I'm With You

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Chris nor Scott could come with me today to the rink, so I was alone with Kayden, wasn't exactly happy about it but I also knew we didn't need a distraction. Chris seemed to be a distraction, not to me but to Kayden. Kayden and I had decided to try our I Put A Spell On You routine for try outs. I was nervous about this, and Kayden was just skating around the ice with me for a minute.

"What's going on?" Kayden asked pulling me from my trance.

"What?" I asked confused.

"What's going on in that brain of yours. You are a million miles away." Kayden said and I sighed.

"Actually about a few months away. We have this routine down pat, but I still don't know what single routine to do." I said and Kayden said.

"Although I wasn't too thrilled about who it was aimed to the other day, I think the Love Me Like You Do routine was amazing." Kayden said and I gave a small smile.

"Kayden, you have to get over this Chris jealously. I mean he is in my life." I said as we skated off the ice and went to sit to take a small break.

"I'm not trying to cause issues here Lore, but I mean come on big Hollywood man, captain America himself. What do you think you could possibly give him out of life?" Kayden asked and I groaned.

"Kayden, that's bullshit and low even for you." I said and Kayden didn't say anything and just sat there. I took a drink of my water. "Listen I don't know where Chris and I are going or how long we will even make it. I mean let's face it...I have a lot coming up in the next few weeks and months. I just know right now I'm happy." I said.

"Are you though? I mean you don't seem happy." Kayden said and I looked at him in shock.

"How would you know?! I mean I can't stop smiling except when I'm here dealing with ice skating shit..." I said.

"Ice skating shit?! You have never referred to Olympics as skating as shit before." Kayden said.

"Because I'm undecisive! Until I can nail something down, I'm stressed." I said.

"And holding a boyfriend who doesn't know the life can't be easy either!" Kayden said and I just groaned.

"Kayden stop okay! I'm with Chris!" I said annoyed.

"Let me just talk to you for minute and help you out here." Kayden said and I groaned.

"What?" I asked.

"I think you should know there is someone else interested in you and has been for a long time." Kayden said and I just looked at him confused.

"Who?" I asked.

"Me! Me, Lore!" Kayden said and I sighed.

"Kayden, stop." I said.

"No! I won't stop! I have held this in too long!" Kayden said and I just looked at him.

"How long?!" I asked.

"Since we met! I have had a crush on you and then over the past year and half the crush grew to feelings and its hard being this close to you and not having you. It's hard seeing you all over another man who isn't me. He gets to hold you, kiss you and feel you. That's all I have ever wanted! I want what Chris has and I think I deserve it. I have been with you through everything and damnit you shouldn't be mine!" Kayden spit out. He was creeping me out, I didn't know what lengths he was willing to go through and I knew I had skates on and couldn't get away right away.

"Kayden! Stop!" I said and he just looked at me. "I'm sorry that I never realized but you could have also said something sooner. You had all this time to say something, but you kept quiet! Why keep quiet?! It's too late now." I said and he groaned.

"I love you, Lore! I love you so much it hurts and I'm tired of being as close as we are on the ice and nowhere else. I need you in my life." Kayden said and I sighed.

"Stop it Kayden, please..." I begged and looked at the floor. Kayden placed a hand under my chin and made me look at him.

"Lore please..." He said and the next thing I knew his lips were on mine. I pushed him off of me as quickly as I could.

"Kayden, what the fuck?!" I asked standing up as easily as I could on skates.

"What?!" Kayden asked.

"What don't you understand?! I. Am. With. Chris! I'm happy with Chris, I'm staying with Chris! This between us is nothing but a work relationship. We skate together and this is it!" I yelled. Kayden ripped his skates off and slipped on his tennis shoes.

"You know what fuck this and fuck you!" Kayden said once his shoes were on and walked out.

I sighed sitting down and putting my head in my hands. I just needed to get home, I wanted to go home to Chris and just let him hold me. I put my shows on once my skates we off and I grabbed everything up. I quickly drove to Chris's house. Once I got inside, I saw Chris sitting on the couch watching some tv and he looked at me. I dropped stuff and rushed over to him.

"Lore?" Chris asked confused and I just wrapped my arm around his torso, burying my face in his chest.

"Chris, something happened..." I said and Chris sighed. I looked up at him as I had tears in my eyes.

"Lore, what happened?!" Chris asked pissed but I could tell he was trying to remain calm.

"Kayden confessed his love for me and kissed me." I said and I heard Chris growl low in his chest, and I sighed.

"Please don't do anything stupid and just hold me." I said and Chris sighed but nodded and I put my head on his chest.

"Not that I think I need affirmation...what did you tell him?" Chris asked and I sighed looking up at Chris.

"I told him I'm in love with you and with you. Nothing was going to change that. I'm with you." I said and he smiled down at me and gave me a small kiss.

"And I'm with you." Chris said and I smiled. 

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