Welcome Home

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I was home, I was in the car that Chris sent for Scott and I and I was on my way home. I just wanted to get to Soph and Chris and just hug them and never let go.

"So not again in 4 years?" Scott asked in the car, and I laughed.

"Hell no. I want to be married and at least pregnant by then. Time to start my life." I said and Scott smiled.

"And does that life include my brother?" Scott asked and I shrugged.

"If he wants it to." I said and Scott smiled. The drive home was taking forever, and I just wanted to get home.

"Can I do what we discussed in Paris when we get home?" Scott asked and I groaned.

"If you must." I said and he did a small happy dance in his set and we both laughed. Once we got to Chris's house, we punched in the gate code and got out of the car.

"Home sweet home, finally." I said and Scott smiled. I went to walk in after getting my bag and Scott pouted.

"You promised!" Scott said.

"I said if you must, there is a difference but go ahead." I said and he smiled. He opened the door and walked right into the living room where everyone was.

"Please everyone may I have your attention!" Scott yelled and I just shook my head outside the door. "Everyone please welcome home Olympic Gold Medalist in the solo skate Lorelai Channels!" Scott yelled and I walked in, and everyone rushed to me but Chris beat everyone out and passionately kissed me and then hugged me.

Yep, I won gold. Cassie's stumble cost her, she got silver, and I got gold. I accomplished what I always had wanted. I ended on the highest note I possible could.

"Hey, can we get to her?!" Lisa asked Chris since he wasn't letting me go. We all laughed, and I hugged everyone. I got to Soph last, and she ran into my arms knocking me down.

"YOU GOT GOLD!" She yelled and I laughed.

"I did! I finally did it!" I said and she smiled as we hugged.

"I want to see it!" Soph said.

"We all do." Carly said and I smiled. Scott grabbed my carry-on bag for me and Chris chuckled.

"You carried it on the plane?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"Hell yes, I wasn't checking it." I said and he laughed. I pulled the box it was in from the bag and passed it to Lisa as her and Soph looked at it. As everyone was in awe of the gold medal Chris took my hand and led me into the kitchen away from everyone. He pinned me against the kitchen island.

"Hi." I said and he smiled at me.

"Welcome home." Chris said as I hooked my fingers in his belt loops and pulled him closer to me.

"This isn't my home yet..." I said and Chris smiled being flush against me.

"It could be if you would just agree to move in. You said after the Olympics when things slowed down." Chris said and I nodded. He moved his lips closer to mine and they were brushing against mine.

"I did say that didn't I?" I asked almost in a whispered and Chris nodded as his tongue came out and gently ran over my lips and I moaned.

"Chris..." I breathed out and then his mouth was on mine, and he was passionately kissing me and I pulled him even closer to me and he growled.

"Baby we have a house full of people." Chris moaned.

"And I haven't had sex in about a month." I said and he growled.

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