Been Warned

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I woke up the next morning in the spare room at Scott's house. I was changed into my shorts and tank top. I didn't really remember making it home and I didn't really remember changing but I figured since I was at Scott's and changed it happened somehow. I walked out of the room and headed to the kitchen.

"Morning." Steve said when I walked in the kitchen.

"Coffee." I said and Scott laughed.

"She will tell you good morning once she had coffee." Scott said and handed me a cup and I took a sip. Once I let the hot coffee hit my throat, I moaned and then sighed.

"Good morning." I said. Steve laughed and shook his head. Scott then tossed me Tylenol.

"Why did we drink so much?" I asked taking some pills to help curb the splitting headache.

"Because we obviously think we're in our 20's again." Scott said and I just slightly shook my head.

"Do you think your mom would keep Sophia a little longer today? Let me become more human." I asked and Scott nodded.

"In fact, she texted me and wanted me to tell you that she is planning on taking the kids out today to the indoor trampoline park and you can pick her up from there." Scott said and I nodded.

"Perfect. I haven't had that much to drink since..." I trailed off and stopped.

"Lo?" Steve asked and I sighed.

"I haven't really drank except for socially since the car accident. It was a drunk driver who killed Sophia's parents." I said and Scott sighed. He walked over to where I was and wrapped me in his arms and I smiled at the comfort.

"I didn't even think Lo..." Scott said, and I shook my head as I got out of his hold.

"It's okay, I mean I didn't even think about it, and we were safe. We got the uber home and everything so as long as we were safe." I said and Scott nodded.

"How about some breakfast?" Steve asked and I smiled.

"Hangover breakfast?" I asked Scott and he nodded.

"Which is?" Steve asked.

"Pancakes!" Scott and I said together causing us all to laugh.

⛸ ⛸ ⛸

After breakfast and taking a shower at Scott's I felt so much better, and I was sitting on the bed drying my hair when I got a text from Lisa.

LISA: We are at the trampoline park, will be for a few hours.

I smiled since Lisa sent me a small video of Sophia doing tricks with Stella on a trampoline and then I saw someone else standing off to the side next to the kids.

"Of course, he is there." I said and sighed. I finished getting dressed and headed out of the bedroom and put my bag by the door.

"You getting ready to leave?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, I miss Sophia and I'm going to be away from her for a week soon when it's time for tryouts so I'm trying to spend as much time with her as I can." I said and Scott smiled.

"Who will be watching Sophia while you're gone?" Scott asked and I shrugged.

"I can't ask your mom to do it for a week..." I trailed off and Scott sighed.

"She wouldn't mind Lo, just talk to her today. I mean I could even take her for a couple of days to give mom a break." Scott said and I looked at the floor.

"Oh..." I trailed off.

"What?" Scott asked.

"I was going to ask if you wanted to come with me as emotional support." I said and he smiled.

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