at him. Her face became warm.

I didn't get to get a very good look at him the other times i've seen him
I didn't get a good observation the other times I've seen her...

Loid kept his eyes on her as (y/n) gave him a nervous look. She then moved her eyes away from him. Looking down a her hands.

He's staring, did Dlaire tell him things...

Now I know who this one is...she's number 655 (y/n) Joseph gracelyn age 23...status single only blood ties she has is her grandmother, she also works at the sales company as Dlaire...explains why Dlarie wasn't thrilled to see her the other day when she was with Anya...her background is clear she doesn't seem to have any issues

"I-i'm sorry...if i offended you or your wife...i'm not trying to get in between the two of you"she said quietly. Loid blinks with a confused hum.
"My wife?"he said, confused. (y/n) looks up.
"Dlaire she told me you were her husband and me getting close to her daughter was some sort of scheme to get to you, but that wasn't my plan at all...I just saw a child in tears alone and did what I could to help"she said. "So could you tell Dlaire not to report me?"

"my wife? I'm afraid you have been deceived. Ma'am, Dlarie is not my wife, I was helping her to the post office...she also helped me look for Anya, my daughter..."he said as (y/n)'s eyes widened.

I can't believe -
That woman...is so selfish that-

She'd lie something so important to get a girl off her back 

I have to get to the bottom of this when I get inside...this could ruin the mission.
I'm going to kill that woman. How dare she trick me!

"Well then i'm sorry for believing her..."(y/n) said honestly "and thank you". Loid hums confused.
"Thank you? For what?"
"You saved me and my box a while ago, you ran off before i could say anything"she said as loid smiled at her.
"Ah that's where i remember you from and it's no problem...i should be thanking you...you found my daughter and kept her company she is very grateful for you and i am too"he said. (y/n) smiled.
"It was nothing your daughter is a joy to be around"
"Thank you..."Loid said. "I'm Loid forger nice finally to meet you"he introduced himself as he extended his hand.
"Oh hello I'm (y/n) Gracelyn the pleasure is mine" she said taking his hand. He gave her a gentle squeeze as he then removed his hand.
"Are you ready to go in?"
(y/n) hummed and smiled.
"Oh yes, let's go,"she said. Loid opens the door.
"After you"
"Thank you"she said, smiling up at the man who smiled at her.

"WHAT IS THIS!?"Dlarie shouts. (y/n) and Loid look at Dlaire. Dlaire paused and smiled.
"Uh~Coincidence it seems like we're all meant to be a fun trio" she said. She grabs a hot pot while holding a glove.
"Please try this,"she said before she faked fell while tossing the pot. The pot went flying towards her as (y/n) raced over and caught it. She tensed as she felt the pot begin to burn her. She placed it on the floor before falling on her knees while rembling as Loid rushed over.
"Y-you should be more careful...someone could get hurt" (y/n) said. Everyone gave her a shocked look as (y/n) looked up tears falling down her face.
"Especially lying about being a mother!"she shouted. Dlarie tensed and she looked at Loid who was now by (y/n)'s side as he pulled out a roll of bandages.
"Let me see your hand," Loid said. (Y/n)'a extends her shakey hand as loid examined it for a second.

Not too burnt but I need her to get checked out incase there's something under the skin...

"L-Loid i-"
"I've heard enough...i don't like liars, i hate fakers, you went out of your way to hurt your co-worker for telling the truth about your schemes to trick her..."he started. He finished wrapping her first hand as she gave him the other one.
"You probably expected me to go along with it because you have a pretty face and a decent personality. I understand what women are dealing with now but that's not an excuse to throw your fellow peers under the bus so you gain whatever goal you have" he said as he finished.
He helps (y/n) stand as Loid looks around.
"The rest of you are also at fault,and I haven't even been here long enough to know how this works. AlthoughI don't think I need to explain, have a good evening"he said as he led (y/n) out.

Definitely don't want a woman like that to represent my perfect family
I've never had someone stand up for me like that...

(y/n) looks at her hand. 

No one's ever taken care of me...

"Are you alright?"loid said as (y/n) looked over and gave him a nervous smile
"Um...no, my hand hurts"
"Then we should hurry,"he said as he grabbed her wrist and led her out. He leads her to a black car as he opens the door.  (y/n) began to step in the car.
Dlarie rushed out with angry tears.
"I'm reporting you (y/n)! YOU HEAR ME!"she shouts angrily. "Then you'll be dead like your grandma!" Loid glared as (y/n) tensed.
"Good luck with that"he said as he closed the door and entered the car. (y/n) was quiet.
Loid noticed her worried look.
"There's no proof of suspicious behavior-"
"I-it's not just that there's someone...''(y/n) went quiet. Loid narrowed his eyes.

Does she know someone in the secret police...or is she part of something else.

Because of this I'm literally walking into his arms right now...

Loid helped her to the hospital as they gave her treatment. Walking out, (y/n) had new bandages; she didn't have bad burns as she sighed looking at her hands.

This story would have been fun to tell nana...

(y/n) held a sad smile as loid stood by her side.
"Dlaire mentioned something about your grandmother.."he said as (y/n) looked at him. She hums and keeps her small smile.
"Yes...she passed earlier this month..."she said. "And her funeral was two weeks ago...so it's still fresh for me and as you can see i don't get a lot of support from friends"

Loid hums.

"That is rather unfortunate " he said as he moved in front of her. (y/n) looks up as Loid gives her a kind look.
"I know that feeling of losing the ones closest to you...It's not a good feeling and i had to be alone to cry...you don't have to be alone" he said with a smile (y/n) began to tear up. "If you need anything-" Loid felt arms wrap around him as (y/n) cried into his jacket. Loid tensed.

Not what I planned. But, this could work.

Loid hesitantly placed his hand on her head and another on her back. (y/n) hiccups as she gripped on his jacket.

If i want her to become my wife i have to play my role well...That is the only way i'll have you become Mrs.Forger

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