New to Town

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"Okay guys, all your moms are here so why don't you go ahead and change into your shoes." I said to the class of 7 to 9-year-old girls. I was an ice skater and was teaching 5 girls in my glass.

I had just moved to Boston Massachusetts only about 6 months ago. Before that I lived in LA. LA, not the best life near the end but it gave me Sophia so I couldn't complain too much.

"Aunt Lo, can I skate a little longer?" My 8-year-old niece who I had adopted about a year ago asked.

"No sweetie, I need the ice." I said and she smiled knowing I was going to skate. I looked and saw Stella a girl from my class and Sophia's best friend just sitting down.

"Stella, where is your mom?" I asked.

I knew Stella's mom, well I knew Stella's uncle, we were best friends in LA. I hadn't seen him in about 2 years, and I hadn't let it known to Stella's mom I knew Scott.

"I don't know Miss Lo." She said and I smiled.

"Okay why don't you and Sophia sit together and watch me do a routine then score me." I said to them, and they both got excited. I skated for a minute to get the feel of my skates and the ice. I then went to my phone and started my song. Sophia had picked it out.

Hold My Hand by Lady Gaga started playing over the Bluetooth speakers in the arena we were in, and I was connected to.

I took a deep breath and just started skating. When I skated, I was in my own world and everything else zoned out. It was the technique I learned from my coach when I was Sophia's age. I had made the Olympics for a few years and even got on the podium a few times. Never got gold so that was the goal this year. This was my last chance. I was aging out, I needed to make gold this year. As I thought if everything, I had been through to get to where I was now, I put all my emotions into the skating.

Once I was finished, I took my final pose, and I heard a lot more cheers instead of just Stella and Sophia. I looked and saw someone sitting there and I was shocked to see him. I screamed excited upon seeing him and quickly skated to get off the ice.

"Scott!" I said as I got off the ice and he picked me up in a hug since I was on my skates.

"What are you doing here?" Scott asked putting me down and Sophia handed me my blade guards which made it easy to walk on carpet in my skates. "And with Sophia..." Scott said and I sighed and gave her a small smile.

"Um...I've had her for about a year now. I adopted her. Jackie and Dave um...they died in a car accident." I said and Scott groaned.

"Oh, Lorelai I'm so sorry." Scott said and I smiled.

"Yeah, so she is mine now and we moved her about 6 months ago." I said and Scott looked at me in shock.

"6 months and you didn't call me?!" Scott asked.

"I tried; you changed your number." I said and he groaned.

"Oh yeah..." Scott said and we laughed.

"So, the routine...that the one for tryouts?" Scott asked.

"How do you know I'm trying out?" I asked and he smiled.

"Come on Lore, of course you are. You said gold before 35, well you're 32, last chance." Scott said and I groaned.

"I hate that you have known me so long you know my goals. And I don't know if it's my routine. I have a couple ideas." I said.

"Uncle Scott!" Stella yelled and we looked over to where they were sitting, and I noticed another guy there with Scott. I looked at him annoyed.

"Your brother was here the whole time?" I asked and nodded.

"Yeah, we were hanging out when Carly asked me to come get Stella." Scott said and then Stella rushed over.

"What Stella?" Scott asked.

"Can Miss Lo do one more routine?" Stella asked and I laughed.

"Obviously you have power over me." I said and he laughed.

"Will you? Please?" Scott asked and I sighed thinking.

"Okay taking it far back just for you."

"Yes!" Scott said and went towards his seat as I turned on Hold On by Wilson Phillips since Scott and I always rocked out to this song. This routine was super old but always one of my favorites.


I took my seat with Sophia, Stella and Chris.

"Who is she?" Chris asked.

"Lorelai Channels."

"The figure skater?!" Chris asked and I nodded.

"Yep. And my best friend from LA. Met her after I saw her perform in an Olympian show Steve and I went to. We just become super close and then when I moved back here 2 years ago, we lost touch." I explained.

"And she has a kid?" Chris asked.

"Niece. Her brother and sister-in-law died in a car accident. Lore took custody of her niece." I explained. I just watched her skate. "She is amazing."

"She trying out for the upcoming Olympics?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"Yeah. This is her last year." I said.


Once the song was over, I got back off the ice and put the guards on my blades.

"Aunt Lolo, you almost fell when you did your double axel. Judges will deduct points for that." Sophia said and I looked at her and placed my hands on my hips.

"My mini coach and judge everyone." I said and we all laughed. I then looked at Chris.

"Since your brother is rude. Hi, I'm Lorelai Channels." I said extending my hand to Chris and he laughed as he shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you. You're amazing. I'm Chris." Chris said and I smiled.

"Thank you." I said. "Sophia, can you go get my bag?" I asked and she ran down to the bench and grabbed it. I sat down and started to unlace my skates.

"You guys have plans?" Scott asked and I shook my head.

"Head and pizza." I said and smiled.

"Well, I have Stella for the night. Why don't you guys come over and we can do pizza and movie at my place." Scott said and I smiled.

"Yeah, text me your new number and address." I said and he nodded.

Scott sent it all through.

"Okay once we clean up here, we will be on our way." I said and Scott smiled. He leaned down and hugged me. I waved at Chris as Scott hugged Sophia.

She knew him from LA, he was around all the time.

"We are going to Scotty's?" She asked once they walked away.

"Yeah, that okay?" I asked.

"Yep. I didn't know his brother was Chris Evans..." Sophia said. I had known but I never met Chris. I never used Scott like that.

"I did. I never met him though until today." I said. I finished getting my shoes on and we grabbed our bags.

"Ready to go?" I asked and she nodded and took my hand.

"Let's go have some pizza." I said and she smiled with a laugh.

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