Misson 24

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Before this chapter starts
If you haven't paid attention I've been having stories get taken down.
So I haven't been in a writing mood.
However I have a rule if I haven't updated in a year don't ask.
I say that cause I have things, issues, and real life situations I deal with other than writers block.

And to be honest I don't get motivated to write more when you ask. If you don't comment a single chapter of my story and you suddenly appear to ask for more I'm going to be visibly upset.

One of the main reasons I don't update this book sometimes.
To add if you comment almost every paragraph and ask for an update I may be annoyed but I won't care cause at least I know you pay attention at my little jokes or scenes I made to make you feel the emotion I put in place.

So please if you ask for an update be the person who puts effort to comment things I might care about.

Heck I rather you grammar police me than stuff like that.

Anyways enjoy the story.

Loid walked home as he saw the neighbors eye him.
"He must have had a fight with (Y/n) she seems so toned down recently"
"Maybe he's cheating. Did you see him with that blond woman?"

Loid sighed.

So I'm not the only one who noticed that this is an issue than

Loid entered his home
"Hello, how are my girls?"Loid called. Anya runs over as she hugs him as (Y/n) walks over with a smile.
"Hello honey"she said as loid walked over and gave her a gentle kiss.
"Frankey is coming tonight"
"Oh how come?"
"We'll bond and can't watch Anya"Loid said (Y/n) blinks confused.
"Oh what about me-OH A DATE!"(Y/n) beams as loid chuckled and kissed her forehead.
"There it is"he said as he cups her cheek gently.
"Aweee i wanna goooo"
"Sorry Anya but I want some time with your mother"he said "it seems like you guys have been more together than I have been with her"
(Y/n) smiles softly.
"I guess that it's true"

It's mainly because you've been with that woman recently.

"Fine but i loves mama more"
"I doubt that,"loid said as he pulled (Y/n) close to his chest. (Y/n) blushed as loid smiled.
"Nuh uh!"Anya said, hugging her leg. (Y/n) smiled awkwardly.
"Well I love you both the same"she said before she turned to bond.
"But I love bonds the most!"she smiled. Bond barks and turns away.

"He doesn't even love you mama"Anya pouts as (Y/n) looks defeated.

Loid hums. "Wear something casual and moveable our activity will be active"he said, turning to (Y/n).
"We're not playing tennis are we-"
"Absolutely not"

Loid steps out wearing a casual green outfit.
(Y/n) does the same as she wore yellow.
Both of them have changed into a nicer outfit.

"Are we ready-"
"No wait, don't leave the room!"Loid said, closing the door and exiting the house. (Y/n) blinks confused as Anya giggled.
"Can I leave now?"(Y/n) said as Anya opened the door.
"Yes!"she said as (Y/n) stepped out.
"What's this all about"
Anya giggled.
There was a knock as (Y/n) took a step forward. But Anya and Bond stop her.
"Not so fast!"Anya said as (Y/n) looked at the two and smiled.
"What are you up to?"she teased.
Anya laughed and opened the door.
"Why hello there sir"anya said with a giggle.
"Hello young lady, do you know if a beautiful woman lives here?"Loid's voice was heard.
"That would be me!"Anya said. "Oh and I guess mama,"she said as she opened the door. So Loid and (Y/n) could see each other.

Loid's eyes widen as his gaze softens. (Y/n) smiled before covering her face.

Awe I knew I should have dressed a bit more mature!

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