Don't Stop Believin'

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The day was here! Try outs day! I laid in bed wide away for 2 hours before Chris even woke up, he rolled over and looked at me wide awake.

"Baby, did you sleep at all?" Chris asked. I sighed.

"I got a few hours. Chris, I'm nuts...I'm the dinosaur doing this. I looked at the try out roster last night. I'm the oldest one..." I said and Chris side and pulled me into his side and held on to me.

"Hey, you are not a dinosaur, you're amazing. You need to just think about your routine and that how you will react when you get that call back that you made the Olympics. Then I have to think about where I'm going to be staying since you have to stay in Olympic village when we go." Chris said and I groaned.

"Okay we need to not jinx me but if I made it, we need to talk..." I said and Chris sighed.

"You don't want me to go..." Chris said, and I looked up at him.

"Chris, I love you and I would love you there, but I think you would make me too nervous. It's almost an entire month somewhere else and someone needs to be home with Soph. I can't leave her with your family for a month." I said and Chris sighed but nodded.

"We will talk about it when we get there okay?" Chris asked and I nodded. Our alarm went off in the room and before we could even think about getting out of bed there was an insane amount of knocking on the bedroom door.

"ITS TRY OUT DAY! LET'S GO!" Scott yelled and I sighed. I cuddled into Chris's side more.

"5 minutes of cuddles." I said and Chris smiles holding me tighter.

"I will never say no to that." Chris said and I smiled.

⛸ ⛸ ⛸

We arrived at the rink, and I went to separate from Chris and Scott, but Chris took my hand and stopped me.

"You got this, you know you are better than anyone here and you are going to be amazing." Chris said and I sighed as he leaned in and gave me a small kiss. I then looked at Scott and he pulled me into a hug.

"You are a skating rockstar, you're going to make, I know it. Just do your routine like you have a million times." Scott said and I nodded.

"Yeah, okay. You're making me more nervous. I love you both." I said and walked away from them and headed to the back of the rink. I signed in and the found Pat my couch and she sighed.

"You okay?" She asked me and I sighed.

"I don't know, can I get back to you on that?" I asked and she sighed with a small laugh. I heard my cellphone start going off in my pocket and I sighed. Pat smiled and walked away giving me a minute and I saw a facetime with Sophia.

"Hey baby girl!" I said and she smiled. I then saw Lisa and Carly as well. "Hey everyone!" I said smiling.

"I wanted to call you and tell you good luck Aunt Lo and I love you!" She said and I felt my eyes fill with tears.

"Thank you, Soph." I said with a smile and blew her a kiss.

"You got this! You're the best!" She said and I smiled.

"Thanks kiddo. You being good?" I asked and she nodded, and I looked at Lisa and she nodded as well.

"Well, we should be home in a few days. I have to stay here until they tell me whether I made it or not." I said and she nodded.

"I know Aunt Lo." She said rolling her eyes. I smiled.

"I need to go sweetie. I will call you later." I said and she nodded. We blew kisses and I hung up.

This was the part I hated was leaving her. I took a deep breath and looked back at Pat and sighed.

"Alright time to get serious." I said and she nodded.

⛸ ⛸ ⛸

I was sitting backstage looked at my skates in my hand and sighed. I felt someone come and stand in front of me. I looked up and saw Kayden.

"You were told to stay away." I said.

"I just want to make sure you're okay." Kayden said.

"You mean after you got jealous and dropped me on purpose? Yeah, I'm fine." I said. Kayden didn't say anything but walked away. I groaned. I got thinking and I needed to change, I needed to change something about my routine. It was too stale, something I felt like I had done a million times. I got up and rushed to Pat.

"I need to change something, and I know you will hate me." I said and she groaned.

"What are you thinking?" Pat asked and I just smiled at her.

"Something insane." I said.

⛸ ⛸ ⛸


I was sitting in the stands watching skater after skater, noticing how good they were. I had seen Lore talking to her couch and then they both disappeared.

"What do you think that was about?" Scott asked noticing.

"I have no clue. This is new to me. You have been here with her right?" I asked and Scott nodded.

"Kind of yeah." Scott said and I groaned.

"I can't take the nerves Scott." I said and started bouncing my leg.

"Hey, she has this in the bag. She is going to be amazing." Scott said.

"And now coming to the ice, Lorelai Channels." The announcer said and I watched her skate out and get a feel for the ice.

"You got this babe." I whispered to myself. Scott called Soph and put her on facetime.

"You want to see your aunt?" Scott asked and she nodded. Scott turned the camera so she could see the ice.

When the music started playing I looked at Scott in shock and he looked at me.

"Uncle Scott...that's not her song." Soph said but we all saw Lore start skating.

"Fucking hell, she's winging it." Scott mumbled.

"What?! Why?!" I asked in shock.

"I don't know...but she always told me Don't Stop Believing would be the song when she just wanted to wing a routine. None of this planned." Scott explained as we watched her skate. She was doing amazing. Scott then gasped when Lore started getting up speed.

"What?" I asked.

"She is going to try a triple axel...triple axels can't be done." Scott said.

"Uncle Scott!" Sophia said scared as we watched Lore go into a triple axel and stick the landing. We all cheered so loudly. Once the song was over Lore posed and we all started cheering and clapping for her. She blew us all a kiss and skated off the ice.


Once I skated off the ice and rushed to Pat and hugged her.

"You did it! You did amazing!" Pat said and I smiled. I saw Kayden standing over her shoulder and he just shook his head and walked away. He was the reason I winged this routine, I didn't need any form of him in my routine. After I got changed, I met Chris and Scott outside in the lobby area of the rink. I ran up and jumped into Chris's arms and he held on to me.

"What the hell Lore?!" Scott asked and I smiled.

"I needed something new, I couldn't do the same routine." I said.

"So, you wing it at try outs?!" Chris asked.

"Go big or go home..." I said and then panicked. "Oh god, what have a done..." I said. Chris pulled me into a hug that Scott joined in on.

"It's fine Lore, it's all fine. Let's go home." Chris said and kissed the top of my head, and we headed back to the house.

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