The One

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Lore and Soph had stayed the night last night since, like they tended to do a few nights a week. Lore just liked having someone to come to when training had been hard on her that day and since Kayden had been in town, she has been staying a lot more. I was trying to not be insecure about him being around, but she assured me she had no feelings for him, and everything was strictly work related with them.

I laid here watching Lore sleep, she looked so peaceful and so relaxed. Different from the furrowed brow she has been having during the day while training. I just wanted to find a way to take away the stress. I smiled wickedly to myself knowing exactly what I could do to relax her.

I leaned in and passionately kissed her, and she moaned in her sleep as I did. I smiled as I trailed my hand from her hip down to her front into her shorts. My fingers teased her slit running them up and down as she started grinding herself on my hand

"Chris..." Lore purred out my name I smiled as she fluttered her eyes open.

"I want you to relax Lore. I'm here to help." I said and she smiled at me. I rolled her to her back, and I hovered over her leaving my fingers teasing her slit. As she got comfortable, I slowly slide 2 fingers inside of her swirling them gently while my thumb played with her clit. Her back arched off the bed towards me and I captured her lips in mine.

"Chris...please..." Lore begged reaching down to me, stroking me through my sweatpants and I groaned.

She didn't have to beg more than once, I was happy to comply with whatever this woman wanted. I loved her and I wanted to show her just how much. I quickly worked myself from my sweatpants and rolled on top of Lore under the covers, since Soph was here we tried to stay covered up in case she decided to bust in. I removed Lore's shorts and she smiled at my hard member against her thigh. She planted her feet on the bed and spread her legs even wider for me. She just gave me a small nod and I knew she was ready. I lined myself up and quickly thrust into her to the hilt. She gasped and came up off the bed and I smiled.

" it again..." Lore moaned out as I removed myself fully and didn't it again. I saw Lore biting her lip trying to be quiet and I smiled down at her as I started pumping into her hard and fast.

"Slow Chris, please...." She whined and I again whatever she wanted she got. I slowed up my thrust and she nodded moaning out loving the feeling of me inside of her. It knew it sounded cheesy to say but when I was with Lore like this, we knew we were meant to be together. We fit, we connected, we were as one. I never felt this way with anyone else, so I didn't care what anyone had to say, she was all I needed.

I felt her clenching around me and pulling me in tight and I groaned. No words needed to be spoken, I knew she was ready, I was too. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head, and I smiled leaning down and passionately kissing her as I felt her release all around me. I gripped her around her back and flipped so she was on top, and she smiled.

"Ride me baby, take me all the way." I said and she smiled as she bore down on me causing me to growl. She started moving back and forth on me as I held her hips and helped guide her. I felt myself tighten up and swell inside her. She could feel it and I smiled as she threw her head back riding out her second orgasm and I released all inside her and she released again. Once we were both released, she collapsed on top of me, and I kissed the top of her head and she sighed.

"Can we wake up like that every morning?" Lore asked and I laughed.

"As long as we are together in bed together you won't find me complaining." I said and she smiled. She turned her head and groaned looking at the clock then looked at me.

"Can you take Soph to school, I have to meet Kayden." Lore said and I nodded.

"I don't like you are seeing him alone today, Lore." I said.

"Chris, you have nothing to worry about with Kayden. It is work nothing more and I love you. I'm with you." Lore said and I nodded. I leaned in giving her another kiss as she rolled of me, and we both started getting ready for the day.

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After Lore left for the rink and Soph was at school I signed into my computer and waited in the chat for everyone to show up. I smiled seeing faces come on the screen. Scarlett, Robert Downey Jr. (RDJ), Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan all arrived.

"Hey guys! It's been too long!" I said and they all nodded.

"We all have lives, unfortunately. Not all of us are single without kids." RDJ said and I laughed and sighed.

"Yeah well...things could be changing." I said.

"Something you want to share with the class Christopher?" Scarlett asked and I smiled.

"I met someone. She had custody of her niece but I'm in love guys." I said.

"Aww look at Evans, growing up!" Anthony said and we all laughed.

"How did you meet?" Sebastian asked.

"She was a friend of Scott's, but she moved from LA to Boston recently. She is a pro Olympic skater. Lorelai Channels." I said and Scarlett gasped.

"Really?! I love her!" Scarlett said.

"Oh yeah I have seen her, she is amazing." Sebastian said and I smiled.

"She is amazing in more than ice skating. Guys, I'm in love. This could be it, my search could be over." I said. Everyone sat in stunned silence.

"Are you serious?" RDJ asked and I nodded.

"I am. This is it, I'm done looking. I have found the woman I am meant to be with. It won't get any better than her." Chris said and everyone smiled.

"Well, you know we have to meet her right?" Scarlett said.

"It will have to be after Olympic tryouts. She is going to travel right now." I said and everyone just nodded.

"Whenever, just maybe before the wedding huh?" RDJ said and we all laughed.

I knew what I just said Lore was the one I wanted in my life for the rest of my life and believed she felt the same. I was hoping she felt the same. This was life now, my life with her and Sophia. It will be perfect.  

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