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It had been a few weeks and I was chomping at the bit knowing I was losing too much time being hurt and I was finally at my final doctors appointment which would give me the final say on skating or no skating. I was sitting on the exam table and Scott was sitting in the chair in the room.

"So why is Chris not here again?" Scott asked and I sighed.

"He had to go have a meeting with Mark for ASP stuff. I thought you would want to come with me." I said and Scott smiled at me.

"You just don't want Chris to see your angry side if the news is bad." Scott said and I groaned.

"Well, no matter what, if the news is bad, everyone will be seeing my wrath and then someone will have to bail me out of jail because I will be murdering Kayden." I said and Scott sighed.

"I still think you should, no matter what the outcome is." Scott said and I half nodded.

"He called me the other day..." I said and Scott snapped his head up to look at me and sighed.

"Chris told him to stay away." Scott said.

"I know he mentioned that on the voicemail, but he was checking on me and seeing how I was. I deleted the voicemail and didn't call him back." I said and Scott smiled.

"Good." Scott said.

There was a knock on the door and then the doctor walked in and looked at me. I couldn't read his expression.

"So final appointment..." He said and I nodded.

"A life changing appointment." I said. He sighed and sat next to me.

"Lorelai, I need you to understand no matter what I tell you, you still need to take it easy. You don't want to aggravate it more." The doctor said and I groaned.

"And I promise to cut back on training, but I have try outs coming and those are everything to me." I said and he nodded.

"I know, I know." He said and then looked at Scott.

"Can you try and keep her under control if I release her?" The doctor said and I glared at Scott.

"I will do what I can...no promises." He said and I smiled at the doctor.

"Does this mean...?!" I asked excitedly.

"I'm releasing you." He said and I smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you!" I said and jumped off the exam table ignoring the tiny pain.

"Just please ice it still after practice and if it hurts, take the day off." He said and I nodded.

"I will I promise!" I said and Scott sighed to himself knowing I wasn't listening to the doctor. I grabbed Scott's hand, and we left after getting all my paperwork that he signed off for me to tryout.

Once we got to the car, I looked at Scott.

"You know where I want to go..." I said and Scott nodded.

"Seriously?" Scott asked and I nodded.

"Yes, I haven't been in the rink since this happened. I need to go." I said and Scott sighed.

"Fine but only an hour or so." Scott said and I rolled my eyes.

"Sure..." I said. Scott just grumbled and drove to the rink.

⛸ ⛸ ⛸

We had been at the rink for about 3 hours and Scott was annoyed as he watched me skate. He could tell I was in pain, but I had ear buds in and was ignoring him.


I was worried how hard she was working herself, but she was ignoring me, and I didn't know what to do, I needed reinforcements.

"How long?" Chris asked approaching me and sitting beside me.

"Three and a half hours." I said and Chris sighed and started taking his shoes off.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. I saw his skates.

"She won't come off the ice, I go out and get her." Chris said and I chuckled.

"She is going to hate this." I said and Chris shrugged.

"I don't care. Can you go get Soph from school?" Chris asked me and I nodded getting up.

"Yeah, have fun." I said sarcastically and walked out.


I was skating around the rink and getting a feel for it again. I saw someone else get on the ice and I sighed taking out my earbuds.

"Scott called in the big guns I see." I said and Chris skated up to me.

"He did, you need to stop for the day." Chris said and I huffed a laugh.

"Are you my boss now?" I asked.

"I'm you concerned boyfriend Lore, I don't need you hurting yourself more just because you have something to prove." Chris said and I stopped skating and looked at him.

"Something to prove?! What do I have to prove?" I asked.

"That you can skate Lore! We know you can! You know you can! If you didn't practice from here until try outs you would still be perfect. Can I be honest with you?" Chris asked.

"What?" I asked.

"I liked you being hurt! I liked you being held up in bed and not able to skate! As we get closer to the try outs, its consuming you!" Chris said.

"Sorry if I haven't spent much time with you Chris..." I started to say.

"It's not just me Lore! Did you even know Soph made it into the spelling bee at school?! Did you even know she has a choir performance tonight at the school?!" Chris asked and I looked down at the ice.

"Chris this is my future!" I said upset.

"What about me?! Am I your future?!" Chris asked. I just looked at him in shock.

"Chris please..." I begged just wanting to stop fighting. He just shook his head and skated off the ice. I followed him to the edge of the ice. "Chris..." I said and he just shook his head and quickly changed into his shoes and then looked at me.

"The school at 6. That's performance time." Chris said and walked out. I just sighed and looked down at the ice as he left.

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