Newbie and the Dinosaur

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It was solo skate day one. Solo skate, by, the ice and music. I was pacing in my room waiting to leave when there was a knock on my door. I walked to the door, and I saw Scott standing there and he just gave me a small smile. I saw he had the phone to his ear.

"She is awake and nervous." Scott said and I looked at him confused and he handed me the phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, I just wanted to talk to you and wish you good luck today. We all love you and are cheering for you." Lisa said as my eyes filled with tears as Scott pulled me into a hug.

"Aww Ma, thank you so much." I said. I had been calling her Ma since Disney and she never cared.

"Chris said he wanted to call you, but he would probably make you more nervous." Lisa said and we gave a small laugh.

"Can you just tell him I love him, and I will blow you guys a kiss later?" I asked.

"I sure will sweetie, go get ready." Lisa said.

"Love you guys." I said and hand Scott back his phone.

"You ready to go get hair and make-up done?" Scott asked and I nodded.

"Also, I got you a special pass." I said handing it to Scott.

"Okay where can I go with this?"

"Down with me on the side of the ice. I need you, Scott." I said and he hugged me.

"I got you sweetie." Scott said and I smiled as we packed up and left.

⛸ ⛸ ⛸

I was sitting at the side of the ice in my costume and Scott was sitting next to me. He looked at his phone and then smile showing me.

CHRIS: Tell Lore to smile she is on camera a lot more than she thinks.

"Tell your brother to screw off." I said and Scott laughed. He put his phone away and I saw the camera on me, and I smiled and waved.

"Ask Chris what they are saying about me on tv." I said and Scott shook his head.

"Nope, you will get in your head too much." Scott said and I groaned. I saw a girl come in from the back and noticed she was new this season and she looked to be 16.

"There is my biggest competition." I said and Scott watched her stretch. "The baby and the dinosaur." I said and Scott hit my arm.

"Stop it. You got this in the bag. Show this little girl who the boss is." Scott said and I kissed his cheek. I placed my head on Scott's shoulder and went into a zone. Soon I heard my name being called and I sighed getting up.

"You got this dinosaur." Scott said and we both laughed.

"Love you." I said and skated out to the ice. I had the necklace on Chris got me and I tucked it in my costume for safety. I heard Don't Stop Believing started playing and I started skating tuning out everything. Once I finish, I take my bows and skate off the ice. I rushed to Scott as I feel my legs give out and Scott helped me sit down.

"You okay?" Scott asked concerned and I nodded while taking a drink.

"I just skated super hard. Too hard." I said and Scott sighed. The camera came up to me and I smiled.

"Soph, Chris, Evans family, I love you guys!" I said and blew a kiss. That made me relax. I waited for the scores, and I held Scott's hand.

Once the scores came up on the screen the crowd erupted, and I fell off the bench onto the floor in shock. It was damn near perfect.

Scott's phone started ringing and he answered. He went to hand me the phone and I shook my head.

"I can't I'm sorry." I said and Scott nodded explaining that I couldn't take the call.

Everything was silent and the room drowned out. I didn't know what was happening, but this has never happened before. I came back to Scott lifting me up and helping me back to a back green room. He then handed me the phone.

"Talk to him." Scott said handing me the phone and I sighed.

"Did you sleep last night?" I heard Chris ask as the phone was placed to my ear.

"Yes..." I trailed off.

"Lore..." Chris asked.

"Chris please don't start okay. I don't have time for this. I may have gotten damn near perfect, but I have to watch everyone else now! Don't get on my case!" I said shoving the phone back at Scott, grabbing a Gatorade from the fridge and going back out to the ice.

⛸ ⛸ ⛸

After the day of everyone skating, I was still on top but then the 16-year-old came up to skate and I held Scott's hand as she skated, and I sighed knowing she was flawless.

"Fuck." I said as she finished, and Scott placed a hand on my back, and she got off the ice. When she got her scores, she was 3 points above me.

"3 points, that's not that bad." Scott said.

"Right just have to push harder tomorrow." I said and Scott sighed.

⛸ ⛸ ⛸

That night I was lying in bed and grabbed my laptop placing it on the pillow next to me and I called Chris praying he would answer. He answered and saw the tears streaming down my face.

"I'm sorry for how I talk to you today." I said and Chris shook his head.

"You were stressed, and I didn't help. I'm sorry. I love you and tonight is fine, but I think after tonight we shouldn't talk while you are competing." Chris said and I nodded and then laughed in my sob.

"I was going to suggest the same thing. But tonight, I need you. I need you to sleep with me and just be with me even if it is over a chat." I said and he nodded.

"You got me Lore. I'm right here and I won't go anyway until I know you are calm and asleep." Chris said and I blew him a kiss.

"Thank you." I said and got comfortable in bed.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too." Chris said and I smiled. I closed my eyes and knowing he was here with me watching me, sleeping with me I easily fell asleep letting the worries of the day fall away.

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