Mission 23

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(Y/n)  while crocheting. Anya sat next to her and watched in awe. (Y/n) smiled lovingly at her. Loid came home as he smiled.
"How are my girls?"Loid said. (Y/n) and Anya look up as Anya runs over.
"Anya!"he said as he picked her up, tossing her in the air before he caught her. He looks to see (y/n) focusing on her work as he walks over and kisses her cheek.

"Hello beautiful"Loid said as (y/n) turned and smiled softly as she kissed him gently.
"Hello handsome,"she said. Loid's gaze soften
"I have a question"
"What is it?"
"I have a tennis tournament for my work it's to give us all a break and stuff but I don't know a thing about tennis"
"Oh I love tennis and your job is so amazing, understanding the mental toll it has on you guys , but honestly they should give you longer vacations" (Y/n) said as Loid hums.
"So you do know tennis"
"I won state champion twice my high school year"she beams "my last year I dropped out to work more at the shop"
"I see"
"I think I still got it,"she said.
"Let's go to the park and see!"Anya said as (Y/n) smiled nervously. "Um sure might be a bit rusty"

"I thought you were rusty"Loid teased as (Y/n) turned and rolled her eyes.
"I am"she said as Anya looked at her in awe.
"Well can you just teach me three easy but effective techniques for tennis"he said, "(Y/n) turns and smiles."
"Why do you want to learn so bad, not like you win and you save the world"
"True but I don't want to look like an amateur"Loid chuckled awkwardly.
(Y/n) giggled as she smiled.
"Okay I'll teach you easy ways starting with a service ace..."

Loid pants as he rested his hands on his knees.

"Woah...that's a lot to learn"Loid said with a small smile. (Y/n) smiled and walked over.
"Yeah but you're doing pretty good for a first try."
"Thank you"Loid said as Anya ran over with water bottles.
"I'm helpful!"anya beams.
"Very helpful,"(Y/n) smiled as she took a bottle. Loid turned and stood up straight.
"Yes thank you Anya"Loid said, also taking the water.

"But even though you asked last minute because it's Tomorrow I'm glad you asked."
"I can't do everything alone,"he said.
"No you can't,"she said. "But good luck"


Loid was getting ready as (Y/n) was in the kitchen. Anya smiled excitedly.
"Alright I'm off"Loid said as he walked over and gave (Y/n) a Kiss on her cheek while (Y/n) smiled. "For good luck".
Anya ran over with a bright smile.
"Bye honey! "(Y/n) called as loid smiles.  He heads to the door as he looks at (Y/n).
"I love you,"he said.
(Y/n) smiled softly.
"I love you too "
"Ooooh"Anya laughed. (Y/n) rolls her eyes.
"Hush you"she said as loid smiled and exited the house.

Later that day (Y/n) was preparing her bakery as Anya helped make crepes. She bit her lip.

If it's an event with employees then...is Fiona going...

(Y/n)'s gaze lowered as she smiled sadly. As Anya walked over.
"Don't worry mama,"Anya said. (Y/n) turns and blinks confused.

Did I speak out loud or is this girl reading my mind?

Anya tensed.
"Papa is gonna win us a trophy no matter what!"she said, determined. (Y/n)'s smile also became determined.

Yeah screw that basic woman he's got me and he's gonna win!

"Yeah! And if he doesn't I'll still make dinner"

Loid looked up as he hummed.

I suddenly have a good feeling...
I bet he's thinking about how capable I am to be his wife are you proud


(Y/n) was playing with Anya with the tennis balls as she smiled swinging lightly before Anya swung hard and it managed to hit perfectly.
"TOUCH DOWN!"Anya beams jumping . (Y/n) laughs and jumps along with her.
"YAY!"she exclaims "I'm so proud"
Bond ran in a circle around them happily while holding his own racket. (Y/n) took Anya's hand as they began to dance.

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