Mission 21

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Major time skip cause I had no idea how to write the bond arc and I didn't want to lose motivation.
I'll make it up with a special chapter of what went down during the special bath time. 🤤😎😉

Also I'll show you my Verizon of (y/n) and I think she's super adorable. But that's the next chapter!!



This mission will fail if I'm not the one to help
Hopefully I'm not too late.

No pov

(Y/n) put up some photos as she smiled looking at them.

On was with (Y/n) and Anya as she held her close. Another with the two (Y/n) kissing her cheek. One was with loid and Anya and Anya was happily on his shoulder as he looked up.
One with Anya on top of bond. The dog they recently got for Anya to celebrate her grades. (Y/n) frowns slightly.
She doesn't know why he doesn't like her but she'll give him space. Maybe she reminded him of someone who hurt him. He was a stray dog after all.

(Y/n) placed another with her and Loid as he held her waist and was hiding his face in her neck. Another was them kissing and finally was one with all of them together, (Y/n) holding Anya with Loid kissing her cheek and Bond looking up.

(Y/n) smiles, tears filling her eyes. She felt like it was all too good to be true like it was a fake. She was close to losing everything but ended up gaining more than she could possibly think of.
And Anya was doing amazing, her grades were better, she got a stellar and she's having fun winning dodgeball.

Loid's been very busy lately and has been coming home when the two are already asleep and leaving before they are awake. 
But he leaves a note in her lunchbox after making one for her. He wasn't happy when he found out that (Y/n) doesn't eat a lot during lunch because the restaurants around her workplace aren't exactly safe for her anymore thanks to Dlaire.

(Y/n) sighed as she held the photo before there was a buzz sound making her tense, almost dropping the photo.
"Coming!"(Y/n) calls. She ran to the door holding the photo before she opened the door.

A woman with beautiful short white hair and slim but gorgeous eyes looked down at the smaller yet cute woman as the taller woman held no emotion on her face. (Y/n) smiled nervously.
"Oh...um hello...who are you?"she asked with a shy smile.
"My name is Fiona frost. I work with Dr. Forger. I'm sorry we have to meet like this,"the woman named Fiona said simply.
(Y/n) eyes widened.

Loid's never talked about her maybe she's new

"Oh I'm Sorry! If you were planning on speaking with him I'm afraid he went out with Anya to take bond for a walk, they left recently"(Y/n) said with a sad smile.
"Oh what a shame.."fiona said.

I'm aware. It's precisely what I'd been waiting for

Fiona pulls out a detective magnifying glass.
"Your daughter left this when she visited the hospital the other day"she said. (Y/n) hums and smiled.
"Awe thank you! Anya and I have been looking for it"she smiled "though you didn't have to at all"
"It's nothing"fiona said. (Y/n) hums there was an awkward silence.

I could tell her to leave...but I wanna talk about drama having a friend outside of work sounds nice!

This is what twilight settled for she looks like a child

"A-anyways since you came all the way out here would you like to come in for some tea and cake"
"Sure I don't mind any more that you would"she said with a blank face.



(Y/n) and Fiona sat across from each other as Fiona takes a sip of the tea. (Y/n) couldn't help but stare.

She's so pretty and cute at the same time I bet she gets attention too. Ooh and by the way she dresses I know her wardrobe looks AMAZING!

Is she seeing me as a competitor to her 'husband' well if so I'll wait for an opening.  I know there's something that may cause her to break but by the innocent way she looks at me I can tell it's going to be easy.

"You have a lovely home"Fiona comments.
"Oh I'm so glad Loid did most of this. I did the placement of the pictures but as far as the interior design goes, Loid"she smiled.

Don't worry you'll soon be removed from the operation and you can live your life without ever dealing with twilight .

She likes the house! Oh wow she's so cool. Keep this going. Soon we can talk about drama!!

I need to be careful about this any direct action to remover will be a risk...

"It smells like you're baking something"
"Oh yes mini peach cobblers for on the go!"she smiled "loid and Anya like them"
"Ah you're a baker"
"Born and raised. I was taught by my grandmother"
"You look like a baker"

The fuck that's supposed to mean

"Well if you're insisting I know my way around the kitchen I'd say I do. Can't say the same for you though you're pretty slim"(Y/n) giggled innocently. "If anything I might need to give you one"
Fiona's eye twitched.

Guess she's confident about her body...find another target...
I'm not that sensitive

"You're daughter Anya, she seems like a very active girl"Fiona said. (Y/n) perks up.
"Oh yeah tell me about it, this girl is made out of sugar. She has so much energy inside of her"she laughs.
"Doesn't it wear you down having a child like that"

I mean she's not even related to you...she's just a step daughter

"Nope not at all if anything her energy gives me a recharge! And if Anya wasn't engaged and energetic that would be a real problem" (Y/n) states. "She's my little muffin!"

Spare me the affection you're no mother...

"Though with loid I know I can be a bit more helpful. I'm pretty good at cleaning and cooking but some things he insists on doing he's also really talented at things maybe it's because he's a bit older than me"(Y/n) said "if only I was more well rounded..."

Yes if only, you need to acknowledge your own inadequacies...

"He does mention that a lot,"Fiona starts. (Y/n) looks up.
"Dr. Forger grumbles how childish you may seem"she states. (Y/n) was silent as she looked away.


Her gaze lowers.

There you are...this will be easier than expected.

"You seem shocked at this information cause h-"

There was a buzz from the kitchen as (Y/n) stood up quickly.
"Ah! The pies!" (Y/n) said and rushed to the kitchen Fiona watched.

Just a few more words and she'll be out of the operation.

The door opens.
"Anya in the house!"Anya called.
"(Y/n) we're home,"loid called. (Y/n) pulls out the pies and smiles.
"Hi Loid hi baby!"she said as she placed the pies on the counter. Loid walks over to (Y/n) and hugs her from behind.

Fiona watched.

What is this...he doesn't need to be like this with her

"They smell good"Loid said. (Y/n) giggled as her cheek was kissed.
"Loid we have a guest"

I know but I need to make sure you know that I come to you first.

"Oh I didn't notice"he turns to Fiona as his kind gaze hardens not that (Y/n) notices, seeming she was making sure the pies were cooked.

Fiona looks at him, her face not changing.

He was back sooner than expected

"Fiona what are you doing here"

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