Scott in Paris

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I was waiting at the airport for Scott to arrive and I was so excited to finally have someone in town. I knew he wouldn't be staying where I was since all the Olympians all stayed in the same spot I didn't care, I just wanted someone with me. I saw a ton of people start coming down the stairs and I saw Scott and I started jumping up and down. He saw me and rushed down to me. I ran to him and he picked me up in a hug. I wasn't sure why but I started crying.

"Hey, what's going on?" Scott asked as he broke apart and he wiped away my tears for me.

"I have been so lonely." I said and Scott sighed pulling me into another hug.

"Well I'm here now!" Scott said and I nodded.

"You want to check into your hotel and then catch some lunch? I have the whole day off of training." I said and Scott smiled.

"I would love that. Show the way." Scott said as we got in a cab and I spoke in French.

"Look at you! I didn't know you spoke French!" Scott said and I just shrugged.

"Enough to get by." I said and Scott smiled.

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Once we got back to the hotel and got Scott checked in we left to get some lunch. We decided on a bistro near his hotel and I sighed.

"How is everyone back home?" I asked.

"Mostly how are Chris and Soph?" Scott asked and I sighed with a smile.

"Well yeah..." I said and he laughed.

"Well mom had to threaten that she was going to break Chris's legs." Scott said and I looked at him confused.

"Elaborate please." I said.

"Well he was still testy that you didn't want him to come and he was threatening to just show up." Scott said and I ran my hands over my face.

"Scott..." I groaned and she shook his head.

"He's not coming. We got him talked down. I think he just misses you." Scott said and I nodded.

"I miss him, something horrible but this is what I need. If he were to come it would be a media circus and we finally just got back to normal lives. I love him to death but he needs to watch from home." I said and Scott nodded.

"And he is. Don't worry you only have one Evans brother." Scott said and I laughed.

"That's all I can handle." I said and Scott laughed. We were brought our food and I sighed as we ate. I was playing the ice skate pendant Chris had given me when I was hurt.

"Hey, you okay?" Scott asked.

"Nervous...I still cant get that one turn right and I know Kayden is here so I'm nervous about running into him." I said.

"Have you seen him since you got hurt?" Scott asked and I shook my head.

"Yeah at tryouts but it was very brief." I said and he nodded.

"Well if he comes around and bugs you, let me know." Scott said and I nodded. We finished eating lunch and then went to do some major shopping, I mean we were in Paris after all.

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I was sitting in my hotel room later that afternoon and I needed to call Chris when I knew he would be alone. I looked at the time and realized it was okay since Soph would still be at school. I decided to facetime him so I could see his face.

"Hey!" Chris said excited answering the phone.

"What is this is hear about your mother having to threaten to break your legs?" I asked and he groaned.

"I knew he wouldn't keep his mouth shut." Chris said and I just shook my head.

"Chris, I know this sucks and I know you want to be here but you cant be." I said.

"I know and I'm over it now. Soph and I have been having an awesome time without you." Chris said and I smiled.

"Oh yeah? Keg parties and everything?" I asked.

"That's tonight." Chris said and we both laughed.

"In a seriousness, is she giving you any grief?" I asked and Chris shook his head.

"Actually I should probably tell you, she called me dad the other night. When she got in bed with me. She said, 'I love you dad.' I didn't know what prompted it but I just wanted to tell you." Chris said and I could tell he loved that she did.

"You okay with it? I mean I can talk to her about it. We aren't even talking marriage yet so it's soon." I said and Chris shook his head.

"Lore, it's fine. I mean I don't think she realized she did it. I have been Chris since. It's okay." Chris said and I nodded.

"I you want to take the role of her dad...eventually?" I asked. I wasn't sure why I was asking this question. It just spilled out.

"I want nothing more than to be her dad, you husband and dad to maybe a couple kids of our own." Chris said and I smiled and looked down from the camara. "Are you blushing?" Chris asked with a smirk.

"Hush." I said and he smiled.

I laid on the bed and sighed.

"You okay?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"Yeah just tired. You would be amazed how used I got to sleeping with you." I said and Chris nodded.

"Same here. Why didn't you take some something with you that smelled like me?" Chris asked and I smiled.

"What makes you think I didn't?" I asked and Chris looked at me.

"I knew I was missing 3 shirts and a small bottle of my cologne!" Chris said and I laughed.

"I'm sorry! I needed it!" I said and he shook his head.

"It's all for a good cause." Chris said and I nodded.

"It is." I said. "Oh I need to show you the view from my balcony." I said and Chris smiled. I got up and walked outside. I went out on my balcony and turned the camera view and Chris saw the view of Paris and the Eiffel tower.

"That's beautiful Lore." Chris said.

"City of love without my lover." I said turning the camera back to me. I winked at him.

"We will go back together, I promise." Chris said and I smiled.

"Holding you to it." I said and he nodded. I looked at the time and knew a dinner to get ready for with all the skaters. "Hey, I have to go. I have dinner to get ready for. Can I call you tomorrow?" I asked and he nodded.

"Of course you can babe." Chris said and I smiled. I blew him a kiss and he did the same.

"I love you." I said.

"Love you more." Chris said and we hung up. I just stood there watching as we disconnected. I knew right then, this man was going to be my future and I wanted to marry him.

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