The Frustration is Real

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It had been a few weeks since mine and Chris's first date, we had plenty of dates in that time. He had stayed a couple of nights afterwards, mostly when Sophia used her big puppy dog eyes on him asking him to stay so he would be there the next morning to usually take her to school. We hadn't done anything but making out and those session were getting hotter and heavier; we didn't know how much longer we were going to last.

We didn't want the first time we had sex to be with Sophia in the house. Anytime we had been ready no one was willing or able to take her. Scott had been in LA for a few weeks for auditions, Carly's kids were passing around a cold and Lisa was away visiting her brother.

I was at the ice rink one day as Sophia was in school. I was frustrated I was over waiting, and I was about to tell Chris to forget our no Sophia in the house rule and just go for it. As I was skating around to random music it got turned off. I looked about to kill someone, and I saw Chris standing there. I skated over to him and leaned on the half wall.

"Hey. You were going a little too hard being here alone don't you think?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, well I'm a little frustrated." I said digging the toe of my skate into the ice causing a hole. Chris grabbed my hand and pulled me right against the wall and passionately kissed me and I moaned.

"Chris..." I said and he butterfly kissed down my neck then up to my ear.

"Mom is in town and is picking Sophia up from school and keeping her overnight." He whispered in my ear. My head snapped back, and I looked at Chris.

"Really?" I asked and he nodded. "So, we are alone all night?" I asked and Chris nodded again.

"So, you ready to work out that frustration another way...I know I am." Chris said, and I nodded.

"Let me get my shoes on." I said coming off the ice and quickly taking off my skates and getting my tennis shoes on. Chris seemed very impatient while waiting and I knew I was too. It was time, we both knew it was time and we had to hold off too long feeling this way. Once I was all changed and packed up Chris pulled me up by my hand from where I was sitting, and I was flush against him. He just looked into my eyes.

"My house or yours." Chris asked and I smiled.

"Which is closer?" I asked.

"The motel on the corner." Chris said and we both laughed. "My house." Chris then answered.

"What are you waiting for then Evans? Let's go." I said and he growled kissing me and then we rushed out of the area. I got in my car, and he was in his. I think we both broke every speeding law just to get to his house. Once we got to his house, we barely made it in the front door and Chris pinned me against the door once it was closed. I shrugged off the shrug I was wearing over my leotard. Chris groaned when he ran his hands down my side and the leotard was skintight and he could feel everything. I grabbed his shirt and pulled it off over his head quickly and I moaned seeing him again. Wasn't the first time I had but I loved it every time. Chris picked me up once I wrapped my arms around his neck, when he lifted me, legs went around his waist. Chris practically sprinted to his room, and I laughed when he kicked the door shut with his foot and then tossed me on the bed and I giggled.

"Okay Lore, you have a choice either you shimmy out of the leotard and skirt you have on, or I tear it off of you." Chris said and I sat up.

"Rip it Evans." I said and he looked at me with a dark look in his eyes and he growled at me. He made me stand as he placed 2 hands on the back seam and ripped it down and I was in shock that he was able to. It fell to the floor, and I smiled at him as I started to undo his belt and jeans. He moaned and I reached my hand inside his boxers before sliding them down and started stroking him.

"Tease..." Chris growled as I dropped to my knees in front of him, yanked his boxers down and quickly interested his rock-hard member into my mouth tasting the precum that was dripping from him and moaned. Chris placed a hand on the back of my head setting the pace he wanted, and I moaned as I took him to the back of my throat. I heard Chris suck in a breath through his teeth and I then swallowed. He gripped my hair hard and yanked me back. I stayed on my knees in front of him and he ran his thumb over my lips. "Again..." Chris said, and I nodded. I slowly moved down on him and took him to the back of my throat again. I just stayed there for a minute as I felt my own legs clenching and rubbing together to relieve the tension. I then swallowed on Chris, and he groaned. He pulled me off of him again, grabbed my arms and stood me up. I smiled at him as I felt him trail a hand down my side, to my abdomen and between my legs.

"So wet and so ready." Chris said running a finger up and down my slit and I moaned leaning my forehead on his chest. I felt him stick 2 fingers inside me as he started pumping them, rubbing the heel of his hand over my clit.

"Fuck, Chris..." I said and he smiled even though I wasn't looking at him my head was digging into his chest. I felt myself tightening around his fingers and he growled feeling it too. I looked up at him and he leaned down passionately kissing me as I cried out releasing in the kiss. Chris brought his fingers up as we broke apart. He looked me dead in the eye as he licked the fingers clean, eliciting a moan from me.

"Lay on the bed Lore." Chris said and I saw down crawling back on his bed as he hovered over top of me. Chris then looked at me as I wrapped my legs around his waist, but I know what his eyes are asking.

"Chris, I have the implant, I can't get pregnant while training." I said and he nodded.

"Eventually though, right?" Chris asked and I giggled but nodded.

"Yes, after the Olympics I can have it removed." I said and he smiled. He leaned down and passionately kissed me as he thrust into me causing me to arch my back.

"God you are so tight, you are gripping me perfectly." Chris said and I smiled at him as he continued to thrust.

No more words were spoken, the only noises that filled the room were grunts, moans, and the sounds our bodies were making together where we connected as one. I arched my back again and Chris placed his hands behind my back pulling me up to him, meshing our bodies together, our faces millimeters apart and our breath mingling. I bore down harder on Chris, and he groaned as he kissed my neck. I moved back and forth on him as he held me by my lower back. Soon I felt him tensing inside of me and I knew he was ready, and I was right there with him. Chris brought his face back and leaned his forehead against mine.

"Together Lo, we go together, connect as one." Chris said and I nodded. I felt Chris start twitching inside of me and I started to release as well coating him down his shaft as he coated my walls. As Chris laid me down gently my entire body was trembling from the hard release Chris grabbed the covers and covered us up in bed. He pulled me to him; I rested my forehead on his chest as we laid front to front. I breath in his scent of his cologne and body musk. He was hold me tightly as the trembling was subsiding, I looked up at Chris.

"Worth the wait?" I asked and he chuckled.

"You act like I'm done with you. We are getting a small break, finding our strength again then you're mine again Lore." Chris said and I laughed.

"Looking forward to it." I said as he passionately kissed me.

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