Anya's thoughts pt 1

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I woke up late in the night to get some water. Mama has prep snacks that I was allowed to eat and drink at any time but papa made a rule that if I eat them all in a week I won't have any snacks til mama went shopping.

But I was always allowed water. I walked to the kitchen and accidentally woke up Bond but he followed me to the kitchen and I poured him some water as I drank some too.

I walked back with my water still drinking and then looked at Amy's cradle. She was sleeping very quietly. I smiled at her.
She's so cute and tiny. Very chubby.
She's a baby so it's okay.

I smiled and saw she was dreaming of mama and how she was found. And then I saw me!

She loves us already!!

The door opens as I see papa looking inside.
"Oh it's just you, Anya,"he said tiredly. Did I wake up papa?
"Hi papa,"I smile.
"It's 4 in the morning Anya you need to rest, school starts at 9"he sighed.
"I know papa I was thirsty"I said gesturing to my bottle. "Bond too"
Bond barked.

Oh no

Bond barked.

Amy was shaken again. As she cried. She wasn't a loud cryer. It was quiet and honestly sad to hear. How did mama hear Amy?

Papa sighed and walked to the cradle.
"Come here it's okay"he said as he picked up my sister. He made sure her head was on his skin like mama did.

Papa learns quickly. Amy calms pretty quickly when they do that. I'll have to try one day.
Papa sighed.
"I'll keep Amy for the night okay?"papa said as I nodded.
"Go back to sleep soon Anya"
"Yes papa"I smile. He then walked away. I crawled in bed and smiled.
Bond laid next to my bed as I soon fell asleep.

———-time skip———

"I have a sister!!"I beamed. Becky turns shocked.
"Your dad already had another kid without me?!"she gasped. What does that mean?
"Umm...yes that's what mama's and papa's do..."
"This is too much to bare-"

"Best she's as dumb as you, Anya"said Damien.

I paused and turned.
"Young man that was rude apologize"said Henderson.
Damien rolled his eyes.

I tackled him and grabbed his collar and visibly shook him.

"YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HER!! SHE'S JUST A BABY WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN!!"I screamed . Damien was shocked at this action; he hadn't been attacked like this since the first day of school.

I was suddenly picked up by Mr. Henderson
"Now now Anya you can't be falling like that"he said, i paused. I didn't fall.
"She was strangling me!"
"Young man you need to focus on what you say rather than the actions that happen afterwards"he said as he held him up and fixed his attire.
"One more comment like that and I'm telling your father"he said seriously. Damien paused as he looked away.

I wiped her face and looked at Damien upset. He looked at me both feeling bad and angry, but I didn't care.

Amy did nothing to deserve that.

I left school feeling angry about the situation.
"Anya!"called a voice. I turned to see mama holding Amy and making her wave. Amy was looking at me with a smile and giggled.
"Hi mama! Hi Amy"
"Hi baby"
Amy gurgled a laugh. I smiled as Mr. Handerson walked towards us.

"Good evening Forgers,"he said politely. "And congrats on the marriage Mrs. Forger"
"Thank you"mama smiled.
"Of course. And is this Amy?"he said. Amy giggled and reached for Henderson. Henderson smiled.
"May i?"
"Of course"mama said as she handed Amy over. Henderson handled my sister well as she smiled.
"Hi there you're a beauty"he said "a girl of elegance"
Amy simply tried to chew on his beard. He hums. Handing any back as Mama kissed her head.
"I was hoping to talk to you about Anya regarding her new sister"
"Oh?"mama said as she glanced at me nervously I looked nervous too.

"She's a good big sister,"he said as he pats my head.

I smiled and so did mama.
"I'm sure Loid would be pleased to hear that,"mama said.

Henderson hums and smiles.
"Well then I'll be off! Good day to you forgers"Mr. Henderson said as he bows and leaves.
Mama turns and bends down and kisses my cheek.
"You're such a wonderful girl, Anya,"she said. I smiled and hugged her. Amy grabbed my hair and put it in her mouth. Mama giggled and gave her a pacifier.
"No no Amy,"she told my sister. I laughed.
"Yeah, my hair is gross!" Amy hums.

We then walked home happily.

I sat in the living room with Amy who was in a chair cradle playing with a stuffed hippo. Suddenly the hippo began to float?!

My jaw dropped as I watched my sister float the toy in the air. I looked to see mama with her back faced as I grabbed the hippo. Amy laughed. I looked at her before mama turned.
"Awe you're playing keep an eye on her Anya and be gentle"she said turning around.
"Yep!"I said. I turned to see Amy floating as I grabbed her before I could lose reach as she smiled and rested against me.

Mama turned and smiled.
"Awe, I wanna take a picture,"she said. She washed her hands and walked over kissing our heads.
"So Anya, what do you want to play?"


Loid came home seeing dinner being prepared.
A hand covers his mouth as (Y/n) pops up in front of him.
"Shh..."she said softly. She led him to the living room. Anya was dressed up as a spy as she had Amy laughing in a spy hat while she sat against Bond who laid mostly still.
Anya loudly made noises and pretended to be fighting bad guys.

(Y/n) smiled as tears filled her eyes.
Loid glanced at her as he wrapped his arm around her waist.
"Is this the family you wanted?"he asked. (Y/n) nods, "this is everything I dreamed of and more..."

Loid hums as he feels a pain in his chest.

"We have two beautiful girls..."he said, "do you still want a baby?"
"Yes...I want to make a baby with my husband"
"Very well...but let's enjoy the two stars that are shining in our living room"
"I couldn't agree more,"she said as she turned and kissed his cheek. Loid hums and hits his face in her neck. He glanced up to see Anya look at him. Amy also turned and let out a happy squeal.


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