Mission 17

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Vacation pt1

The family arrived at the train station as Anya smiled.
"Train!"she exclaimed. (y/n) smiled and held Anya's hand.
"You excited"(y/n) beams. Anya nods, bouncing slightly. Loid chuckled.
"If you like the train you'll like the seating"he said as he opened the door and let them through first.
"We're box L14"

Box? No lane...?

(y/n) walks into a private room on the train.

Woah first class

Loid held her waist as Anya ran in and bounced on the chair.
"Might as well spoil you two" he said as (y/n) looked up at him and smiled.
"I'll make sure to spoil you with fluffy pancakes,"she said. Loid struggled to hide his joy.

This weekend will be very pleasant

(y/n) sat next to the window as Anya sat on her lap. Loid sat by her as the two looked out.
"Weekend ooting!''Anya said as she hugged (y/n). (y/n) laughed and hugged her back. Loid watched them. He sighed, closing his eyes.
Other than the giggles of his wife and child it was peaceful. After a while he felt a gentle shake as he hums, opening his eyes as he sees (y/n) with a smile as Anya snuggled her while she slept. Loid gaze softened at the two. He kissed (y/n)'s forehead as she closed her eyes. Anya opened her eyes and smiled, closing them once more.

They arrived as Loid was the one now asleep as the girl giggled. (y/n) gently cups his face making Loid tense as he grabs her wrist and swiftly switches positions. Pinning (y/n) to the chair with his knee in between her legs as he glared his face close to her. (y/n) tensed as her face became flustered.
Loid paused.


Loid smirked.
"Did I scare you?"he said. (y/n) closed her eyes as loid chuckled. He moved away to see Anya's eyes sparkling.

Sooo coool!

Loid helps (y/n) as she couldn't even look him in the eye. Loid smiled as he pinched her cheek gently.
"I'm sorry"he said with a smile. (y/n) huffed looking away as loid sighed.

Let's hope she's not angry
How could he tease me like that!
Mama and papa need to talk

They arrived at a lovely resort. It was in a small town. Loid had rented a bed and Breakfast cottage. He just thought something simple and foreign would help them. It's not too far from the city but far enough that it doesn't bother them.

Anya gasped at the cottage as she ran inside as she smiled. The cottage was a two story home on a hill with lovely features and a beautiful view of the forest nearby.

 The cottage was a two story home on a hill with lovely features and a beautiful view of the forest nearby

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(y/n) adored the home as loid watched them get excited. (y/n) walks over as she hugged loid.
"Thank you, you're the sweetest!"she said as she kissed his cheek. Loid hums with an approving smile. Anya ran to the two with a smile.
"I want the biggest room!"Anya said. Loid gave her a smile.

Anya groans. Loid chuckled as (y/n) gave Anya and guilty smile,
"You ladies, go walk to town and explore. I'll set everything up,"he said.
"Are you sure?"(y/n) said. Loid smiled.
"A little bit of unpacking is nothing,"he said with a smile.
(y/n) nods and holds Anya's hand. The two exit as loid watches with a smile. When they were out of earshot Loid's face became serious.

"Get out of the cabinet,"Loid said.
Franky rolled out from beneath the sink.
"Took you a while to notice!"he said walking over.
"No, I knew now,"he said. "What's the mission?"


(y/n) awkwardly tried to escape a conversation between her and a fellow baker. She was trying to gesture with her ring. She was confused by the fact that he didn't even consider the fact she was with a child.
"I do use that flour yes but me and Anya have to go-"
"No please stay, I insist"he said hastily as he held her hand. Anya became angry.
(y/n) slaps him as he lets go holding his face. She sighed annoyed.
"What is with you men and grabbing girls"she said as she pulled Anya closer.
The male glared.
"You bi-"he paused, seeing blue eyes glare as loid walked over.
"I couldn't help but notice how you manhandled my wife." He said. The man paused.
"Y-your wife?"
"Yes is it not obvious she has her daughter and she has a ring which is very flamboyant "he said seriously. The man stammered over his words as loid smiled.
"I'll let this slide since we're on vacation but if I see you touch my wife like that again I'll have to teach you a lesson"he said seriously. The man tensed as he nodded. Loid smiled.
"Thank you, come along love"he said "Anya"
(y/n) took Loid's arm as Anya stuck her tongue out at the man who sighed embarrassed.

"You're a lifesaver"
"Don't give me all the credit I saw you slap him"he said. (y/n) blushed.
"Oh that I'm sorry that wasn't very proper"she muttered
"Maybe, but it was well deserved,"he said as he smiled at her. (y/n) returned the smile as Anya rushed in front.
"PEANUTS!"she shouts. (y/n) and loid watched her rush to a stand with peanuts as (y/n) smiled nervously.
"Stop running!"she said as loid sighed.
Anya turns.
"Mama please!!!"she said. (y/n) hums.
"How much for a small bag?"
"21"the lady said kindly. Loid chuckled and walked over.
"Thank you but no"he said as he picked up anya who reached for them.

The lady's smile fades.
"Oh okay I see"she said. Ma waves and left.
"I could buy us dinner with all that"loid said as he held anya while (y/n) walked by his side.
"It's about dinner time any ideas of where to go?"she said.
"Well that depends on what you would like to eat,"he responds.

Anya groans and limps herself as (y/n) giggles.
"I'm kinda in the mood for some shellfish"
"That could work"loid hums.
"Ooh yummy!"Anya said, sitting up again.

And so the forgers sat in a nice seafood restaurant. (y/n) had ordered lobster with spicy dip and a peach lemonade. Anya ordered the shrimp noodles cause it was funny looking and apple juice while loid got crab and salad and water.

(y/n) sips on her lemonade before Anya begins to talk about her school and how frustrating Damien is. (y/n) giggled.
"You can't force friendship Anya"(y/n) said "it takes time, like love"
"Yes it can take months or even years do things like that to happen"

"You wanted to marry mama right when you saw her,"Anya pouts.

Loid tense and blushed as (y/n) covers her face. Loid sighed as he held (y/n)'s hands and had her show her face.
"Sometimes there's special exceptions,"he said with a soft smile. (y/n) smiled shyly as she tried to hide her face once again.
An older waitress smiled and walked over.

"You remind me of my husband and my two girls when we were younger,"she said.
Loid chuckled and smiled.
"I'm glad you think so,"he said.
"Are you planning for a second?"
"One day"

Loid and (y/n) looked at each other.

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