Mission bath time

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I promised you a special did I not ;)
Warnings include.
Some lemon
Body positivity
And of course


(Y/n) stood in the bathroom door looking at the tub. It was old fashion in the middle of the room as she smiled shyly.

A bath with loid...

Her face became flustered at the thought of him. She covered her face. 

His form is beautiful

(Y/n) paused as she looked at her own body. She bit her lip. She normally didn't have a problem with it seeming she didn't have anyone to impress.
But standing next to a man like him it made her reconsider her choices of not going to the gym.

What if he's disappointed-

"Are you going to stand there forever"loid said leaning his head down next her own. (Y/n) yelps and turns to him. Loid leaned against the door frame as he smiled down at the woman he called his wife.
(Y/n) stammered over her words as loid kissed her.

"Come on let me in"he said as he picked her up with one arm. (Y/n) paused.

He picked me up!? Just like that

Loid looked at her seeing her confused.
"You can always say no"loid said.
"What? Oh no it's just no one has been able to pick me up without struggling"she said looking at him. Loid looked Botha shocked and confused at that comment. His gaze then softens.
"Your weight is my warm up"he said casually"as he kissed her cheek. "And you shouldn't be with someone who can't catch you when you fall"

Loid placed her on the counter as he gently rubbed her thighs.

They're like dough...

(Y/n) smiled shyly. She only wore his shirt and her underwear after earlier events both wet and soaking.  
Loid kissed her cheek.
"I'll start the water while we get out of these clothes"he said as he walked away.
(Y/n)'s smiled faded as she waited till his back was turned and took off her bra and underwear before hiding her body under his shirt. Loid turns and paused.
"Oh you're quick"he said. (Y/n) laughed it off.
"Maybe I'm excited"she mumbled. Loid hums.
"You don't have to if you don't want to"he said. Loid's face became red.
"N-no! I do I really want to see..."(y/n) hid her face after as loid covered his face as well with his hand.

Why am I nervous all of a sudden....

Loid sighed as he took off his soaking pants.

Might as well get over it.

(Y/n) eyes widen he was of course in amazing shape however she began feeling self conscious. She looked away from him.

"I'm sorry..."she said quietly. Loid walked towards her as she covers her eyes. Loid cups her face and kissed her gently.
"Turn around"he said. (Y/n) does so as she felt arms wrap around her.
"Look..."he said. (Y/n) open her eyes as she saw herself in the mirror only wearing his button up.
Loid then reached for the top button.
"May I?"he said into her ear while he looked at her through the reflection. (Y/n) nods as loid began to unbutton her top.
She closed her eyes.
"Don't look away..."he said. "Your body is nothing to be ashamed of"he said kissing her shoulder.

The shirts soon dropped on the floor as the two adults stood in front of the mirror.
(Y/n) felt a bit more confident about her self as she looked at loid and became flustered seeing his eyes wander all over her body.

She felt his hand shift and one moved to hover over her chest.
"Is this okay?"he said in a careful tone. (Y/n) nods as loid carefully cups her chest. As he begins to gently toy with them. His fingers gently twist and pull her nipple while he rubs her side at the same
Kissing her neck as (y/n) watched his he praised her body. She lets out small pants as she covers her mouth. She felt a bite on her shoulder as she lets out a louder moan.
Loid opens his mouth as a hand carefully grabs her neck and gave her a light squeeze.
"Anya is sleeping my love~"he said.
"Sorry..."she said. Loid kissed her cheek. "
Try to stay quiet"

Suddenly she was scooped up in his arms as he goes to the tub. He goes in first as he turns (y/n) around and sits.

However inbetween her thighs was his member. It was a nice and realistic but large size and girth as loid enjoyed her soft skin rubbing it. She looks at his size and gently placed a hand on his tip and rubbed her finger over it.
Loid hissed with pleasure his hands on the side of the tub as he gripped it tightly.
(Y/n) immediately moved her hands away.
"No no"he said as he grabbed a hand and placed it back. "I'm fine"he said looking into her eyes.

She was flustered and aroused but just as shy. He could see it.

What a lovely face

He then kissed her as he guided her hand to play with himself as he groaned into the kiss. (Y/n) hums before feeling a hand on her chest again and movement against her womanhood.

She moans into his mouth. All of this was new to her. All of it was a fresh and warm feeling that surrounded her body.
Loid parts as he groans as he soon released onto her hands and in the tub.
(Y/n) looked at her hands as loid kept his eyes on her. She looked back at him as she licked her hand but winced at the taste. Loid laughed as (y/n) looked up and giggled as well. Loid hums as he pulls her to sit on his lap and opens her legs.
"Is this okay?"he said. (Y/n) whimpers.
"Y-yes?"she said. Loid hums.
"I won't penetrate you tonight I think I have plans for that evening"he said kissing her ear.
"So relax while I take care of you"he said his hands gently caressing her clit.

(Y/n) tensed as loid continued his gentle and steady pace. He gently kissed and bit her neck. His thick fingers then opens her and he inserted a finger. (Y/n) tensed it didn't hurt but it didn't have the same affect as her clit.

That feeling was for loid.

Her warm walls that clinched around him while he played with her clit helped him image having her walls struggle to take him.
By seeing her react to this he could imagine how she would hold him, how she would whimper and moan, call for him.

"Loid~"she Moans quietly as she tensed and went limp against him. Loid blinked out of his imagination as he lift his finger and licked them.
(Y/n) looked up and giggled.
"Is it gross?"
"No it's sweet...probably all the baked goods you make"he said.
"I am a baker"
"You're my baker"loid corrected,

(Y/n) smiled.

"I am"

Hope you enjoyed it don't worry the real fun will be here soon >:3


Nightfalls reaction

Loid sighed as he sat down he seemed dazed at work as a coworker walked over.
"Oooh I know that look"he said leaning against the door loid looked up.
"Is it that obvious"he smiled. Nightfall walked by being nosy as usual.
"You finally had sec with your wife?"he said.
Nightfall lost balance but caught herself. Loid chuckled
"Almost"he said,

Almost?! What is he doing this isn't part of the mission?!

"She's thick dude you're a patient man"said another man "if I were her husband we would be making our own pies with that oven"

Loid glanced over with a glare as the man raised his hands.

"She's all yours man"he surrendered. Loid sighed and took a sip of his coffee.
"Well is not like we didn't do anything, we took a bath together"loid said knowing nightfall was hearing but honestly didn't care,
"Danm that must have been nice"
"I won't go into detail cause it's my business but she's an amazing women"loid said. "A little shy but I think it's endearing"

Nightfall walked away before she collapsed against a wall.


Nightfall mentally lets out a dramatic cry.

NO...one day he'll come to work...and he'll have her pregnant....

Nightfall glared.
'I have to prevent this or else I will lose twilight...forever...'

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