Carry You Forever

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I was laying in the hospital bed looking at my wrist in a brace and my knee wrapped up. I just shook my head pissed off. I sent the doctor out to let Chris know what was going on because if I knew him and Scott, they were both freaking out by now...Soph...oh god Soph...she saw this happen to me. I promised her I would never get severely hurt; she needed me. As I sat there worrying, I saw the curtain open where I was laying, and Chris came walking. He rushed over to me and passionately kissed me.

"Hey you." Chris said and I gave a small smile.

"Doctor talk to you?" I asked and Chris nodded.

"Talked to all of us out there. Said you had a severely bruised knee and twisted wrist." Chris said and I nodded.

"Yeah, told me he didn't think I would be ready to skate by tryouts." I said and Chris sighed.

"Lore..." Chris said and I shook my head.

"I will be skating Chris, nothing will stop me." I said and Chris sighed sitting on the end of the bed and held my hand that wasn't hurt.

"Lore, you just need to get yourself better." Chris said and I groaned.

"Damnit Chris! This is all I have left! This is the last year just know I will be trying out." I said. Chris just sighed but didn't argue.

"Okay, listen can we just work on getting you better and see how it goes?" Chris asked and I sighed but nodded. I knew it was the only way he was going to let it go. He sighed.

"Kayden stopped by..." Chris spoke up and I sighed.

"Please tell me you sent him home?" I asked and Chris nodded.

"Lore, did he drop you on purpose?" Chris asked and I sighed.

"I don't know...I mean he was always so sure when he lifted me before and every time we did the lifts today, he was sure. There was something different about this time..." I said and Chris sighed. Chris saw my eyes fill with tears.

"Hey...come on I told him to stay away and not to come back around. Lore, I want you don't with him." Chris said and I nodded.

"Trust me I'm done." I said and he gave a small smile.

We were silent for a few minutes, and I gasped.

"Where is Soph?" I asked almost forgetting about her.

"She is in the waiting room being spoiled." Chris said and I smiled.

"By who?" I asked.

"Well...we got some visitors today and one is Scarlett Johansson." Chris said and I looked at him shocked.

"What?!" I asked and he gave a small laugh.

"Yeah, I told them all about you a few days ago and they wanted to come and meet you. Well, Soph said Black Widow was her favorite character." Chris said and I nodded.

"Yep, she loves Nat." I said and Chris feigned being hurt.

"Her favorite wasn't Cap, I'm hurt." Chris said and I laughed.

"Get over yourself..." I said and we laughed.

"Who was your favorite?" Chris asked and I laughed.

"You really want to know?" I asked and Chris sighed hanging his head with a laugh.

"Yes..." He said.

"Cap...he always had been. Even when I read the comics as a kid." I said and Chris smiled.

"You read the comics?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"I had an older brother of course I did." I said and Chris smiled. He leaned down and gave me a small kiss.

"Chris, when can I get out of here? I want to go home." I said and Chris sighed.

"I haven't heard but you won't be going home." Chris said and I looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Lore, you can't do much by yourself, walking will be hard, driving isn't happening and taking care of Soph is a job within itself." Chris said and I groaned.

"So, what are you suggesting?" I asked.

"Well Carly and Ma just left, and they are going by your house to pack you and Soph and you two are moving in with me for the time being." Chris said and I sighed shaking my head.

"Chris, I will be fine at my house." I said and he shook his head.

"No Lore, you are staying with me. It's not like you haven't been any way." Chris said and I just smirked at him.

"Are you really sure you want to be my full-time care giver? Taking care and doing for me and for Soph? You want to take on this task?" I asked Chris nodded.

"I love you both Lore. I want to do this. Can you just let me?" Chris asked and I sighed, and I nodded.

"Fine." I said and Chris nodded. I then winced in pain.

"You okay?" Chris asked.

"My knee is killing me." I said and Chris sighed.

"Let me go get the doctor." Chris said and walked out of the little bay I was in. While Chris was gone 2 more people came in and I smiled seeing Scott carrying Soph.

"There is my girl." I said and I opened my arms up to take her, but she shrunk into Scott. "Hey, I'm okay. I have a bum knee and bad wrist, but I could really use some Soph cuddles." I said and she smiled as Scott put her down and she got in bed with me easily. I held her as we laid there, Chris came walking in with the doctor and I looked at him.

"I hear you want to get out of here." He said with a small smile, and I nodded.

"You heard correctly." I said and he chuckled.

"Well, I will get your paperwork taken care of as well as the pain medication I have for you. You have somewhere you can go?" He asked and I nodded looking at Chris.

"I'm going to his place." I said and Scott snapped his head and looked at Chris.

"Okay good because I want you off that knee as much as possible. Crutches if you have to be up." He said and I groaned.

"Fine." I said and he just shook his head, looking at Chris.

"Don't let her on that knee." He said and Chris nodded.

"I'll carry her around if I have to." Chris said and I shook my head as we all laughed.

"Okay well let me go get everything ready." The doctor said and left.

"Carry me around huh?" I asked and Chris walked over to me hovering his face over mine.

"I will carry you the rest of your life if nodded." Chris said and gave me a small kiss.

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