Making Up

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I showed up at the school around 6 after getting an Uber home, changing and getting my own car. Once I walked in and saw where all the Evans were sitting and I sighed knowing I needed to show them I showed up, especially Chris. I didn't have to make my presence known since Sophia saw me from where she had to stay seated, and she was waving at me like crazy. I smiled at her and waved, Chris turned and saw me walking down the aisle. I walked up to the seats and Lisa smiled at me.

"You made it." She said almost sounding shocked.

"Yeah, I had to get an uber home from the ice rink though..." I said and shot a look at Chris. Lisa and Scott then both looked at Chris.

"You left her?" Scott asked in a whisper and Chris just shrugged.

"Chris...come on." I said and Chris shrugged. I crossed my arms and sighed as my eyes filled with tears.

"What happened?" Shanna asked.

"Chris and I had a fight over me practicing." I said.

"Over you obsessing." Chris corrected.

"Okay before this starts, you two follow me." Lisa said and got up. I just looked at her as did Chris. "Now!" She sternly said. We got up and followed her. We followed her to the hallway outside the auditorium and to the side.

"What is this Ma?" Chris asked.

"You two can't be here with this attitude. I don't know what happened, I don't want to know. Fix it." Lisa said and walked back inside. Chris and I stood in the small hallway both leaning on opposite walls facing each other. I was looked at the floor and Chris sighed.

"Did you mean what you said?" I asked.

"What?" Chris asked.

"You liked me being hurt?" I said and Chris groaned.

"No Lore, I didn't mean that. I know it fucked with your head and everything." Chris said and I sighed.

"I know I fucked up a lot especially with Soph, but I know I did with you." I said and he sighed.

"I need an answer to my question from earlier." Chris said and I looked at him.

"What question Chris?" I asked.

"Am I your future?" Chris asked. I opened my mouth to answer but Shanna appeared in the hallway.

"Sorry to interrupt but Sophia is on stage and looking for the two of you." Shanna said. Before I could answer Chris, I walked away to hurry inside. I heard him groan behind me, but I had to see her.

⛸ ⛸ ⛸

A few days later, things we still tense. I was leaving Sophia with Grandma Lisa, as she was now known and going to LA for tryouts. Scott and Chris both going with me for moral support. The plans for Chris to go were made before the argument so of course this wasn't going to be a fun trip at all.

"You really need to work on making up with him. You know it will fuck up your try outs if you don't." Scott said to me as we waited at baggage claim, and I just shrugged.

"I don't think Chris cares about my try outs, so he isn't wanting to make up. I think he would be happy if I didn't make the Olympics." I said and Scott sighed. He looked down the way and saw Chris standing there waiting. Scott kissed my cheek and I sighed. My cellphone rang and I pulled it from my pocket.

"It's my coach." I said and I walked away. Scott walked down to Chris.


I walked up to Chris and punched his arm.

"What the fuck?!" Chris asked pissed.

"You need to make up with her. She is going to fuck up her try outs in a few days if you are weighing on her mind."  I said and Chris groaned.

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