Mission 12

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Loid, (y/n), and Anya look in horror at the board.


(y/n) looked at Loid seeing his defeated face.
She looked away.
"Uh...I'll make us some baked goods,"she said softly. Loid turns as he nods. They head to the exit looking defeated.

"Excuse me forgers,"said a voice. "A moment of your time"

The forgers turn to see Henry standing casually. Loid looks at (y/n) before he turns back.
"Master Henderson"

They stepped to the side as Henry hands loid a paper.
"What is this?"he said.
"Look at the top of the list,"Henry said. Loid looks at the paper against
"Anya forger," he said, confused. (y/n) walks over as Loid turns the paper towards her so she can read.
"What is this?"
"The waiting list,"he said. "Strictly confidantal, your daughter's scores tallied lead her to the top of the waiting list"he said. 
"But what happened at the interview-"
"Do you know what is most lethal to humans?"he said. "A mosquito!"he announced.
(y/n) and loid looked at each other.
"You saved his life that day..."
"That's absurd"loid said blankly.
"So we need one opening...?"(y/n) said.
"That's correct"

I can start a rumor that my work will eat up....soon it will become so dramatic someone will be bound to leave!
Oh but if I don't want that to a poor child

(y/n) whimpers as loid turns.
"Is everything okay?"
"Oh no I'm fine"she said with an awkward smile.
"Anyways I might not be here when you arrive...I had to give master swan a pounding"he said with a sigh.
"Is there anything I can do to help?"
"Good attempt at comfort elegance....but for now just wait for the call..."

Arriving home, (y/n) got a call as she answered.
"Hello?..."Loid looks over.
"Oh hi! Of course, in two days I'll make you something!"she said happily. "Okay bye bye until then!"she said.
"Who was that"
"Oh that family who was before us at the interview, they called wanting me to make something for a party"she said happily. "They are coming by the shop to look at some ideas-"(y/n) gasped.
"Oh it's empty...they might think it's a scam"she mumbled nervously. Loid hums.
"We'll figure something out, don't worry,"he said. (y/n) nods.
"Yeah...Anya wanna help me look at some recipes "she said.

There was a knock on the door as loid walked over. Opening it he saw franky.
"Hey, come walk with me,"Franky said. Loid hums confused as he sighed.
"I'm going out"
"Bye papa!" Anya calls.
"Be safe, Loid," (y/n) said.

Loid exit's in the house.
"What is it franky"
"Help your wife out"
"She just told me-"
"I know everything,"he said with a shrug. "Anyways, get the organization to help. A happy wife have a happy life,"he said. Loid sighed annoyed.


Loid led (y/n) into the bakery with her eyes covered by his hands.
"What is this?"she giggled. Loid smiles and removes his hands. (y/n) opened her eyes before she gasped.

Her bakery was furnished. The oven was rebuilt to a more modern style, the kitchen was beautifully made with new wood and the setting was warm.
(y/n) squeals as she runs around her small store. "Is this my store"
"Are you sure!?"she said as she gave him a big smile she was trembling with excitement. Loid chuckled at her behavior.

You're such a child

He walked over as he held her face as he smiled.
"This is your bakery..."he said. (y/n) smiled as she squealed louder as she jumped into his arms. Loid stumbled back before he gained balance as he laughed and spun her around. (y/n) smiled as she held his shoulders.
"Thank you!"she said as Loid lowered her back to her feet.
"Of course,"he said.
"How did you do this?"she questioned.
"One of my friends from work knew a designer and they immediately got to work, it's brand new and one of a kind just for you"he said. (y/n) smiled as she moved away.
"I love it...so much"
"Now when your guests come you look like a new and fresh business"he said.
(y/n) gave him a hug loid looked down at her.
"Thank you!"she beams, her eyes filled with admiration and joy. Loid's gaze softened as he hugged her back.
"Anything for you (y/n)"he said.


Anya was dancing with her stuffed toy as she sang.
"I'm gonna get into the school!"she sang. Loid was sitting and watching before (y/n) rushed from the kitchen. Anya took her hand and (y/n) took hold of the stuffed animal and they all danced. Loid smiled in confusion.
"I'm gonna get into the school!"
"You're gonna get into the school!"

What in the world are those two doing...

The phone suddenly rang as loid rushed over causing the two girls to spin.

"Yes, speak?"he said quickly. (y/n) balanced Anya as the two looked at loid.
"I see...thank you"he said as he turned as he sighed, putting his hand in his pocket before he pulled out a smalll item and pulled the string.
"Anya got in!"he said confetti flying eveywhere. (y/n) and Anya smile brightly.
"Yaaay I did it papa!"she said as loid picked her up with a proud smile.
"You did and I'm so proud of you"he said.
"Me too!"Anya said. Loid chuckled, letting Anya sit on his arm as he looked at (y/n) who was trembling with joy and happy tears. With a smile he gave her a playful look.
"Come here!! I'm proud of you too!"he said as he pulled her into a hug. He gave her many kisses on her cheek as she laughed.
"I'm proud of you too honey"she said as he gave him a gentle kiss on his chin. Loid smiled before there was a knock on the door.

"Heard Anya got in!"Franky exclaimed happily.
"Word sure spreads fast..."Loid said.
"I know everything,"he said proudly before he turned to (y/n).
"You must be the misses! Hi I'm Loid's best friend franky"
"Oh really!! It's nice to meet you Loid's never mentioned you at all"she said with a genuine smile.
Franky pouts.
"How dare you!"he shouts at loid who gives him a bored look.
"Oh come on"he scoffed as he walked over.
"Anyways I brought drinks and food is coming!!" Franky declares.
"Just making yourself right at home aren't you..."


Franky laughs
"And the reason she's in is because I snagged the answers-"
"They can hear you"loid snaps. (y/n) hiccups softly as she giggled.
"Snag...that's a funny word"she mumbled as loid gave her a concerned look.

She hasn't finished a cup...

"Maybe you should drink mr. Killjoy"
"I am drinking, I've been trained to not become intoxicated"he said refilling his cup.
"That's not how it works!!"he huffed. Loid rolled his eyes.
"Anyways Anya your dad said he'd buy you anything you want if you got in-"
"I didn't say that,"Loid said quickly. Anya looked excited.
"No I don't wanna get something I wanna do something!!"she beams.
"What would that be"loid said "I'm sure I can do it if it's well within reason"

Anya smiles as she grabs (y/n)'s sleeve to a dark blue hoodie.
"Come on mama you'll want to do it to"
"Oooh okay!"she said excitedly. Loid sighed and followed Anya who led (y/n) to the Tv before showing an episode of Bondman.

"What does 'that' mean?"
"I wanna get rescued in a castle"
"Oh like in the show!!!"(y/n) squeals. She went to grab a bottle but loid stops her.
"No you had enough"he said as (y/n) groaned.
"Can we-"
"No,"Loid said seriously.

Anya frowns as she tears up.
"You monster now I don't wanna go to school anymore-"
"Don't speak for her"Loid groans as he held (y/n) who was snuggling his arm.

Guess she's a soft drunk.

"Come on, you can rent a castle for like a day...just do it for her...she worked hard...''Franky said to Loid as he draped an arm around him .
"I'll help too,"(y/n) giggled. Loid looked at the two and sighed.

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