Weekend Away

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A few weeks later everything surrounding Chris and I had finally died down and we were able to leave the house and do everything we needed to do freely again. I was at the rink knowing I was leaving next weekend for Paris...the Olympics.

I was at the rink skating and practicing when I finished, and I heard someone clapping. I looked up to see Chris and I smiled. I skated over to the edge of the rink. He walked down, leaned over the half wall and gave me a passionate kiss.

"You almost done?" Chris asked and I sighed.

"I would love to say yes but not. Ever since my knee got screwed up and I can't get the one turn right. The judges noticed during qualifying and docked me points." I said and Chris gently cupped my face.

"Lore, you need to relax. You have everything set. You keep pushing yourself this much you run the risk of getting hurt. Do you want to get hurt a week before you leave?" Chris said and I shook my head the best I could with him holding me. He leaned in giving me a small kiss.

"I need you to change into your shoes and come with me. We are going to be late if we don't go now." Chris said and I looked at him confused.

"Where are we going?" I asked and he waggled his eyebrows. I laughed.

"Fine...I will let you have this one and not tell me anything." I said and Chris smiled as I got off the ice and went to put on my shoes and once, I was done getting ready Chris grabbed my gym bag, grabbed my hand and we headed out of the rink. I saw Chris SUV outside which I knew he never drove.

"What's up with this?" I asked and Chris just shook his head.

"Oh god, you're murdering me, aren't you?" I asked and he laughed.

"Listen, if I was going to murder you do you think I would tell you?" Chris asked and we laughed as we got in the car. Once Chris got on the road, I just let him do the driving and I slowly dozed off. Chris let me sleep knowing I hadn't been sleeping well and he wanted me rested for this weekend.

After some time of driving Chris gave me a gentle kiss to wake me up.

'We're here my love." Chris said and I woke up and looked out the window. I noticed we were deep in the woods and there was a cabin in front of us.

"Chris..." I said and he laughed.

"I know the murder thing could really come into play right now but it's not. I'm bringing you here for a weekend away. You need to relax and away from everyone. Ma has Soph for the weekend and we have no cell reception up here." Chris said and I smiled at him as we got out of the car. Chris went to the back of the SUV and got out 2 suitcases.

"And who packed for me?" I asked.

"Carly." Chris said and I smiled. We walked inside and I smiled seeing the kitchen and living room. "Come with me." Chris said taking me hand and took me to the back porch and I saw a hot tub and I smiled. He wrapped his arms around me from behind and started nuzzling my neck and I moaned.

"Chris, we need to talk..." I said and he sighed.

"Dinner then we talk." Chris said and I nodded.

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Once we were done with dinner and Chris held off the conversation, I needed to have with him. Chris and I decided to get in the hot tub, so I changed into my bikini and headed outside, Chris was already in the hot tub when I got outside. I got in the tub and Chris instantly pulled me into his lap to straddle him and I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"We need to talk Chris, really we do." I said and he sighed.

"Am I going to like this talk?" Chris asked and I sighed.

"I don't know, I mean it's something I should have been upfront about when we got serious." I said and Chris sighed. He placed his hands on my back and was toying with the strings of my top.

"So, tell me now or I'm going to kiss you." Chris said and I smiled. I went to say something, but Chris pulled me flush against his body and his lips we on mine. I moaned in his kiss and this man knew how to get out of any situation and make my mind go completely blank.

As I sat on his lap making out with him, I felt Chris getting very worked up and hard underneath me and I groaned. It brought back all my thoughts. Chris bucked his hips, and I moaned out and then shook my head breaking apart from him.

"No, we need to talk about where this is going to lead." I said and Chris looked at me confused as I got off his lap and moved to the other side of the hot tub.

"What the hell is going on Lore?" Chris said and I sighed.

"Okay so when it comes to competition time, I have a lot of things I do and don't do to get ready." I said and Chris nodded.

"Okay..." Chris trailed off.

"Well sex or any form of pleasure is off the table until after the Olympics." I said and Chris groaned.

"Are you serious?" Chris asked and I sighed.

"I'm sorry, it slipped my mind and honestly you were the first serious boyfriend in a while, and it didn't cross my mind until you brought me here..."

"For a romantic, sex filled weekend away since you leave soon for weeks!" Chris said and got out of the hot tub, and I sighed.

"Chris...please." I said and following him out. I grabbed a towel and followed him in the house, and he went into the bathroom turning on the shower.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Taking a fucking cold shower! Not sure if you noticed how fucking turned on and hard I am!" Chris said aggravated. I grabbed his hand and pushed him against the wall.

"If you would calm the fuck down for a minute, I can explain something to you." I said and he just looked at me. "Just because I'm holding off of having sex doesn't mean I can't still help you out." I said and Chris looked at me confused as I gave him a quick kiss and the sank to my knees in front of his pulling his swim trunks down.

"Lore..." He breathed out as I licked his slit on the head where he was already leaking some pre cum. I moaned as I tasted it. I then licked around his head. I smiled up at him as I put him fully in my mouth. Chris looked down and watched his length disappear into my mouth. He threw his head back against the wall opening his mouth in ecstasy. He started breathing in deeply, trying to stay calm. He placed a hand on the back of my head and wrapped my hair in his hand as I started bobbing on him at a slow and steady pace. I pushed him to the back of my throat and swallowed, his free hand banged on the wall, and I heard some words escape his mouth I just wasn't sure what exactly he said. I smiled bringing a hand up to cup his balls and started massaging them.

"Fuck." Chris grunted out as I felt him twitch as I bobbed on him faster. I felt him spurt into my mouth and back of my throat. Once I knew he was empty I kissed him back up his body and then kissed his lips.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you." I said and Chris sighed and leaned his forehead against mine.

"I'm sorry I wasn't more understanding." Chris said and I shook my head.

"And then think about the mind-blowing sex we will have when I get back." I whispered in his ear, and he growled. I moved to his mouth and bit his bottom lip. I giggled and left the bedroom.

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