Sparks Fly

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It was Wednesday and I had finished up skate class, so Sophia and I were just skating on the ice since we were waiting for Chris to arrive. I was chasing her, and we were laughing and having a good time.

"You want to do a lift?" I asked and she nodded. I rushed up to her and picked her by her waist and spun her above my head and she giggled the entire time. I put her down and we heard someone start to slow clapping as they walked down the steps to the rink.

"That was impressive, can you lift me like that?" Chris asked and I laughed skating over to him.

"Put on some skates and let me try." I said and Chris looked at me in shock.

"What?!" Chris asked and we laughed.

"I got you some skates, I got your shoe size from Lisa, and I got you some skates. Put them on and join us on the ice." I said and he smiled.

"Lo, I haven't been on skates in about 5 years." Chris said and I shrugged.

"So, put them on. I will help you and hold your hands." I said and he smiled.

"And not let go." Chris asked.

"Not until you're ready." I said and he smiled.

"I'll put them on once you show me a routine." Chris said and I laughed.

"I love how you think I have tons in my arsenal." I said and he nodded.

"You know you do." Chris said and I nodded with a smile. I hooked my phone up to the Bluetooth speakers and started playing a song and once I did Sophia cheered.

Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift started playing. I started skating one of my fastest routine to this song. I hadn't done it recently since it wasn't something I thought I wanted to do. I started to really listen to the song as I skated and smiled thinking it was a perfect song for Chris and me at this moment.

Once I was done Chris and Sophia were clapping and I took a center of the ice bow and then Sophia came back out on the ice as random music just started playing.

"You pick the song just for me?" Chris asked as I skated up to him and I shrugged.

"Wasn't my intention but it worked." I said and Chris smiled. I saw him lacing the skates and I smiled. Once he was all laced up, we got him to the ice, and I took both his hands and skated in front of him. He was clearly unsteady, and it was like watching a baby deer take its first steps.

"You got this..." I said as I skated backwards holding his hands and he smiled at me.

"You getting nervous?" Chris asked and I shrugged.

"I mean yes and no. I'm putting too much pressure on myself, I know that." I said and Chris sighed.

"Anything I can do to help?" Chris asked.

"Rig it so I win gold?" I asked and he laughed.

"Would it be the end of the world to you if you didn't?" Chris asked.

"No, gold has never meant life or death to me, but it would be nice to have. Silver and Bronze that I have are nice, but I would like a gold to round it out." I said. I knew Chris was just trying to keep his mind off the fact he was on skates and just talking to me. He still wasn't amazing, but he was getting better after a couple of laps.

"Aunt Lo, I'm getting hungry!" Sophia whined and I nodded.

"We should probably go. You want to go anywhere special?" Chris asked.

"Someplace a kid will eat." I said and he smiled as we headed off the ice and I got Sophia's skates off first.

"Sophia...I have a crazy question for you." Chris said.


"Do you like pizza?" Chris asked and she started nodding vigorously and I laughed.

"Uh oh, you just said the magic word." I said and Chris smiled. We finished getting ready and we all headed out to the parking lot.

"How about we drop your car at your place then we take mine to dinner?" Chris said and I nodded.

"Sounds like a plan." I said and Chris smiled. We split up and I got Sophia in the car and we headed to the house.

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We finally got to the pizza place, and I saw there was an arcade attached to the pizza shop and Sophia got so excited so once we ordered we all walked into the arcade. I watched Chris and Sophia play a couple games together and then Chris looked at me and I smiled.

"And what's your game of choice?" Chris asked and I smiled.

"Skeeball." I said and Chris took my hand, and I smiled as we walked over to the skeeball and Chris paid some coins and I was getting ready to play but then he took the lane beside me.

"Are we competing Mr. Evans?" I asked and he nodded.

"You're going down." Chris said and I laughed.

"You should let the girl you are trying to impress win you know." I said and she shook his head.

"All is fair in love and war." Chris said and I smiled as we started playing. Once we were done I realized I beat Chris and I smiled. I jumped in his arms wrapping my arms around his neck and he rested his hand on my hips.

"Congratulations." Chris said and I smiled. We stood like that for a minute and then he looked to see our pizza was being delivered and I released me, so I released him. We walked to the table and sat down to eat.

"Aunt Lo, is Kayden going to skate with you?" Sophia asked and I groaned.

"I don't know, he wants to, but I don't know yet." I said and I looked at Chris. "Kayden was a skating partner I had in the last Olympics. We got silver as a team." I said feeling the need to quickly explained.

"I think you should. If you think it will be helpful." Chris said and I shrugged.

"I'll think about it. I know Scott isn't crazy about it." I said and Chris huffed a laugh. I then thought about something.

"When do we tell him about this?" I asked and Chris sighed.

"We will figure it out." Chris said and I smiled with a nod.

We ate the pizza and talked for a while, even Chris and Sophia were getting along so well. I smiled watching them. My fear was always finding someone who wouldn't accept that I had Sophia, yet here I was with these 2 acting crazy, having the best time.

We left the pizza shop and Chris took us home. He walked Sophia and I to the door and I unlocked it so Sophia could go inside.

"I had a great time Soph." Chris said.

"Me to Chrissy!" She said and I looked at both of them.

"Soph and Chrissy?" I asked and they both nodded. They hugged and Sophia went running in the house.

"Usually, I hate being called Chrissy but something about when that little girl says it, it's all okay." Chris said and I laughed. He took a hold of my hands and easily pulled me closer to him.

"Can we do this again...without Sophia. I'm sure someone can watch her in my family." Chris said and I nodded.

"I would love that. Give me a time and place." I said and Chris smiled. He started to lean in and then stopped.

"Lo..." Chris said seeming to ask for permission and I nodded. He leaned down and his lips connected to mine. It was soft and gentle at first. He released my hands and placed his hands then gently on my hips and pulled me flush against him, me resting my hands on his chest slightly gripping his shirt holding him to me. His tongue skimmed my lips seeking entrance and I allowed it. Our tongues danced together, and I moaned in the kiss. Soon Chris was removing himself from me and I gave a small sigh when he did.

"Good night, Lorelai." Chris said.

"Good night." I said and walked into the house. Once I closed the door, I fell against it.

"Holy fuck that man can kiss." I said in a whisper to myself.

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